Well-Known Member
Yep, hit the nail on the head. I admired his discipline in both his musical process and personal life, so the drug thing was hard. not because I thought he was immune, but b/c he had so much going for him and so much left! How was there room for an opiate addiction? :-/ Though music was his addiction.Our reactions to his death sound very similar, I'm still grieving. His music and philosophy meant a lot to me as a kid, I only listened to classical music for years before I heard Prince. That opened up the world of pop music to me, but nobody compared to what he was doing. Strange to feel that way about someone who never knew you existed. Hearing about the drugs was difficult, what seems to be coming out now really disillusioned me. Oh well, he was only human like the rest of us...
The depth and breadth of his musical knowledge/innovation is and will always be astounding. There are so few who change the course of music in our culture. He was one of the biggest on so many levels. SHit now Im depressed again.