how about the economic meltdown that destroyed millions of families in 2006-07. homes taken, jobs lost we are still reeling from this .....
yet, obama, hillary have had eight years, eight years that they could have prosecuted these thieves ( ceo's of country wide, goldman sachs, citi, bank of america ) all the proof spilled out after crisis how these guys caused it by issuing these bundled securities and sold them all over the globe. and then the american tax payers gave them 800 billion ( ge bailouts, goldman sachs bailout, etc .... )
why did obama and hillary not send them to prison ???
and why did the clinton foundation take millions from these bankers ?? .... captured indeed, full on corruption.
and now the people who will vote for trump are doing so because he is not a part of " the machine " and you can see how that same machine that had bush as a puppet has not wanted trump near the white house.