Owners of corporations are more likely out driving their hyper cars and golfing all day, whereas a small business owner with only a handful of employees is right down in the trenches working from open to close.
Companies like walmart will eat these small businesses over night if minimum wage doubled. They will continue to buy outsourced products from other countries for pennies on the dollar and sell this crap at a huge markup in their retail stores. Many Ma and Pa shops simply cannot compete with this.
All so the skill less can have their "living wage" in 40 hours a week for doing work that a fucking robot will soon be doing for them, making walmart more rich and killing more small business in the process. Few will get this magical living wage, and more will be unemployed and unable to work anywhere that can afford automation.
Small biz like mine wont see a direct effect, everyone here is paid 20+ an hour. But both businesses next door to me would be crushed by doubling minimum wage. The owners of the one shop work 6 days a week, 10+ hour days. They are slaves to their own business, and make less than 50k personal income a year for their efforts. Having to pay their two employees double would literally mean that all 4 of them are out of a job, and walmart wont be hiring because robots...