nuggs 2016


Well-Known Member
I'm sure nothing would happen to him but if for some reason shit hit the fan he is potentially risking a lot. All over six plants, that's not a risk I would want to take especially at my personal residence. Just want to look out for Nuggs because it's easy to say fuck it and say it's only 6 plants. However, sometimes it's easier to go after the low hanging fruit. I'm sure he will make the best choice for him and I wish him nothing but the best.
No offense . You need some balls .:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
No offense . You need some balls .:bigjoint:
some glad we are growing here in maine where they dont give a shit what ya do with weed they wont even look at paper work and as long as ya got a fence they wont even stop no matter what ya got going on inside is what the po-po told me said they would need a warrant and cant get one with fence and locked door and the fence gives them the excuse not to have to good luck nuggs that just sucks for you


Well-Known Member
I still think the reason they banned was to dodge setting up the whole mmrsa with all of it's branches and employee's and tax's that after collected is illeagel federally. we are under the same ban after the meeting as we were before the meeting. placer county has never allowed commercial mj or dispensarys and isn't going to anytime soon. I'm not cutting anything unless they come with force. it's civil and I don't grow commercial. I garden because I can't afford to buy my med's


Well-Known Member
I still think the reason they banned was to dodge setting up the whole mmrsa with all of it's branches and employee's and tax's that after collected is illeagel federally. we are under the same ban after the meeting as we were before the meeting. placer county has never allowed commercial mj or dispensarys and isn't going to anytime soon. I'm not cutting anything unless they come with force. it's civil and I don't grow commercial. I garden because I can't afford to buy my med's


Well-Known Member
i just want to do what I love to do , I love growing weed! outdoor is my thing.
Indoor just isn't as fun or rewarding. I'm sorry nuggs, this shit is wrong. You're grow ain't that big, the plants are, but not a lot of square footage. They will probably leave you alone. Them having you register your grow and then banning it was a mean trick, like the marijuana tax stamp act, a set up.


Well-Known Member
Indoor just isn't as fun or rewarding. I'm sorry nuggs, this shit is wrong. You're grow ain't that big, the plants are, but not a lot of square footage. They will probably leave you alone. Them having you register your grow and then banning it was a mean trick, like the marijuana tax stamp act, a set up.
Indoor is fun man!


Well-Known Member
Indoor is fun man!
Indoor is fun, but not as fun, and compared to outdoor it's a lot of work and expensive. Outdoor can be very hard work but it's more rewarding to do hard work under the sun in a good climate. I used to run 8kw+ indoors but I was in the sweltering desert of the Salton Sea where outdoor was hardly an option. I enjoyed it, but much prefer playing with big pots in a greenhouse and out on my deck.


Well-Known Member
I still think the reason they banned was to dodge setting up the whole mmrsa with all of it's branches and employee's and tax's that after collected is illeagel federally. we are under the same ban after the meeting as we were before the meeting. placer county has never allowed commercial mj or dispensarys and isn't going to anytime soon. I'm not cutting anything unless they come with force. it's civil and I don't grow commercial. I garden because I can't afford to buy my med's
good luck nuggs the rest the season you dont need or deserve this kind of stress in your life


Well-Known Member
I read they weren't going to start enforcing the ban for another 3 months or so. I might start light depping them a few weeks early to try to beat the deadline. I'm positive they are just trying to edge out the current growers so when things go legal they won't have as much competition.