Socialist hellhole California moves from 8th to 6th largest economy in the world, surpassing France

^^^^^^ hypocritical tax cheat

I may be a tiny dicked, homophobic, racist, but at least I'm not tax cheat.

Liberals view that as the lowest of life forms. How is it to be hated by your own tribe?

so you joined a pot growing website for the sole reason of having an aneurysm over the fact that i do not pay 100% of the taxes on the weed i grow?

jesusfuck, you are gonna be real busy when you get around to all the other growers around here.
so you joined a pot growing website for the sole reason of having an aneurysm over the fact that i do not pay 100% of the taxes on the weed i grow?

jesusfuck, you are gonna be real busy when you get around to all the other growers around here.

It's all about you, Bucky.

You have 94000+ examples that show exactly how much you love the warm wet center of the colorectal and the jactitation that ensues once you get there (aka shit show if multi-syllabic , not oft used verbiage is a bit of a stretch for your synapses).

What do you expect to find from such an endeavor?
That you think that 94,000 posts give you some sort of moral supremacy to judge others, as your posting history avers you believe, is pathetic and sad and I find it my entertainment to show what a false paradigm that is.
I don't even have to twist your words or use contextual incomprehension as you have done.

So now that you've hopefully discovered that your opinion is of little consequence (other than my delight in showing how shallow and pedantic it is), are you gonna go "runteldat" to mods that I'm hurting your fine sensibilities and I should be banned?

That you can't see what a cartoon character it makes you to not understand the hypocrisy of your espousing "liberal taxes make life better for everyone" while not paying for the taxes you are MORE than willing to vote for OTHER people to have to pay for the Cali services you enjoy being yet another glaring note of your deficiency, whether of cognitive or moral, it doesn't matter as it's indistinguishable to you.

But perhaps I'm expecting too much and should bring things to your level, eh?

You're 'tarded, and so are your cheer leaders. Nyah, nyah.

Is that better for you?

Probably the most offensive thing I find of you is the perversion of the genius of John Candy and John Hughes in the choice of your mask.

BTW, is your shift key broken? Is this yet another charitable concern we should liberally have to provide for you so you can prove you know regular sentence structure and things but haven't been able to since the gov't check is late?

i just want to know whose sock puppet she is, so i can go back and relive the anal carnage i inflicted upon her.
You mean as apposed to a 94K post troll whose greatest achievement seem to be those 94K posts?

See above and dream a little dream, Mary.

You're becoming trite and boring. If you can't see the glaring contrast between what you espouse others should do and what you yourself do then perhaps you really are the downs syndrome poster boy and pity is all I can spare ya since my ability to be charitable has been taxed away.


If you want the attention that Bucky thrives on, just do what he does in trying to weasel your way into my colon w/ your tongue in the same craven manner and you'll receive what those that quest there should expect, and deserve. ;)
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It's all about you, Bucky.

You have 94000+ examples that show exactly how much you love the warm wet center of the colorectal and the jactitation that ensues once you get there (aka shit show if multi-syllabic , not oft used verbiage is a bit of a stretch for your synapses).

What do you expect to find from such an endeavor?
That you think that 94,000 posts give you some sort of moral supremacy to judge others, as your posting history avers you believe, is pathetic and sad and I find it my entertainment to show what a false paradigm that is.
I don't even have to twist your words or use contextual incomprehension as you have done.

So now that you've hopefully discovered that your opinion is of little consequence (other than my delight in showing how shallow and pedantic it is), are you gonna go "runteldat" to mods that I'm hurting your fine sensibilities and I should be banned?

That you can't see what a cartoon character it makes you to not understand the hypocrisy of your espousing "liberal taxes make life better for everyone" while not paying for the taxes you are MORE than willing to vote for OTHER people to have to pay for the Cali services you enjoy being yet another glaring note of your deficiency, whether of cognitive or moral, it doesn't matter as it's indistinguishable to you.

But perhaps I'm expecting too much and should bring things to your level, eh?

You're 'tarded, and so are your cheer leaders. Nyah, nyah.

Is that better for you?

Probably the most offensive thing I find of you is the perversion of the genius of John Candy and John Hughes in the choice of your mask.

