help- cutting and "cooking" hot soil


Active Member
Ive had poor luck with using hot commercial soils and want to cut and cook them for a month or so and was looking for recipe advise, basically like a super soil without all the nutes

i was thinking

50/50 roots and promix soiless with micro
azomite rock dust
epsome salts

put in lid moist for a month in the sun
Yeahhh drop the lime and Epsom Salts. And the has heavy metals that go from trichomes to your blood stream. Azomite is great for a veggie garden though.

Like @sworth said...

Promix, just add compost and worm castings and kelp. I would Google for a local landscape supplier or compost center for cheap local compost (probably ten times the quality of anything in the grow store). Worm castings any brand but wiggle worm is fine. If you can get local made ones that's even better.

Use right away.

Water with unsulphured blackstrap molasses every three weeks (1/2 tbsp per gallon).
so no added dolomite lime is fine even better
i already have bags of roots soil thats why i wanted to use it

is common
Grandma's Original Unsulphured Molasses blackstrap?
thats the first i've seen about it being blackstrap
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this roots is hot AF. i heard letting it set after watering it mellows it out, thats why i was going to bake it but ill try just the pro mix cut with maybe just a week or two bake to be safe lol its gotta sit anyway
also if you have a plant thats 3.5 weeks from the flip and is nute burnt to hell so bad it isnt stretching but the buds are forming is that pointless to keep going?
also if you have a plant thats 3.5 weeks from the flip and is nute burnt to hell so bad it isnt stretching but the buds are forming is that pointless to keep going?
Aw man I'd have to see it to offer my opinion. But it's really up to you. Like I would scrap something like that...but I work on multiple rooms with plentiful access to my medicine and I can afford to take the occasional financial loss. However, if I was in a different position, I might think differently. If that's all you got you might want to power thru. So you haven't switched to flower yet?
i had a run get burnt real bad and i thought they had grown out of it and i switched about 3.5 weeks ago and the burn took over all the fan leafs
i put half on reveg and kept half truckin in 12-12 i figure if they don't look ok soon ill revegg them too

pic is like a week before or maybe right at the 12-12 and it lost most those fans and the others are only green at the center


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ill get a new pic this is 6 weeks ago and about 4 ago


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current 6-17-16 12-12 switch at 5-20-16 and same height (13 inch) post early-topping
more than 2 pistols per pairs about 8 days in so a good 2 weeks flowering


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Looks like you got a magnesium and potassium deficiency, but it could also be a lockout. Next time you water I would put in 1 tbsp of Epsom Salts per gallon in your water and see if that doesn't improve things. Some worm castings and kelp as a top dressing would be a good idea too.
i did 1 tbsp epsome salts about 8 days ago i should wait a week or so and do it again ? i think it had lock out from the burn so i flushed about 5 days ago and that was after the epsome salts so maybe now is good
This a simple SUPER SOIL MIX - works like a charm ...
No cooking required ....


THIS IS FOR THE BOTTOM 1/3 of your chosen container size ( No less than 3 gallon ) ... NO ADDED NUTES OR SUPPLEMENTS NEEDED.

WATER ONLY SOIL .... I used tap with this and all good.


Top container with FFOF or Light Warrior .... Remember this mix is for BOTTOM 1/3 of container volume.
This a simple SUPER SOIL MIX - works like a charm ...
No cooking required ....


THIS IS FOR THE BOTTOM 1/3 of your chosen container size ( No less than 3 gallon ) ... NO ADDED NUTES OR SUPPLEMENTS NEEDED.

WATER ONLY SOIL .... I used tap with this and all good.

View attachment 3726065

Top container with FFOF or Light Warrior .... Remember this mix is for BOTTOM 1/3 of container volume.
Why put it at the bottom layer though? In nature the plants nutrients come from the top...not the bottom. And cannabis roots go down to the bottom in a matter of days in well aerated soil, and then spread out from there. Wouldn't it make more sense to apply the nutrient rich compost (all super soil really is, is poorly made compost) as a top dressing?
Yeahhh drop the lime and Epsom Salts. And the has heavy metals that go from trichomes to your blood stream. Azomite is great for a veggie garden though.

Like @sworth said...

Promix, just add compost and worm castings and kelp. I would Google for a local landscape supplier or compost center for cheap local compost (probably ten times the quality of anything in the grow store). Worm castings any brand but wiggle worm is fine. If you can get local made ones that's even better.

Use right away.

Water with unsulphured blackstrap molasses every three weeks (1/2 tbsp per gallon).

ROY BE RIGHT! Don't put Epsom into soil directly!

This a simple SUPER SOIL MIX - works like a charm ...
No cooking required ....


THIS IS FOR THE BOTTOM 1/3 of your chosen container size ( No less than 3 gallon ) ... NO ADDED NUTES OR SUPPLEMENTS NEEDED.

WATER ONLY SOIL .... I used tap with this and all good.

View attachment 3726065

Top container with FFOF or Light Warrior .... Remember this mix is for BOTTOM 1/3 of container volume.

MOONSHINE MIX is P&K HEAVY! Why you put it on the bottom eh? Still not the best....It does work good (whole pot full) if you make a higher N lower PK dry organic nutrient nutrient blend of your own!

There is an alternative soil mix too. This is more the "Moonshine Mix" of today - soil before amending

1 bag FFHF
1 bag Black Gold
1/2 Bag FFOF
4 lbs fresh EWC
2-3 C Kelp meal
1/2 C Dolo Lime
5 gallons coarse Perlite

Now add 1 cup of what ever nutrient amendments you prefer mixed (example 1 C F&F premix, 1/4 C high N Bat G, or any other source of N. I would consider a longer release N source like Stinging nettles or Comfry leaves. Now take a cup of this mix and add that for your fert)... This can be used quickly with prudence - 1 -2 week cook.
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