The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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it's funny how the trolls in the trump thread cry and moan about trump being a racist but run a light speed from the facts how racist the muslim middle east is that fills the clintons pockets with millions....

gays, women, christians killed yet they cry about trump university over and over and over. what is worse ????

hypocrisy in all it's glory ~ speaking of hypocrisy, hours before " the golfer " backs " crooked hillary "

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you sound really bitter.

is it because you support a racist?
The Clinton foundation seems to be an amazing conduit for influence peddling.

Yes, I'm an idealist, but mine is in the service of making more lives better, so consequences matter to me.

Yes I'm idealistic during elections because that's when it matters. We're choosing a candidate based on their ideology and political direction, aren't we?

I'd like to see change come about without gradualism, but you're the one trying to tell us that gradualism works in American politics. YOU defend that position, because I disagree that it's working anymore.

Are you going to run for office? I'm already doing my bit to change the world, how about you step up to the plate?

The world is a highly complex place but I don't find the basic reasons why things are as they are politically to be all that hard to grasp.
Run for office, me? Hell no, I'd be a terrible leader. And make a worse follower.

I don't share personal information here so won't go into my own efforts but I do engage in personal effort to change the real world. There is so much to do that I put my focus on one area. That being I put my some of my time and resources to support education of girls and women in parts of the developing world where their education have been suppressed. When women are better educated, so many things get better for them and their society. However, it is an incrementalist approach. One person, one family, one community at time.

How does one eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

I've been mystified how anybody can object to efforts at reducing climate change. I've benefited from discussions here with our local deniers and learned much, to my dismay. The main problem is malicious capitalism but also ignorance. The two are a toxic brew. They need to be addressed but they are two different problems. Malicious capitalism is mostly what you go on about but ignorance is something that simply isn't going to be fixed by policy alone.

Malicious capitalism -- some might say capitalism is malicious -- is not going down with words. I get your fear and impatience but I don't hear all the answers coming from political efforts. I don't think the answer to the problems caused by malicious capitalism lie in economics either, as they are taught today. I don't think we know enough about humans and human behavior yet. This is not to say we don't have good ideas that need to be implemented but it's all one big experiment. For this reason, small change is better than big. Theorize, hypothesize, plan, implement, analyze results, incorporate good results and repeat the learning cycle again and again. This is how we will evolve civilization. It's actually what's happening in one fashion or another and has been going on for about 10,000 years.

We spend our time talking about today's election. This is an example of small change, not big. Republicans represent small change backwards while the Democrats who have put Hillary up as candidate also represents small change backwards only less so. That is unacceptable. I think Bernie's efforts might correct that but not as the president. Barring some wildly small chance of turning things around, if he makes a difference it will be behind the scenes. There is nothing you say that reverses this. Trump is not ever going to be made into a positive. Hillary and the system she leads just might be.
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can anyone name another candidate that is better qualified than her on any matter, foreign or domestic?

her track record is unbeatable on many fronts. she is the most qualified candidate with respect to foreign policy and knowledge, she has overseen a booming economy with massive job creation and GDP growth, secured healthcare for millions of children, stood up for and advanced women's rights, and so much more.

also, LOL.

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You baseless piece of shit. How can you shill for a lying cunt and pretend to have integrity?
Wall Street Journal: The FBI Leaks Begin: Emails At Center Of Hillary Criminal Probe Revealed

“Is there going to be political interference? If there’s enough evidence to prosecute, will there be political interference?” Grassley wondered aloud on Friday. "And if there’s political interference, then I assume that somebody in the FBI is going to leak these reports and it’s either going to have an effect politically or it’s going to lead to prosecution if there’s enough evidence." It appears that this is precisely what may have happened, and the "source" used the WSJ as the distribution platform. And now that we (don't) know the "who", here is the "what."

This is an issue, and potentially a criminal one, because "law-enforcement and intelligence officials said State Department deliberations about the covert CIA drone program should have been conducted over a more secure government computer system designed to handle classified information. State Department officials told FBI investigators they communicated via the less-secure system on a few instances, according to congressional and law-enforcement officials. It happened when decisions about imminent strikes had to be relayed fast and the U.S. diplomats in Pakistan or Washington didn’t have ready access to a more-secure system, either because it was night or they were traveling."

The WSJ adds that emails sent over the low side sometimes were informal discussions that occurred in addition to more-formal notifications through secure communications, the officials said.

One such exchange came just before Christmas in 2011, when the U.S. ambassador sent a short, cryptic note to his boss indicating a drone strike was planned. That sparked a back-and-forth among Clinton’s senior advisers over the next few days, in which it was clear they were having the discussions in part because people were away from their offices for the holiday and didn’t have access to a classified computer, officials said.
Get out the popcorn, because it looks like all of hillary's email (( dirt )) will be leaked as the corrupt golfer protects hillary at all cost. I'm sure they are stewing over this, looong hot summer looming ~

Glad we have real american hero who will leak her dirty laundry all summer long, hope it's a slow drip of information so it keeps her on the defensive and give trump ammo for hammering " crooked hillary " ........ :lol:
That Obama quote from a page back or so, about say anything change nothing... it's strange because I recall the first time hearing Obama speak. It was his red/blue speech, regardless, it had me to tears, he was a great deliverer. He sold me on that speech.

