USA move closer to equality in wages

What will increasing the minimum accompish?

  • Make a lot of workers very happy, and boost the economy

  • Cost jobs and drive businesses into bankruptcy

  • Nothing

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Well-Known Member
You think it will help Detroit? Lol
Since when were Ford and GM small businesses?

If more small businesses did well in this country, what do you think would happen to demand for new cars and trucks?

Detroit would see third shifts added for the first time in a fucking decade. You think that would be good for Detroit?


Well-Known Member
Since when were Ford and GM small businesses?

If more small businesses did well in this country, what do you think would happen to demand for new cars and trucks?

Detroit would see third shifts added for the first time in a fucking decade. You think that would be good for Detroit?
Not when I buy Toyota because it's all imported anyway.


Well-Known Member
Not when I buy Toyota because it's all imported anyway.
Now I know you're talking straight out of your ass.

It's time to bone up, Start doing your own research and not swallowing the bullshit;

Toyota, Honda and Nissan, not to mention Mercedes Benz and many more carmakers all manufacture a large number of their automobiles right here in the US, in some cases more than they make in their 'home' countries.

These are the actual facts on the ground; American factories employing Americans making cars for the American market. It's been this way for decades now, and as far as where the profits go, that answer is simple, too; 'stockholders'... who are effectively stateless.

You got some catching up to do.


Well-Known Member
you can't name one business that has ever gone under due to a minimum wage increase yet you sit here crying about how it is gonna happen.

pathetic and desperate.
Small business might be fine if they raise prices something TTY don't realize. But you are pretty stupid so you probably won't realize either.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Let's see the data which supports your contention. Everything I've seen points in the opposite direction; boosts in wages mean a boost to the economy, PROMOTING HIRING.

I'm not opposing or supporting "boosts in wages". What two parties make for an agreement should be their concern, not mine.

I'm opposing forcibly making others choices for them. Let's see your data which refutes that.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
You're ignorant if you think your mentality is normal in business. Your attitude is the reason many of today's problems exist, people used to grow up believing that nonsense and we're seeing the consequences of it surface in things from climate change to the prison industrial complex. Bad business practices produce bad results. Paying people slave wages because you want to increase your profits is a bad business practice and one that is only allowed to continue to happen because of the corporate influence on American politics and lack of strong union membership.
Slave wages. Ha

Can slaves say bye and find another master to serve? Do slaves sign contracts over their hours and wages?


Well-Known Member
Right now, the big corporations get all sorts of breaks and subsidies that conveniently don't apply to small business.

I wonder why that never comes up on the right wing talking points? /sarcasm
Lol, it's all, "what about small business?"...
Not, "why is it that a HUGE % of Wal-Mart employees are on welfare while the execs own islands?".


Well-Known Member
Lol, it's all, "what about small business?"...
Not, "why is it that a HUGE % of Wal-Mart employees are on welfare while the execs own islands?".
The deeper you dig into the right wing playbook, the more you realize it's all about the billionaires keeping theirs and keeping everyone else down.

What gets me is how many poor right wingers are not only totally snowed but actively campaigning against their own best interests!


Well-Known Member
Small business might be fine if they raise prices something TTY don't realize. But you are pretty stupid so you probably won't realize either.
The money injected in to the economy from those who can FINALLY afford things they want/need, will grow the businesses worthy of survival.
Those who fail probably have an inferior product, or service.
If you think "but Wal-Mart", you need to read some.
Google helps a lot.


Well-Known Member
The deeper you dig into the right wing playbook, the more you realize it's all about the billionaires keeping theirs and keeping everyone else down.

What gets me is how many poor right wingers are not only totally snowed but actively campaigning against their own best interests!
From the little you know of me, you can tell I'm on to their bull.
Fight the power


Well-Known Member
Slave wages. Ha

Can slaves say bye and find another master to serve? Do slaves sign contracts over their hours and wages?
We are all slaves to our needs and wants. We are born with only time and we don't know how much time we have As a child we are a slave to others dictates. As an adult we trade our only REAL GIFT "" time "" for the things we need and want. Its up to you, make a good trade or slave yourself out.

Rob Roy You didn't answer back where you misread my post?


Well-Known Member
Lol, it's all, "what about small business?"...
Not, "why is it that a HUGE % of Wal-Mart employees are on welfare while the execs own islands?".
It doesn't take much to run a register or stock shelves.

Maybe if they worked more than 30 hours a week they would have themselves their living wage. Try 50-60 for skill less positions.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't take much to run a register or stock shelves.

Maybe if they worked more than 30 hours a week they would have themselves their living wage. Try 50-60 for skill less positions.
aren't you the guy who cheats on his taxes by keeping two sets of books to prop up his failing business?

is the white cracker avatar supposed to broadcast to all of us how oppressed you are as a white christian racist male?