
It's called make friends. Ffs. If you buy from a street dealer you get what you get. I wholeheartedly Disagree with your assertion that most people don't have connections. They make them. You have to be desperate to ask random people on the street to find weed. With in a day of being somewhere new I'll have a new connection. Lol at living in my little world. I've traveled far and wide. Smoked a lot of weed with a lot of people from incredibly diffrent backgrounds. You sound like some one who just cant make friends. Just because you can't don't lump "most" in with you. The more you type the more im sure you have autism. Trying to buy weed from a coke,crack,meth,heroin ect dealer you don't know will 9 times out of 10 end badly. I can't fix stupid but can point it out and laugh at you for it.

Well tell me Mr. Social how does one go about making friends?

I believe they all start out as strangers, no?

And if you had read the article you would now that is exactly what the guy did. And that person hooked him up with a knife.

With all the friends you have made you never picked a bad one?

You must be really lucky.

Either that or youre full of shit. Cause if you really have moved around the world you would know it isnt that easy. It takes time and work to make good friends....
Toronto police and city officials targeted a 100 percent legal medical clinic as part of Project Claudia.

Vancouver files injunctions to shut down unlicensed pot shops

The City of Vancouver has announced it's filing injunctions in B.C. Supreme Court to close 17 of 55 unlicensed marijuana dispensaries.

The city says it has specifically targeted these 17 pot shops because of their proximity to other shops, their response to enforcement action and community feedback. Chief licensing inspector Andreea Toma says the city will also be seeking injunctions for the remaining 38 stores.

"We're not going to stop, we're going to continue ... to gather information that we need and we'll continue to file injunctions as well," Toma said.

In June 2015, Vancouver city council voted to regulate and license medical marijuana retailers, making it the first city in Canada to do so. But only six per cent of those that applied were successful.

Injunctions have been submitted for the following shops:

  • The Healing Tree: 8180 Champlain Crescent.
  • Cannabis Culture / The Healing Tree: 512 Beatty Street.
  • Divine Ventures: 8640 Granville Street.
  • Weeds Glass & Gifts: 1232 Burrard Street, 1108 Richards Street, 104 – 1807 Burrard Street, 405 Skeena Street, 6657 Main Street, and 2580 Kingsway.
  • Vancity Medicinals: 1299 Kingsway
  • Imedikate: 6128 Fraser Street
  • Green Cross Society B.C.: 2145 Kingsway
  • Lotusland Cannabis Club: 3474 W. Broadway
  • Health Lifestyle Dispensary: 1092 Kingsway
  • Sea to Sky Dispensary & Lounge: 100 – 68 E. Second Avenue
  • BC Pain Society: 2908 Commercial Drive
  • Buddha's Sister – House of Cannabis: 2918 W. Fourth Avenue

Source: City of Vancouver

View a map of the 17 dispensaries with injunctions against them.

Only one licence issued
The city says 31 pot shops have complied with a recent deadline for their closure following the denial of their licence application.

Only one business has been issued a licence, the third and final stage in the approval process.

The development permit is the second stage in the licence approval process — the city says it has issued 10 development permits, and another 11 are under review.

View a map of the 21 pot shops issued a development permit or business licence.

The city says it has been fining non-compliant shops by issuing $250 tickets. So far, it has issued 224 fines.
that showed me how full of crap they are/were. to go after a Dr office with nothing to do with MMJ. i wonder who complained about that one.
i wonder if they have their families call in so they have a record of the call. there were dozens of complaints about more than that many shops. how is that possible? did people call in about more than 1?
It's sure pointing to coordinated efforts to kill any grey area dispensaries and setting the market up for LP-only weed in the medical and recreational markets. Big mistake right off the bat, BM will just continue if they don't open up the market with reasonable rules/laws. I try not to speculate but when you see all of this crap going on with dispensaries just prior to a medical system being re-instated and go back to liberal talk about heavily regulating and enforcing the new systems, it all adds up to leaving everyone but the big corporate players in a locked-up market. That's a huge mistake and will leave them open to many challenges under the constitution, hell even their own competition act!

