What Shrooms Are OK To Pick?


Active Member
Hey fellas I was wondering about whether or not it would be ok to pick some of these mushrooms that my gf has growing out of her horses shit in the fields. They are literally everywhere just growing out of the piles of horse shit. I know people say dont pick shrooms if you dont know what you are doing, and I have heard everyone talk about how they just grow in cow shit.

Do you think horse-shit shrooms would be any different?? Anyone had any experinence picking them before that might help me out. If nobody knows for sure I was gonna take some pics and post them to see what you thought. Thanks guys bongsmilie
Post pictures. And read this: Identifying And Picking Magic Mushrooms

If I were you, though, I wouldn't risk my life on the advice of some anonymous pinhead who thinks he knows what you took a picture of. I would try to find someone with experience who you trust to actually look at the mushrooms with you. Supposedly there are look-alike mushrooms that can kill you dead.

Do take pictures though... I'm curious as to what they look like.
Sure, they are safe to pick.

But they will probably kill you if you eat them.

Just grow your own, man.
dont pick any mushrooms unless you are 100% on their species many shrooms have similair traits to the magic ones.
Unless you are in Flordia or washington. Its what they feed the cattle if the horses eat the same suff then yes it would be fine in flordia they are called purple ringers. Be safe & good luck hav fun
Ok so here are all the pics that I got today. Let me know if you need any closer shots of the caps b/c I have them here. What do you guys think??? They look a lot like the ones from that guide...


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wow dont eat them man theyre like no magic mushrooms ive ever seen, look up psyclobin and look at the different kinds of shrooms
Man you have to be careful!!!!! I think we can't stress this enough, some mushrooms will kill you and some can do it just by touch, you need a guide when your out there looking, serious business don't eat those. they aren't right!!!
Man you have to be careful!!!!! I think we can't stress this enough, some mushrooms will kill you and some can do it just by touch, you need a guide when your out there looking, serious business don't eat those. they aren't right!!!

I'd like to know what fucking mushrooms are harmful by touch, unless they seep out an ooze potent enough to creep through your pores.
I find it hard to believe a small substance of poison from a mushroom can kill you by touch, unless you're holding it for like forever.
dude holy shit are you kidding. have you ever even seen magic mushrooms kid?!? what you took pictures of are MOST DEFINITLY some poisonous mushrooms.
Ok, so back in highschool, i knew this hippy wannabe kid who just did not care about thinking before he acted.he made the decision to eat some mushrooms growing in horse poop in our town. he became violently ill and missed a month of school , he was partially blind in one of his eyes for 3 months.
just so you know.
I have those growing all around this tree stump we cut down, In my opinion it is not the best idea to eat those let alone touch them.
I found out they weren't magic mushrooms, but they also weren't poisonous...hopefully I can find some soon with all this rain coming.
Man you have to be careful!!!!! I think we can't stress this enough, some mushrooms will kill you and some can do it just by touch, you need a guide when your out there looking, serious business don't eat those. they aren't right!!!
stop! No mushroom will kill you just from touching it. Why do you even bother spread these rumors?
If you carry a bunch of death caps against your skin long enough, the toxins may be carried into the blood stream. You certainly won't die from just touching them, but continuous contact will do it. The absolute worst part of all about afflatoxin is that you get a bit sick, then you seem to get better. Then, two days later, (when you think you're in the clear) the real fun starts. By then, your liver (and often your kidneys) are lost. So I am saying touching when I should have said this long ass statement, I didn't mean walk up and lightly touch, and your dead. I am saying be careful at all costs. If I had not loaned my damn mushroom guide out I could have written it better. So you can get off the touching thing now. It's dangerous period