
Every heard of someone being charged with impaired from prescription meds? I haven't. Why is that I wonder? Why is there no road side oxy testers? I know there are thousands of people driving around right now on opiates but no one seems too concerned about it?

Oxy is about a billion times more incapacitating... perfectly legal to drive under the influence of it though if you can pass a road side (and quite a few users can as they are using for pain and have stupid tolerance and I have no real issue with it). Doesn't sound like his lady friend could pass.
Dude, it's not MJ that fuels the gangs and's meth and PharmaCon drugs that cause that. I can't ever remember a single gang shooting in Canada being reported over a dime bag deal gone wrong. If you think MJ is causing all the shootings, you've fallen into Billy Blair's propoganda trap.

It's drugs being illegal in the first place that fuels gangs and shootings...
It's drugs being illegal in the first place that fuels gangs and shootings...
I agree. Its not the is the fact that they are illegal.

Portugal has decriminalized ALL drugs. And in doing so they reduced petty crime by over 40%, virtually eliminated organized crime from dealing in the drugs and BEST OF ALL reduced related infecteous disease by 80%.

Usage of all street drugs has been reduced too, which has freed up resources to put against more serious crimes.

They treat drug addiction and the effects as a health/medical problem, which is exactly what it is.
Hello, ya I could buy beer, cigs, whiskey, all at age 15 lol
thats nice but it's not an age limit deal's script or no script....
and the kid doesnt have a script and his parents dont care if he buys from them either.

Saw on TV the CC that opened this weekend(after the raids of course :) )
sells to REC age 19 and over.
Very blatant about it to.

Wath Sanders on TV at * pm answering questions from the public?
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Zukelin says, "Tweed provides a great deal of training to police forces, but the purpose is to protect our patients and ensure that police understand the legal system so if our patients are stopped, police have the training and education to understand the legal rights of patients. Full stop."

Zukelin adds that the decision to raid storefront dispensaries "have nothing to do with us."

Above from NOW
Why the FFFFFFF is Tweed training cops on the law....... oh yah and the lp have no influence on the raids neither, right
Zukelin says, "Tweed provides a great deal of training to police forces, but the purpose is to protect our patients and ensure that police understand the legal system so if our patients are stopped, police have the training and education to understand the legal rights of patients. Full stop."

Zukelin adds that the decision to raid storefront dispensaries "have nothing to do with us."

Above from NOW
Why the FFFFFFF is Tweed training cops on the law....... oh yah and the lp have no influence on the raids neither, right

Yeah I have a hard time believing that they didnt train / mention / confirm to the police that storefronts are illegal.

Its insane. These top LP's have been publicly calling for a crack down on dispensaries in the media, then they start opening their own info stores and ask for clemency from dispensaries and the med community, just before the hammer drops and the crackdown they've been lobbying for happens.

"crackdown" means our community members getting charged and arrested and many folks having to go back to the streets, shit LP's or go without.

Medical pot growers lobby Ottawa to shut down pot dispensaries

The operators of the Canopy Growth Corp. and Tweed Marijuana Inc. want the federal government to shut down the pot dispensaries that are popping up around the country. Instead, they argue, the strictly regulated and licensed firms in the medical field should be the first ones allowed to provide marijuana to recreational users.

The new lobbying campaign is aimed at the top Liberal officials who will devise plans to legalize marijuana in Canada, mainly MP Bill Blair, the former Toronto police chief who is the Trudeau government’s point person on the file.
He can't prove shit and you know it. I've bought weed solely from The bm my whole life. Never ever bought from a gang member. Lol the notion all bm dealers are gang members is asinine. Only a fucking moron would believe such bullshit.

What a coincidence... an article thatvdoes does mention particulars. So... last Thursday in Edmonton...

I concede that it was meth not weed. I also concede they were not kids. They were full grown "adults." I also concede that it was a bit more than a dime bag.

But to me $200 is really small time...not worth dying over... pretty much a dime bag. AND if you dont think this happens over weed you are delluding yourself.

Every few weeks there is an article like this herebin Edm. I can only imagine thatvthe problem is worse in big cities, but it doesnt get the media coverage in those big cities because there is so much other shit going.


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Jesus you're retarded. If you buy your weed from a meth dealer then you're a fucking moron. I've bought weed in every province except pei amd nfld. Never ever bought from a gang member. If you think you have to go to gangs to get weed you really are dumb. If you put yourself in dangerous situations then you have no one but yourself to blame if you get robbed. It's very funny you keep shitting on Edmonton. I don't live there but have a connection there. You have a choice on where to shop. Go to gansters get what you get. Again I'll say it you have no proof of anything except buying meth is dangerous. Congrats big ears. You got me.
What a coincidence... an article thatvdoes does mention particulars. So... last Thursday in Edmonton...

I concede that it was meth not weed. I also concede they were not kids. They were full grown "adults." I also concede that it was a bit more than a dime bag.

But to me $200 is really small time...not worth dying over... pretty much a dime bag. AND if you dont think this happens over weed you are delluding yourself.

