Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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I've been answering questions. Ask me a question, here I am, ''rock you like a hurricane''.
I'm just curious. Feeling self-conscious about your answer?
ill ask a good question since he responded to me and appearently wants to rock me like a hurricane..

how old do you BELIEVE the earth is..
It's just that it is not my area of expertise. Why not ask a geologist.
wait.. youre not a geologist?.. so how are you able to say the earth is flat?
ill ask a good question since he responded to me and appearently wants to rock me like a hurricane..

how old do you BELIEVE the earth is..

wait.. youre not a geologist?.. so how are you able to say the earth is flat?

From simple observations, like the photo with the localized sunspot I posted a few posts back.
I've been answering questions. Ask me a question, here I am, ''rock you like a hurricane''.
This is the difference; Christians like Drowning man and greasemonkey vs you: They are secure and serene in their beliefs and don't push them on others. You are arrogant and enjoy irritating folks. You exhibit the sin of pride and both God and Jesus disapproved of that. There are many ways to spread the gospel, those 2 guys have chosen the way Jesus would, you've chosen to beat folks with a rod.
From simple observations, like the photo with the localized sunspot I posted a few posts back.
so from observations based off of non credible sources you came to that.. dont ya know all those videos you posted and pictures were made from people who never left their moms basement.. let alone never seen the sun?
how old do you believe the earth is.. dont dance around it
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