Any good MMJ cooks?


Well-Known Member
I want to get some candies made.

I have keef, popcorn, or shatter for the source of your cooking. I can pay per candy or split the batch or however you want. Ideally I'd like to get 10mg - 30mg jolly ranchers made.

Hit me up in PM if interested.
so easy to make. I mean really easy. pack a jar with jolly ranchers and place in boiling water to melt them down decarb your oil then mix the two thoroughly. pour in molds and presto you have candies. good rule of thumb homemade oil is about 60% thc and figure out your dosing from there. 1g of 60% oil is 600mg THC
so easy to make. I mean really easy. pack a jar with jolly ranchers and place in boiling water to melt them down decarb your oil then mix the two thoroughly. pour in molds and presto you have candies. good rule of thumb homemade oil is about 60% thc and figure out your dosing from there. 1g of 60% oil is 600mg THC

Yeah but people say if you melt jolly ranchers down they never go back together unless you know special techniques. I guess I'll give it a shot. yolo?
I damn near make a living making candies any more.

Take your bho and decarbe at 250f in the oven for 30 minutes.

1 cup white table sugar
1/3 cup light corn syrup
3/8 cup water
1 tsp flavor oil
Food coloring
BHO (strength of your choosing. I use 1.2 g per batch)
Non stick cooking spray
Candy thermometer (or IR temp gun)

Mix sugar, syrup, and water together and bring to a boil over medium heat. Gently stir until sugar is disolved then NO MORE STIRRING!!

Keep an eye on the temperature and heat until 260f. At this point add food coloring if desired. Do not stir.

Continue heating to 300f. This is the "hard crack" stAge. Remove from heat.

When the boiling calms down add flavoring and bho and gently stir it all togeather. You can add 1/4 tsp citric acid to make em sour if you want.

Then pour into candy molds that have been sprayed w cooking oil.
Let harden and then I coat in confectioners sugar.

Sells like crack :bigjoint:
Yeah...very curious and wanting to try that with some Squish when I chop the ladies this early fall....How'd they turn out...?
It worked as I expected.

I took 30 blue jolly ranchers and melted them down. Then I cooked 1g of BHO @ 240 degrees for 20 min to decarb. Then I poured the liquid BHO into the melted jolly ranchers and stirred it. Then I poured that into 40 candy molds. I was aiming for 15mg - 25mg doses and that seems to be what I got. I can't know for sure how strong they are because I don't know how pure my BHO is but they turned out somewhere in the ballpark of what I was aiming for.

Tonight I am going to do the same thing only using 2 grams of BHO. I will either use a different color jolly ranchers or I also bought a bag of gummie savers, maybe I'll use gummie savers this time.

I'm pretty much a master candy chef now AMA :D
Alright great job! I thot to use the from scratch recipe myself but maybe now I'll try BOTH...and please post recipe and results with the gummi savers if ya do that, please... strong ore they? Nice n mello, high as a kite, or OMFG! ?
I damn near make a living making candies any more.

Take your bho and decarbe at 250f in the oven for 30 minutes.

1 cup white table sugar
1/3 cup light corn syrup
3/8 cup water
1 tsp flavor oil
Food coloring
BHO (strength of your choosing. I use 1.2 g per batch)
Non stick cooking spray
Candy thermometer (or IR temp gun)

Mix sugar, syrup, and water together and bring to a boil over medium heat. Gently stir until sugar is disolved then NO MORE STIRRING!!

Keep an eye on the temperature and heat until 260f. At this point add food coloring if desired. Do not stir.

Continue heating to 300f. This is the "hard crack" stAge. Remove from heat.

When the boiling calms down add flavoring and bho and gently stir it all togeather. You can add 1/4 tsp citric acid to make em sour if you want.

Then pour into candy molds that have been sprayed w cooking oil.
Let harden and then I coat in confectioners sugar.

Sells like crack :bigjoint:

I'm a bit confused....won't the heat of the boiling sugars decarb whatever you use?
I'm a bit confused....won't the heat of the boiling sugars decarb whatever you use?

I thought so at first too. But not really. It still works, mind you, but not as 'strong.'
it takes around 30 minutes for my oil to decarb in the oven. What I'll do is make little trays for each batch of candies, lolipops, honey, wtf ever lol. I'll put the desired amount for each in there own little tray of parchment paper (make a cup with walls so it doesn't spill) and stick in the oven at 250. If you watch the oil it will put out little bubbles and boil up. That's the thc decarboxylating. When that process stops (about 30 mins) it is active and ready for injestion

I add it at the end, after heating the candy to 300f and letting it cool down a bit. Then add, so it doesn't have enough to time to fully decarboxylate. Try it both ways and see how it works.

All I know is after I started people liked the candys and pops more.

I still haven't gotten gummies down. That jello gummy recipie just melts in the tx heat... Still playing around with some
Thanx for the response... I'm not lookin' to go commercial. I would DEARLY Love it if I could find a local Legal MichMM cardholder to grow for (anybody reading this know anyone?...seriously? [SW Lower MI - NotreDame/Michiana area]), or better yet get my own! I was wondering how much they go for just as a comparison to a chocolate lolly that I got a year or so back and feel I paid too much for... I've made some MEAN Choc. chip cookies in my day (OLD School with just the prepared bag bud) and that lolly didn't impress me...sure I was pleasantly high a while but it did not really pack the punch I have gotten from consuming b4.... What would 1 of your regular strength candies go for?
I wouldn't say I'm commercial lol.

My candies I put 1.2g bho per batch, makes 60 candies (depending on the mold you use), so 20mg each candy. I put 10 candies in a bag (200mg/bag) and sell for $20.

It takes me 3 to feel it. My friends who don't dab all day like my stoned ass are good on one-two.

My suckers I have a slightly different recipie, makes 36 suckers at 100mg each. I sell each one for $10.

I stick my prices around $10 per 100mg. That way if I have to buy wax I can still profit, and when I make my own I reeeaaally profit lol

Candys and lolipops have the highest profit margin. 10lbs of sugar is like $3 and corn syrup is about the same. Will make 10+ batches.
Most expensive part is getting set up w molds and flavorings, which still isn't too bad. And once you have it your gtg for a good long while.

Carmels, ice cream, tootsie rolls, laffy taffy, etc all sell just as good but cost more to make per batch. I keep the pops and candies on stock, and rotate a different product every time I cook to keep people coming back for something new.

...I should start a recipie book lol
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Carmels, ice cream, tootsie rolls, laffy taffy, etc all sell just as good but cost more to make per batch. I keep the pops and candies on stock, and rotate a different product every time I cook to keep people coming back for something new.

...I should start a recipie book lol

Hell yeah, I'd buy it! Yummmm!

...go slow
good on you man, however the math is off on your dosage of thc per treat. 1.6g bho in 10 treats does not make each one 160mg of thc. only way to come close to doing that is if you are using a distillate in the 97-99% range and even then it will not be 160mg thc per treat . I am not knocking you I am simply saying you need to take a closer look at how you calculate your numbers your patients will thank you. but warn them the effect may be stronger then before, dnt want people to freak out on a larger then expected dose of thc

peace brother :bigjoint: