What Shrooms Are OK To Pick?

I'd like to know what fucking mushrooms are harmful by touch, unless they seep out an ooze potent enough to creep through your pores.

Amanitas. These are the "mario mushrooms" red cap with white spots. The white spots are a poison used to kill people in the middle ages called STRYCHNINE. It can give you slight contact poison if not handled with gloves.
I know the ones that grow here in Missouri are a tan color with a light to medium brown "nipple" on the peak. Normally gills are dark bluish purple, as well as inside the stems; caps will also bruise the same color if touched. Not really that good good though, have to eat at least 5-6 grams to get the trip you want.
I know the ones that grow here in Missouri are a tan color with a light to medium brown "nipple" on the peak. Normally gills are dark bluish purple, as well as inside the stems; caps will also bruise the same color if touched. Not really that good good though, have to eat at least 5-6 grams to get the trip you want.

No one knows what type of trip anyone wants. 5-6 grams could be way too much for someone. Definitely don't eat 5-6 grams if it is your first time doing mushrooms.
A friend of mine has horses and found these mushrooms growing in the horse manure mixed with straw, sticks, and woody debris...he's wondering if these are Psilocybes. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks.


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A friend of mine has horses and found these mushrooms growing in the horse manure mixed with straw, sticks, and woody debris...he's wondering if these are Psilocybes. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks.
The yellow ones are not edible, so pic one and three are not edible. They are likely amanitas.

. The dark cream tan in the middle pic may be panaeolus cyanescens. Check for blueing. To do this, gently hold the stem after picking. Don't crush it. Wait a few minutes, not long. And wash the rest of them and make a tea in the mean time in case we have found a good would patch. Take a print of this one cap by laying the cap on tin foil and placing a cup over top for a 12-24 hours.

If the print is black or purple it is 99% likely as edible. If it is brown leave it alone.
Ok so here are all the pics that I got today. Let me know if you need any closer shots of the caps b/c I have them here. What do you guys think??? They look a lot like the ones from that guide...
Old pic I know. But since this thread just got revived briefly, these pictured are a panaeolus cyanescens of some variety like the ones asked about a moment ago. Depending on the area they have a different hue and size but all sport the same general print color, purple or black. They thrive on decaying grass and therefore cattle and equine dung are good sources. You can also find these caps in the grass and compost but can be confused with the average garden mushroom that pins and fruits over night. It is much smaller, same shape but the cap is much more transparent and has pink fleshy or clear gills.

What are pictured, panaeolus cyanescens, are generally stronger than cubensis
The yellow ones are not edible, so pic one and three are not edible. They are likely amanitas.

. The dark cream tan in the middle pic may be panaeolus cyanescens. Check for blueing. To do this, gently hold the stem after picking. Don't crush it. Wait a few minutes, not long. And wash the rest of them and make a tea in the mean time in case we have found a good would patch. Take a print of this one cap by laying the cap on tin foil and placing a cup over top for a 12-24 hours.

If the print is black or purple it is 99% likely as edible. If it is brown leave it alone.
Thank You...I'll tell him to try and make a print of the center ones. I appreciate your help. I'll let you know how it works out. Thanks again.
Which is what I'm doing. So's @iHearAll. The spores, anyway. The former, I mean.
Getting a shiiiit load of pinning. You can biopsy wild shrooms to propagate a clean culture. Never done it in a lab but attempted it on brf cakes and well that was dumb. But if you have agar dishes and a glove box you could easily isolate a clean mycelium sample after a few transfers. I think you could follow a tek by a simple google search if anyone is interested
The yellow ones are not edible, so pic one and three are not edible. They are likely amanitas.

. The dark cream tan in the middle pic may be panaeolus cyanescens. Check for blueing. To do this, gently hold the stem after picking. Don't crush it. Wait a few minutes, not long. And wash the rest of them and make a tea in the mean time in case we have found a good would patch. Take a print of this one cap by laying the cap on tin foil and placing a cup over top for a 12-24 hours.

If the print is black or purple it is 99% likely as edible. If it is brown leave it alone.
Yeah cyans should do a blueing test to make sure very potent
Getting a shiiiit load of pinning. You can biopsy wild shrooms to propagate a clean culture. Never done it in a lab but attempted it on brf cakes and well that was dumb. But if you have agar dishes and a glove box you could easily isolate a clean mycelium sample after a few transfers. I think you could follow a tek by a simple google search if anyone is interested
Do you think a 66-quart is enough for 2lbs of spawn and 5lbs of sub? Too big?