Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

Fox 'news' a "worthy news network"...still laughing at this...not kidding...

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People posting this nonsensical stuff don't really believe what they are typing, do they? I mean, for real? They've got to be trolls/plants put here for conflict/entertainment, right? .....Right?

I'm finding it hard to believe that anyone intelligent and sentient enough to join a site like this and take part in a thread like this could be so hopelessly stupid....maybe I've got too much faith in the human race?
How many Gays were killed this year by confirmed and backed Christians, not say so people ?
Did they need FBI permission ?
Starting to melt down are you? Statistics aren't available for this year because it's not over yet :roll:. Ask again about this time next year.
Get a clue and a life. FOX is and has been for years the #1 cable/satelite news network.....for a damn good reason.

Laughs are on you.......

Aannnnd thanks for the confirmation! You are indeed a disturbed throwback that is no longer worthy of my time - Take care, please don't reproduce!

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Actually, I don't understand your point. The Confederate Battle flag has symbolic meaning and to some represented racist suppression. It was not an official flag of the US and was pulled from official sites. It has not been suppressed, ostracized, banned or what have you in common society. Same with the NAZI flag.

A guy shouting ISIS means nothing really. The guy was an American born US citizen with anger management issues and he held extreme religious views that were more in common with other mass shooters than with people of the Muslim faith. The story that makes most sense is he acted alone but used the name of another group of religious nut jobs to justify his act. No evidence thus far has come out regarding prior contact between the shooter and ISIS. So far, it's all just speculation. You are free to engage in it and I'm free to question your jumping to this conclusion.

So a guy waving a confederate flag means something but a guy yelling ISIS doesn't?
The flag wasn't banned. Shouting ISIS isn't banned, although it might be like shouting fire in a crowded theater so that might get you into trouble. I just don't understand the connection.

So you are saying there was never any fuss over the confederate flag after the church shooting?