Clones not doing so good in bubbler..

love my clone king, roots in 7 days this time... i also took a few in a clone dome in rock wool same day,, i spray them once daily for humidity.. anyways clones in clone king rooted, clones in dome looking good but no roots yet, they should have roots in about 7 more days...
Dude all u have to do is clean that thing out with bleach thoroughly. Then get u some calcium hypochlorite aka hth pool shock. I forget the exact amount but it works 100% with clones. No more slime only white roots. It's just like clear res but a homemade version. Works 100%of the time. There is a huge thread on it. Google pool shock for cloners.
Aero cloner, no dome, cool water, low light, no root hormone as the cutting manufactures its own. in fact the gel/powder just clogs the manifold. roots in 4ish days like a boss.
the key is the right ratio of moisture to oxygen at the root zone where the roots take in O2.
it pretty simple once you get the hang of it.
agree, aero cloners are best..ive also heard of the hth shock n swim, its cheap and suposedly works well for keeping the rez steril.. ive never used it, but i read about it.. does any one know how much u use per gallon of water?? i would think like a quarter tsp per gallon or even less, maybe a qter tsp per 5 gallons???
agree, aero cloners are best..ive also heard of the hth shock n swim, its cheap and suposedly works well for keeping the rez steril.. ive never used it, but i read about it.. does any one know how much u use per gallon of water?? i would think like a quarter tsp per gallon or even less, maybe a qter tsp per 5 gallons???

I've been told to mix 1 teaspoon into a gallon of water and then use one ounce of that mixture per a gallon of water in the res.

I tried to use it to kill some root slime but didn't really work. I think it was too late. It should help prevent the slime and it didn't cause any problems with my healthy plants.
I've been told to mix 1 teaspoon into a gallon of water and then use one ounce of that mixture per a gallon of water in the res.

I tried to use it to kill some root slime but didn't really work. I think it was too late. It should help prevent the slime and it didn't cause any problems with my healthy plants.
an oz per gallon in rez seems overkill?? tsp per gallon maybe,, i would be very causious using it,, to much can easily kill your plants toxic,,,chlorine,,,to much is bad
i was under the impression 28' was the perfect temp for clone bubbler water. had luck for a while but that temp maybe why they started to fail and i ended up going back to rockwool nnd jiffys
an oz per gallon in rez seems overkill?? tsp per gallon maybe,, i would be very causious using it,, to much can easily kill your plants toxic,,,chlorine,,,to much is bad

No mix one teaspoon into a gallon jug, then use one ounce of the jug water for each gallon in the res so 1teaspoon will actually work for 128 gallons of res water.

Liquid ounce, not weight.
Alright guys I dug through my notes and here's the exact mixture. Mix 1 gram of hth poolshock into a gallon of water. I use 2 but that's me. Now this is your shock solution equivalent to clear res at 1 gram/gal. Now apply this shock solution to your cloners at 3 ml-5ml/gal. Now if u go with the 2 gram/gal then stay on the lower end with only 3 ml/gal every 5 days and if u go on the lower end with 1 gram/gal then you can apply every 3 days. Hope this helps guys. You gotta remember this shit is meant to treat 10000 gallons in a pool, so trust me 1 gram in a gallon jug is perfect.
I've been told to mix 1 teaspoon into a gallon of water and then use one ounce of that mixture per a gallon of water in the res.

I tried to use it to kill some root slime but didn't really work. I think it was too late. It should help prevent the slime and it didn't cause any problems with my healthy plants.
I'm surprised u didn't melt them bitches immediately!