Every few weeks there is an article like this herebin Edm. I can only imagine thatvthe problem is worse in big cities, but it doesnt get the media coverage in those big cities because there is so much other shit going.
Jesus you're retarded. If you buy your weed from a meth dealer then you're a fucking moron. I've bought weed in every province except pei amd nfld. Never ever bought from a gang member. If you think you have to go to gangs to get weed you really are dumb. If you put yourself in dangerous situations then you have no one but yourself to blame if you get robbed. It's very funny you keep shitting on Edmonton. I don't live there but have a connection there. You have a choice on where to shop. Go to gansters get what you get. Again I'll say it you have no proof of anything except buying meth is dangerous. Congrats big ears. You got me.


But not everybody has a choice. Like the guy in the article who just got here from elsewhere...not everybody has a connection. Great if you do, but most dont...most people here are from elsewhere...recently arrived... so what choice do you have?

And i use edmonton as an example, but its not like this isnt going on elsewhere.

If a stranger came up to me to ask where they could find weed id tell him no. Flat out. And i bet you would too... not worth the risk...

So what do you if youre that stranger? Keep asking till somebody says yes...and that person is likely a dime bag dealer scum piece of shit.... like you said...dont put yourself in a dangerous situation...

Seems to me youre the retard...cant figure this shit outbon your own? You think everybody is in the same situation as you. Keep living in your own little world and turning a blind eye to whats going on all around you...
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Anyone else find it a little odd that the Raids happened the DAY before the Emerys opened their store? Lucky for them, all the competition is wiped out!
It's called make friends. Ffs. If you buy from a street dealer you get what you get. I wholeheartedly Disagree with your assertion that most people don't have connections. They make them. You have to be desperate to ask random people on the street to find weed. With in a day of being somewhere new I'll have a new connection. Lol at living in my little world. I've traveled far and wide. Smoked a lot of weed with a lot of people from incredibly diffrent backgrounds. You sound like some one who just cant make friends. Just because you can't don't lump "most" in with you. The more you type the more im sure you have autism. Trying to buy weed from a coke,crack,meth,heroin ect dealer you don't know will 9 times out of 10 end badly. I can't fix stupid but can point it out and laugh at you for it.
Yeah I have a hard time believing that they didnt train / mention / confirm to the police that storefronts are illegal.

Its insane. These top LP's have been publicly calling for a crack down on dispensaries in the media, then they start opening their own info stores and ask for clemency from dispensaries and the med community, just before the hammer drops and the crackdown they've been lobbying for happens.

"crackdown" means our community members getting charged and arrested and many folks having to go back to the streets, shit LP's or go without.

Medical pot growers lobby Ottawa to shut down pot dispensaries

Well NEVER expect more than an oink from a pig.

I mean scum ( LP's ) behaving like scum is exactly what I expect from the greed bags.

It's asshole's who buy from them and didn't support the boycott that are also to blame....knee dropping weakling's.
Toronto police and city officials targeted a 100 percent legal medical clinic as part of Project Claudia.

Vancouver files injunctions to shut down unlicensed pot shops

The City of Vancouver has announced it's filing injunctions in B.C. Supreme Court to close 17 of 55 unlicensed marijuana dispensaries.

The city says it has specifically targeted these 17 pot shops because of their proximity to other shops, their response to enforcement action and community feedback. Chief licensing inspector Andreea Toma says the city will also be seeking injunctions for the remaining 38 stores.

"We're not going to stop, we're going to continue ... to gather information that we need and we'll continue to file injunctions as well," Toma said.

In June 2015, Vancouver city council voted to regulate and license medical marijuana retailers, making it the first city in Canada to do so. But only six per cent of those that applied were successful.

Injunctions have been submitted for the following shops:

  • The Healing Tree: 8180 Champlain Crescent.
  • Cannabis Culture / The Healing Tree: 512 Beatty Street.
  • Divine Ventures: 8640 Granville Street.
  • Weeds Glass & Gifts: 1232 Burrard Street, 1108 Richards Street, 104 – 1807 Burrard Street, 405 Skeena Street, 6657 Main Street, and 2580 Kingsway.
  • Vancity Medicinals: 1299 Kingsway
  • Imedikate: 6128 Fraser Street
  • Green Cross Society B.C.: 2145 Kingsway
  • Lotusland Cannabis Club: 3474 W. Broadway
  • Health Lifestyle Dispensary: 1092 Kingsway
  • Sea to Sky Dispensary & Lounge: 100 – 68 E. Second Avenue
  • BC Pain Society: 2908 Commercial Drive
  • Buddha's Sister – House of Cannabis: 2918 W. Fourth Avenue

Source: City of Vancouver

View a map of the 17 dispensaries with injunctions against them.

Only one licence issued
The city says 31 pot shops have complied with a recent deadline for their closure following the denial of their licence application.

Only one business has been issued a licence, the third and final stage in the approval process.

The development permit is the second stage in the licence approval process — the city says it has issued 10 development permits, and another 11 are under review.

View a map of the 21 pot shops issued a development permit or business licence.

The city says it has been fining non-compliant shops by issuing $250 tickets. So far, it has issued 224 fines.
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soon there may only be LP owned or affiliated dispensaries if the government gets its way. We are definitely seeing a multiple speared attack from various levels of government to make the market place more LP friendly. It is a sign of desperation, greed, and poor judgment to say the least.
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