Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club


Well-Known Member
Mmm, wrong on so many levels. Our argument is the scenario would have ended differently if half or all of the good guys had guns. A lone shooter might take out a single good guy with a firearm, but he ain't taking out 50.

One could even surmise he might not have even attacked if he knew a majority of the patrons were packing heat in the club.

Uh huh. So you want everyone walking around strapped, cuz that *might* save a few lives in an incident like this....never mind the fact that accidental deaths, road rage deaths, etc would go up exponentially if every Tom Dick and Harry had a gun on his hip 24/7.

Sound logic. Derp


Well-Known Member
Just close the borders. We have enough homegrown bullshit to deal
with without worrying about who's coming through them. Eliminate high capacity mags, do thorough investigations into radicals and violent people on watch lists and via social media, don't allow any fuck on a watch list to buy a weapon. If we can make headway with the fucktards already here then open em back up with a more thorough vetting process. We shouldn't be worried when we go dance at a gay bar or go to see a movie. This shits gotten outta hand.


Well-Known Member
In case you're wondering I am very pro gun, even "assault" weapons.

Total failure on the FBI and law enforcement. They knew this was coming and refused to do anything about it.
There are issues with funding those background checks and paying for people to review them. In Oregon, the county where I live that office is way understaffed. Our Republican Congress and the NRA have rejected requests to adequately fund these checks. I don't know it that's the reason why this nutjob got his hands on those guns. Here is an article that covers this problem.
Depending on the volume of gun sales, at any one time the queue of pending cases — which by law must be resolved within three business days — generally ranges in the several thousand. Recently, those numbers have ballooned as high as 13,000. If the cases, some of which depend on local law enforcement agencies finding paper records to satisfy an examiner's search, cannot be resolved within the three-day period, gun dealers are generally free to complete the sales.

"Some (cases) aren't being looked at until the third day,'' Morris said, referring to the increasing volume and limited staffing.

Roof serves as cautionary tale
The enormous stakes are not always apparent, until the first reports of a new mass shooting echo across social media or cable television.

No one recent case underscores the sobering nature of the work here more, officials said, more than an April transaction in South Carolina, reviewed by a veteran examiner at the West Virginia facility.

In that case, which could not be resolved within the three-day period, Dylann Roof was mistakenly allowed to walk away with the .45-caliber handgun allegedly used two months later to kill nine people during an evening Bible study session at the iconic Emanuel AME Church in downtown Charleston.

So, I'd guess that the killer managed to skirt regulations that would have prevented him from legally acquiring the rifle due to clerical error or lack of time to process the killer's application. The system is understaffed. But that costs money. Congress hasn't really been very amenable to supporting the regulation of fire arms lately. But this is just my guess. This will get attention and reported on from a credible source soon.

Edit: And after funding increases are requested the debate will be whether the extra funding is worthwhile because 2nd Amendment. And the cycle will continue.
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Well-Known Member
hey sugar tits, chew on this along with that funnel cake of yours.

american muslims are more tolerant and accepting of gays than christians are.

take your retarded racist tripe and spit it at some moron who will chew it.

the fact is retarded bigots like you are the more intolerant ones.

and the death toll shows it too.
A lot less kid fuckin too


Well-Known Member
In this post you are borderline incoherent with a laughably childish and silly claim.

Your sincere stuff is the equal of RT propaganda funny. How could anyone be so wildly detached from intelligent thought or honorable character? On RT its just a funny running joke because folks get paid to post comical thoughts that are plainly ridiculous. Probably Russian propagandists are more sophisticated than RIU wing nuts. But what the hell, your thinking is so pitifully backwards and cringe inducing, it seems like your clowning.
Does watching the dementia channel (aka Fox news) cause this or is it simply dementia that troubles PicoLoco? Ask him about spotted owls sometime.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I promise nobody will poke fun at you for answering this. But what do you suppose was his reason for visiting the state department. Other than that he had an appointment, that is.
I do not know. He seems to be an important person though.

He has a facebook page but it is mostly in arabic. He posted a tshirt with his face on it yesterday.