Well-Known Member
Oh I'd totally forgotten the vultures man, "cos that's what friends are fooooooor....."!! Awesome. The remake is Disney too I think, I bloody love the older Disney stuff, they're not the same anymore.You know, while I was watching the film I felt as I had seen the guys before, and then I remembered your previous profile picture had Renton and the lads.
Honestly great movie, can't eait for the second one. Hope it won't be a dissapointment, but I heard that the original cast will be back.
And Jungle Book is bad ass (the Disney version). I loved the vultures. What we gonna do? I don't what do you want do? Haven't seen it in 10 years though, I need to do a old school Disney marathon soon.
I didn't know they were making another Trainspotting, I wonder if it will be based on the second book then, lots more of Begbie in it and it's cool to see them all grown up. It would be good if they made them all, although the third, Filth, isn't really part of the same story but is possibly my favourite book in the series and is also the easiest to read because it isn't written in a Scottish accent like others. I swear I was thinking in Scottish for weeks after I read Trainspotting!