Fuck them if that's the way it goes. I was considering signing up for whatever medical licenses open up but I think I'll continue under the radar until all of the dust settles including legalization/rec next year(?).
it all adds up to leaving everyone but the big corporate players in a locked-up market. That's a huge mistake and will leave them open to many challenges under the constitution, hell even their own competition act!
And that is why it won't happen. Right now we have a bunch of suits clamoring for a piece of the pie and 15 minutes in the spotlight. The realities of living in a free society and that pesky little constitution thingy will dictate the eventual outcome.
And that is why it won't happen. Right now we have a bunch of suits clamoring for a piece of the pie and 15 minutes in the spotlight. The realities of living in a free society and that pesky little constitution thingy will dictate the eventual outcome.
Lets hope so, at least eventually. It wouldn't be the first time $ sign driven decisions were made.
Lets hope so, at least eventually. It wouldn't be the first time $ sign driven decisions were made.
That's what the entire mmpr system was built around...$$$...and where is it now? 40,000 of us managed to kill that...we will have 50 - 60% of the population fighting for fairness with legal rec. Unfortunately I'm pretty confident there will need to be court challenges to get something that works, (politicians don't get anything right the first time) but we'll get there. Companies and governments do just fine with alcohol sales and the regulations around that, applying the same formula to cannabis is going to be what works. It's not rocket science, ffs!
That's what the entire mmpr system was built around...$$$...and where is it now? 40,000 of us managed to kill that...we will have 50 - 60% of the population fighting for fairness with legal rec. Unfortunately I'm pretty confident there will need to be court challenges to get something that works, (politicians don't get anything right the first time) but we'll get there. Companies and governments do just fine with alcohol sales and the regulations around that, applying the same formula to cannabis is going to be what works. It's not rocket science, ffs!
Will be interesting to see if Ontario follows that model (beer/liquor sales) and if they extend the distribution beyond beer stores like they're doing now with some supermarkets. I doubt it, at least with distribution outside of their own liquor stores They've had a rural program in place for several years where in remote small towns they'll license a corner store to sell. There's also allowance in the beer/liquor market for small micro breweries but I can't see them doing that, at least initially. That leaves LP's as the sole source of meds and rec weed, other than some (restricted imo) allowance for home grows. So short of home grows for personal/meds, boycotting LP's isn't going to go far if you don't grow your own or have a designated grower (another unlikely allowance in the new medical program).
Well tell me Mr. Social how does one go about making friends?

I believe they all start out as strangers, no?

And if you had read the article you would now that is exactly what the guy did. And that person hooked him up with a knife.

With all the friends you have made you never picked a bad one?

You must be really lucky.

Either that or youre full of shit. Cause if you really have moved around the world you would know it isnt that easy. It takes time and work to make good friends....
Retard what part of buying METH not WEED don't you seem to understand? The fact you lump weed sales together with meth shows you know nothing about the bm. These 2 substances are not the same and are generally not sold by the same type of people. Fuck why do I even bother explaining anything to you your dense so fucking dense is amazing. Buy your weed from a weed dealer not a meth dealer and you'll be fine. Don't do high risk street drug deals and you'll be fine. Yes I've scored weed easily virtually everywhere I've been. Sure there's a few exceptions but if there's weed I'll find it. And just to prove you wrong agian no weed doesn't impair your ability to drive retard.
Well tell me Mr. Social how does one go about making friends?

I believe they all start out as strangers, no?

And if you had read the article you would now that is exactly what the guy did. And that person hooked him up with a knife.

With all the friends you have made you never picked a bad one?

You must be really lucky.

Either that or youre full of shit. Cause if you really have moved around the world you would know it isnt that easy. It takes time and work to make good friends....
Lots of time.. friends are hard to come by.
soon there may only be LP owned or affiliated dispensaries if the government gets its way. We are definitely seeing a multiple speared attack from various levels of government to make the market place more LP friendly. It is a sign of desperation, greed, and poor judgment to say the least.

It's simply how government always operates. It helps out the minority at the expense of the majority. And usually a minority that doesn't actually need the help.
No worries Jafro.

They CAN"T ... People have their rights cut in stone! (:;-) They just dont realize it quite yet lol
The Next court case will stuff another piece of Government legislation regulation right down the drain!

There's NO STOPPING this train ride.... :)

You do realize who appoints our judges, right? It doesn't necessarily work this way. And in Canada we have no recourse through the jury because the crown can appeal decisions, which is the ultimate level of bullshittery given the Magna Carta clearly prohibited as much. But governments don't really like the Magna Carta so they basically have stopped acknowledging it and you can be held in contempt for mentioning the original purpose of juries which was to judge the law first. Jury Nullification is really the ultimate power a citizen has, but not in Canada. Our Consitution is a literal pile of garbage. Thanks prior Trudeau for that.
It's simply how government always operates. It helps out the minority at the expense of the majority. And usually a minority that doesn't actually need the help.

