What Shrooms Are OK To Pick?

About two months.

Just buy a spore syringe (~$50), 12 x 250mL wide-mouth Mason jars ($10), a small bag of vermiculite ($7), a small bag of brown rice flour ($1), and a bag of Perlite ($10). The jars can be reused, the vermiculite, Perlite and brown rice flour will last for several grows. After the first grow is done, you can even re-fill the spore syringe yourself.

You'll also need rubbing alcohol, a mask (I have N95 masks) and latex gloves. You'll need an environment that you can keep at 24-27F.

It's very easy, but the first time can be time consuming as you've got to get used to being meticulously sterile with everything.
You are a little off on that. But sterility is the key. Try whole grains and use an igloo cooler with heating pad vaporizer for incubator.