Yet he didn't stop the arrests
He accepted the presidency on a lot of criticism of the previous 8 years
Accepts a peace prize, continues the wars he criticizes
Murders US citizens with no trial via drone strikes

Says Clinton will say anything to change nothing..... yet now he backs her, after changing nothing.

I cannot get behind trump, but I don't see how any left leaning person can objectively sit back and discern a Bush administration from a Clinton from an Obama..
Run for office, me? Hell no, I'd be a terrible leader. And make a worse follower.

I don't share personal information here so won't go into my own efforts but I do engage in personal effort to change the real world. There is so much to do that I put my focus on one area. That being I put my some of my time and resources to support education of girls and women in parts of the developing world where their education have been suppressed. When women are better educated, so many things get better for them and their society. However, it is an incrementalist approach. One person, one family, one community at time.

How does one eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

I've been mystified how anybody can object to efforts at reducing climate change. I've benefited from discussions here with our local deniers and learned much, to my dismay. The main problem is malicious capitalism but also ignorance. The two are a toxic brew. They need to be addressed but they are two different problems. Malicious capitalism is mostly what you go on about but ignorance is something that simply isn't going to be fixed by policy alone.

Malicious capitalism -- some might say capitalism is malicious -- is not going down with words. I get your fear and impatience but I don't hear all the answers coming from political efforts. I don't think the answer to the problems caused by malicious capitalism lie in economics either, as they are taught today. I don't think we know enough about humans and human behavior yet. This is not to say we don't have good ideas that need to be implemented but it's all one big experiment. For this reason, small change is better than big. Theorize, hypothesize, plan, implement, analyze results, incorporate good results and repeat the learning cycle again and again. This is how we will evolve civilization. It's actually what's happening in one fashion or another and has been going on for about 10,000 years.

We spend our time talking about today's election. This is an example of small change, not big. Republicans represent small change backwards while the Democrats who have put Hillary up as candidate also represents small change backwards only less so. That is unacceptable. I think Bernie's efforts might correct that but not as the president. Barring some wildly small chance of turning things around, if he makes a difference it will be behind the scenes. There is nothing you say that reverses this. Trump is not ever going to be made into a positive. Hillary and the system she leads just might be.

That Obama quote from a page back or so, about say anything change nothing... it's strange because I recall the first time hearing Obama speak. It was his red/blue speech, regardless, it had me to tears, he was a great deliverer. He sold me on that speech.

Yet he didn't stop the arrests
He accepted the presidency on a lot of criticism of the previous 8 years
Accepts a peace prize, continues the wars he criticizes
Murders US citizens with no trial via drone strikes

Says Clinton will say anything to change nothing..... yet now he backs her, after changing nothing.

I cannot get behind trump, but I don't see how any left leaning person can objectively sit back and discern a Bush administration from a Clinton from an Obama..

Sounds like you might be ready to embrace Vermin Supreme.
I don't see how any left leaning person can objectively sit back and discern a Bush administration from a Clinton from an Obama..

let's start with the deficit. obama and clinton did everything they could to lower the deficit or wipe it out completely. bush took a surplus and turned it into the most massive deficit of all time.

or how about pointless wars of choice? bush got us into them, obama got us out of them.

maybe equal rights? bush pushed for a constitutional amendment to make gays into second class citizens, obama led the charge that brought us marriage equality nationwide.

and do you think bush would have watched states legalize cannabis and handed them 8 simple rules to follow if they wanted to sell legal recreational cannabis?

if you can't tell the simple differences between the bush administration and the clinton or obama administrations, then you are literally a retarded person.
let's start with the deficit. obama and clinton did everything they could to lower the deficit or wipe it out completely. bush took a surplus and turned it into the most massive deficit of all time.

or how about pointless wars of choice? bush got us into them, obama got us out of them.

maybe equal rights? bush pushed for a constitutional amendment to make gays into second class citizens, obama led the charge that brought us marriage equality nationwide.

and do you think bush would have watched states legalize cannabis and handed them 8 simple rules to follow if they wanted to sell legal recreational cannabis?

if you can't tell the simple differences between the bush administration and the clinton or obama administrations, then you are literally a retarded person.

Lot of undeniable facts here.
what a clown you are. First off, I get it, you don't like her. People like you want to have it both ways. If she were to dress more common, then some mean meme would come out about that. Then, compare her to Trump. how about a picture of Trump stepping from his private jet purchased from fraudulent activity. Is that somehow better? Sheesh, what a stupid posting you made.
First, trump doesn't go around claiming to be one of us. He flaunts his wealth.
Hill on the other hand, panders like the little cunt she is, then shows up dressed like Kim jong il.
Fuck trump too.
If you ignore the facts of Hillary's shady past, you are the problem. Don't defend that bitch.
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