You do realize who appoints our judges, right? It doesn't necessarily work this way. And in Canada we have no recourse through the jury because the crown can appeal decisions, which is the ultimate level of bullshittery given the Magna Carta clearly prohibited as much. But governments don't really like the Magna Carta so they basically have stopped acknowledging it and you can be held in contempt for mentioning the original purpose of juries which was to judge the law first. Jury Nullification is really the ultimate power a citizen has, but not in Canada. Our Consitution is a literal pile of garbage. Thanks prior Trudeau for that.
that pile of garbage got us our right to grow....just sayin'
that pile of garbage got us our right to grow....just sayin'

Only temporarily for now. We'll see what the government does with the new regs. They certainly do not have to allow us to grow. Just provide reasonable access, which the court may very well rule is covered as long as the government is more proactive in financing people who can't afford to pay on some level whether it's price controls or simply offering the medicine to low income folk are a lower cost... there are many ways to skin a cat here.

The government could hypothetically reintroduce the MMPR with a few modest changes and we're back in court fighting again with either of these options. And it might be a different judge and the result could be much different too.

The real point here is that through the jury system we have recourse against all bad law, at least that's the intent of the Magna Carta. We've tossed that aside in Canada by allowing the Crown to appeal guilty verdicts. It's the most powerful peaceful recourse we have against bad law. By far. Prosecutors are only told to prosecute based on probability of conviction. This is literally the criteria they use. If people aren't willing to convict then they have a real problem, except they can appeal to a higher court without a jury. They can appeal on the grounds of an unreasonable verdict, which is exactly the grounds they would use if a jury went not guilty on a guy who obviously was, in protest of the law.

Double Jeopardy is important. We don't really have it.
We'll see what the government does with the new regs. They certainly do not have to allow us to grow
Everyone wants to see evidence of the governments intentions as proof of their coarse of action(s) Show me - they never said that - it's not what the court said they have to do, are all tossed around when something is amiss. The government is mostly lawyers and other slimy bastards and whores. These people have made a career out of "getting what they want". What they say and do are not the same thing, Their actions speak loader than their words ever will - what they don't say is what one should listen to the loudest.
Our beloved and admired leader is a poor liar - I would love to play poker with him - it would be a very profitable night. Another flaw jt has is he is a media whore. He wants his purdy little face on ever story their is. Up there smiling away with the Canadian sheep heard all giddy and wet watching him in all his majestic theatrical glory. He sure seems to be staying clear of anything to do with cannabis now when we need his strong leadership now more than ever......
I do not think he has anything to say that we want to hear. As OGE says we could be back in court again. I can see these guys trying to give access and tweed 'brown" (yes that is the name of some of their shit weed) for a few bucks a gram and saying that meets the access requirements. A couple hundred LP medical stores and access for all. Isn't that what the judge said ???? So no need for medical growing at home - they have the LPs! Back to court again and again and again.
jt and his party are no friends to medical patients or to rec users - you will see.
Everyone wants to see evidence of the governments intentions as proof of their coarse of action(s) Show me - they never said that - it's not what the court said they have to do, are all tossed around when something is amiss. The government is mostly lawyers and other slimy bastards and whores. These people have made a career out of "getting what they want". What they say and do are not the same thing, Their actions speak loader than their words ever will - what they don't say is what one should listen to the loudest.
Our beloved and admired leader is a poor liar - I would love to play poker with him - it would be a very profitable night. Another flaw jt has is he is a media whore. He wants his purdy little face on ever story their is. Up there smiling away with the Canadian sheep heard all giddy and wet watching him in all his majestic theatrical glory. He sure seems to be staying clear of anything to do with cannabis now when we need his strong leadership now more than ever......
I do not think he has anything to say that we want to hear. As OGE says we could be back in court again. I can see these guys trying to give access and tweed 'brown" (yes that is the name of some of their shit weed) for a few bucks a gram and saying that meets the access requirements. A couple hundred LP medical stores and access for all. Isn't that what the judge said ???? So no need for medical growing at home - they have the LPs! Back to court again and again and again.
jt and his party are no friends to medical patients or to rec users - you will see.

I tend to agree that there is no reason to be very optimistic at this point. But we'll see what they do in law. So far their actions haven't really been all that fantastic though. No pardons or forgiveness. No requests of the RCMP to stop enforcing where appropriate. And any words out of their mouths are something a lot less than definitive when it comes to really important subjects or very definitive when it comes to ones where they think they can easily score politically (basically not allowing cannabis users to drive legally if Blair has his way - no one who isn't a cannabis user will really care and we are still a minority).