BTW, is your shift key broken? Is this yet another charitable concern we should liberally have to provide for you so you can prove you know regular sentence structure and things but haven't been able to since the gov't check is late?

You mean as apposed to a 94K post troll whose greatest achievement seem to be those 94K posts?

See above and dream a little dream, Mary.

You're becoming trite and boring. If you can't see the glaring contrast between what you espouse others should do and what you yourself do then perhaps you really are the downs syndrome poster boy and pity is all I can spare ya since my ability to be charitable has been taxed away.


If you want the attention that Bucky thrives on, just do what he does in trying to weasel your way into my colon w/ your tongue in the same craven manner and you'll receive what those that quest there should expect and deserve. ;)
I could give it 3 out of 5 stars. I couldn't bear to finish it, but what I did read was a decent attempt at being funny. I mean. It didn't really tickle the funny bone or anything tho. So 3 stars. I'm feeling a bit liberal today myself.
I could give it 3 out of 5 stars. I couldn't bear to finish it, but what I did read was a decent attempt at being funny. I mean. It didn't really tickle the funny bone or anything tho. So 3 stars. I'm feeling a bit liberal today myself.

It's one of those awkward days, eh?
Give it some time and it will pass as most bowel movements have to.
It's one of those awkward days, eh?
Give it some time and it will pass as most bowel movements have to.
You went from a 3.3 on my 5 star scale down to a 2.4. Here's how it works buddy.

How My 5 star scale to rate posts for quality reading actually works.

5.0 is top mark rarely achieved except on the happiest of days. It means I laughed really really hard and or was enlightened in some very awesome way.

4.0-4.9 is extremely good. It means the post was either informative or witty or both. Perhaps I laughed really hard or you hit on something I am extremely interested in and I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and or candor.

3.0-3.9. 3.0 being hey buddy, maybe I read most of that and ain't hating but... Borderline. 3.9 meaning is was a worthy read in some way.

2.0, Borderline, you will probably be on ignore next post. 2.9, Hey buddy you need to seriously consider stepping up your game.

Anything 1.9 and below is always boring and annoying to extremely annoying. I'm pissed I even read that stupid shit and you're going on ignore now.

You're almost there with a 2.4 pal. Peace and love.
Then let me help you since it's obvious I'm very affected by your judgement.

Classic liberal double standard:

“Law-abiding citizens just shouldn’t have to carry a gun. You’re not gonna push me in that direction,” he said, standing just five feet from a Capitol Police officer, who stood at his post by the House Speaker’s Lobby.

TheDC noted to Rangel he and other members of Congress are protected by armed members of the U.S. Capitol Police.

“Well that’s a little different. I think we deserve–I think we need to be protected down here.” Rangel laughingly insisted.

At least he got the part about politicians not being law abiding citizens right.

Whether Dem or Rep it doesn't matter.
When you toss a coin, no matter which side lands on top, it's still worth just as much as it was before the flip.
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It's all about you, Bucky.

You have 94000+ examples that show exactly how much you love the warm wet center of the colorectal and the jactitation that ensues once you get there (aka shit show if multi-syllabic , not oft used verbiage is a bit of a stretch for your synapses).

What do you expect to find from such an endeavor?
That you think that 94,000 posts give you some sort of moral supremacy to judge others, as your posting history avers you believe, is pathetic and sad and I find it my entertainment to show what a false paradigm that is.
I don't even have to twist your words or use contextual incomprehension as you have done.

So now that you've hopefully discovered that your opinion is of little consequence (other than my delight in showing how shallow and pedantic it is), are you gonna go "runteldat" to mods that I'm hurting your fine sensibilities and I should be banned?

That you can't see what a cartoon character it makes you to not understand the hypocrisy of your espousing "liberal taxes make life better for everyone" while not paying for the taxes you are MORE than willing to vote for OTHER people to have to pay for the Cali services you enjoy being yet another glaring note of your deficiency, whether of cognitive or moral, it doesn't matter as it's indistinguishable to you.

But perhaps I'm expecting too much and should bring things to your level, eh?

You're 'tarded, and so are your cheer leaders. Nyah, nyah.

Is that better for you?

