Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Well-Known Member
well considering the deoxyribonucleanic acid chains
and the fact that we are almost identical to chimpanzees.
there is more dna difference between a donkey and a horse than a human and a chimp.
but that there is fancy science-talk
I'm calling bullshit otherwise, we could make hybrid mule humans. A chimp human that can't reproduce.
If DNA is a map, most maps of anywhere look similar especially when they are folded up sitting in the glove compartment.


Well-Known Member
Lets not pass judgment my friend we can all learn from each other :)
yea, I did that, and i'm not judging anybody. Never would.
I went to church and youth chapel, etc, etc.
I know a whoooooole lot about organized religion.
the world would simply be a better place if there were ZERO religion involved.
course we are overpopulated so heeeey lets go kill some more peeps in the name of GOD. The earth (the round one) could use that.
the philosophy isn't always bad, it's the PEOPLE that are put in "charge".

all I am saying is that to quote the bible (which one? BTW, considering it's been translated and rewritten more than any book in history)

I would never, ever judge anyone, you can believe what you want, but if anyone wants to argue about it?
and base their opinions and beliefs on it?
i'm happy to discredit those.


Honor the god within you.

Not the one that MAN wrote a book on.
Remember that.
MAN wrote that book.
and this was back in the day where they thought a whooooooole lot of stupid shit.
we can talk about popular beliefs from back then if ya'd like?
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