The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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never heard her calling mexicans rapists and criminals. or that some, she assumes, are good people.

if you think they sound anything alike on immigration you are smoking some good crack.

Why can't you love me? I really need your help. You're the only person that can save me. You look down at me and won't lend a hand to pick me up. I don't get it.
Obama didn't get us out of war he just started more war. That piece of shit just sent special forces into Syria in a few months Assad will be dead and we have yet another mess to deal with.
let's start with the deficit. obama and clinton did everything they could to lower the deficit or wipe it out completely. bush took a surplus and turned it into the most massive deficit of all time.

or how about pointless wars of choice? bush got us into them, obama got us out of them.

maybe equal rights? bush pushed for a constitutional amendment to make gays into second class citizens, obama led the charge that brought us marriage equality nationwide.

and do you think bush would have watched states legalize cannabis and handed them 8 simple rules to follow if they wanted to sell legal recreational cannabis?

if you can't tell the simple differences between the bush administration and the clinton or obama administrations, then you are literally a retarded person.
First, trump doesn't go around claiming to be one of us. He flaunts his wealth.
Hill on the other hand, panders like the little cunt she is, then shows up dressed like Kim jong il.
Fuck trump too.
If you ignore the facts of Hillary's shady past, you are the problem. Don't defend that bitch.

only majorly misogynistic in language and tone.
how about the economic meltdown that destroyed millions of families in 2006-07. homes taken, jobs lost we are still reeling from this .....

yet, obama, hillary have had eight years, eight years that they could have prosecuted these thieves ( ceo's of country wide, goldman sachs, citi, bank of america ) all the proof spilled out after crisis how these guys caused it by issuing these bundled securities and sold them all over the globe. and then the american tax payers gave them 800 billion ( ge bailouts, goldman sachs bailout, etc .... )

why did obama and hillary not send them to prison ???

and why did the clinton foundation take millions from these bankers ?? .... captured indeed, full on corruption.

and now the people who will vote for trump are doing so because he is not a part of " the machine " and you can see how that same machine that had bush as a puppet has not wanted trump near the white house. they have done everything trying to stop him on the republican side besides the dem's attacking him.
how about the economic meltdown that destroyed millions of families in 2006-07. homes taken, jobs lost we are still reeling from this .....

yet, obama, hillary have had eight years, eight years that they could have prosecuted these thieves ( ceo's of country wide, goldman sachs, citi, bank of america ) all the proof spilled out after crisis how these guys caused it by issuing these bundled securities and sold them all over the globe. and then the american tax payers gave them 800 billion ( ge bailouts, goldman sachs bailout, etc .... )

why did obama and hillary not send them to prison ???

and why did the clinton foundation take millions from these bankers ?? .... captured indeed, full on corruption.

and now the people who will vote for trump are doing so because he is not a part of " the machine " and you can see how that same machine that had bush as a puppet has not wanted trump near the white house.

is this yet another 2anonymous sock puppet account? are you up to 6 sock puppet accounts now?
no check with admin...... one account. if not, he can ban me, if so will you stop trolling and delete your ??? crazy 30,000-40,000 post over the last few years.

and funny how you delete my post about chemicals being sold in middle east because it makes you look the fool.... pathetic , buck you pimp -
Bush goes to war, Clinton votes for war, Obama continues to push war... but somehow they're different.

Obama swore to stop the arrests... did not see daylight.

when did obama swear to stop the arrests? are you sure you can even remember history correctly?

i think you are just a retarded person.
You seem to forget also that on Bush's way out of office he sacked the treasury, and Obama picked up where he left off.

They both have sacked the shit out of the treasury while shit talking each other in front of your face and shilling each other the next day.
Is it ok if there are NOT AS MANY deaths?
No. War is no good.
You support the war candidate.

trump is the war candidate. he also wants torture. for some reason, he claims intimate knowledge that it works.

and yes, it is much preferable to have less deaths rather than more, and especially by orders of magnitude.

if you are so stupid that you let the perfect be the enemy of the good, i have no use for you.
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