Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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he'll get back to you right after he finds a youtube video from a non credible source about it

So who decides what is a credible and what is a non credible source? They lied about 911, they lied about sandy hook, they lied about Boston, they lied about 77. Mainstream media are huge liars. Just saying.
This is the difference; Christians like Drowning man and greasemonkey vs you: They are secure and serene in their beliefs and don't push them on others. You are arrogant and enjoy irritating folks. You exhibit the sin of pride and both God and Jesus disapproved of that. There are many ways to spread the gospel, those 2 guys have chosen the way Jesus would, you've chosen to beat folks with a rod.
I see your pair, and raise you a pair...
lets, see em?
View attachment 3698977
i would definitely beat this chick with my rod
This is the difference; Christians like Drowning man and greasemonkey vs you: They are secure and serene in their beliefs and don't push them on others. You are arrogant and enjoy irritating folks. You exhibit the sin of pride and both God and Jesus disapproved of that. There are many ways to spread the gospel, those 2 guys have chosen the way Jesus would, you've chosen to beat folks with a rod.

I'm not evanglizing here, we are discussing the possibility of a flat earth.
So who decides what is a credible and what is a non credible source? They lied about 911, they lied about sandy hook, they lied about Boston, they lied about 77. Mainstream media are huge liars. Just saying.
Eratosthenes? i didnt know he had anything to do with any of that. shit ive been lied to this whole time!
so from observations based off of non credible sources you came to that.. dont ya know all those videos you posted and pictures were made from people who never left their moms basement.. let alone never seen the sun?
how old do you believe the earth is.. dont dance around it

There are hundreds of videos and pics with localized sunspots on the internet, there are no actual photos of earth from space. See the difference genius?
This is the difference; Christians like Drowning man and greasemonkey vs you: They are secure and serene in their beliefs and don't push them on others. You are arrogant and enjoy irritating folks. You exhibit the sin of pride and both God and Jesus disapproved of that. There are many ways to spread the gospel, those 2 guys have chosen the way Jesus would, you've chosen to beat folks with a rod.
Drops the Mic.

for those of us that played a lil video games..
th (2).jpg
actually there is, and they've been posted.. i even posted a video made by red bull of a guy jumping from space that showed a round earth. youve called all of them fake

Post it again so everyone can see how New Mexico takes up the whole half of the earth in the fish eye lense.
its not fish eye, its a curved lens. but look at the rest of the picture, if you believe theres that much of a curve on one object in the frame, and barely any curve on anything else in the frame. look at him, his hands, the shuttle (iguess itd be called a shuttle i dont know) also look that its not made by nasa, its made by red bull. if you really want to believe an energy drink company would take it this far to lie to you, im sorry for you. youre just too stuck on believing something with no basis. ill admit, its cool to read about conspiracy shit.. but when you get too wrapped up in it, then ya got a problem
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