Probably the most offensive thing I find of you is the perversion of the genius of John Candy and John Hughes in the choice of your mask.

BTW, is your shift key broken? Is this yet another charitable concern we should liberally have to provide for you so you can prove you know regular sentence structure and things but haven't been able to since the gov't check is late?

You mean as apposed to a 94K post troll whose greatest achievement seem to be those 94K posts?

See above and dream a little dream, Mary.

You're becoming trite and boring. If you can't see the glaring contrast between what you espouse others should do and what you yourself do then perhaps you really are the downs syndrome poster boy and pity is all I can spare ya since my ability to be charitable has been taxed away.


If you want the attention that Bucky thrives on, just do what he does in trying to weasel your way into my colon w/ your tongue in the same craven manner and you'll receive what those that quest there should expect, and deserve. ;)

TLDR meltdown.
TLDR meltdown.

I was afraid it was above your capability.

Let's try:

You are a coprophilic whining female dog in menses whose major aim in life is the flavor of cleaning the area under your tail and the tantalizing sensations it creates.

You're intolerant of others w/ differing opinions, rude, vulgar, hypocritical, and prejudiced.

Get out the decoder ring Bucky!

If ya can't manage the decoder ring PM me and I'll use the nomenclature you prefer.
Shoooot, the 'choomer' thing is still here? After his tiny wiener admission the other night I thought for sure he was on his way out.....ah well, if those rambling text walls of his are any indicator it shouldn't be much longer....

download (39).jpeg
Shoooot, the 'choomer' thing is still here? After his tiny wiener admission the other night I thought for sure he was on his way out.....ah well, if those rambling text walls of his are any indicator it shouldn't be much longer....

View attachment 3717985
I dunno man. But RIU is deleting my art again. So. Meltdown? They probably salivating on putting me on turtle again.
This could quite possibly be the dumbest line of reasoning I've seen on RIU. Let's see if I've got this right..

You support progressive taxes
You don't pay tax on your personal grow
You're a hypocrite


I mean, there it is.. just look at it in awe.. the brilliant stupidity of it all.. Amazing.
This could quite possibly be the dumbest line of reasoning I've seen on RIU. Let's see if I've got this right..

You support progressive taxes
You don't pay tax on your personal grow
You're a hypocrite


I mean, there it is.. just look at it in awe.. the brilliant stupidity of it all.. Amazing.
More passive agressive. Dude doesn't direct his comments at a particular violated of said dis objectives blanket statement like throwing a trot line to catch any fish even more dumb than he. Just saying. The whole thread is a stupid waste of time. We're stupid stoners. That's what we do.
Dumbass. :bigjoint:
It's all about you, Bucky.

You have 94000+ examples that show exactly how much you love the warm wet center of the colorectal and the jactitation that ensues once you get there (aka shit show if multi-syllabic , not oft used verbiage is a bit of a stretch for your synapses).

What do you expect to find from such an endeavor?
That you think that 94,000 posts give you some sort of moral supremacy to judge others, as your posting history avers you believe, is pathetic and sad and I find it my entertainment to show what a false paradigm that is.
I don't even have to twist your words or use contextual incomprehension as you have done.

So now that you've hopefully discovered that your opinion is of little consequence (other than my delight in showing how shallow and pedantic it is), are you gonna go "runteldat" to mods that I'm hurting your fine sensibilities and I should be banned?

That you can't see what a cartoon character it makes you to not understand the hypocrisy of your espousing "liberal taxes make life better for everyone" while not paying for the taxes you are MORE than willing to vote for OTHER people to have to pay for the Cali services you enjoy being yet another glaring note of your deficiency, whether of cognitive or moral, it doesn't matter as it's indistinguishable to you.

But perhaps I'm expecting too much and should bring things to your level, eh?

You're 'tarded, and so are your cheer leaders. Nyah, nyah.

Is that better for you?

Probably the most offensive thing I find of you is the perversion of the genius of John Candy and John Hughes in the choice of your mask.

BTW, is your shift key broken? Is this yet another charitable concern we should liberally have to provide for you so you can prove you know regular sentence structure and things but haven't been able to since the gov't check is late?

You mean as apposed to a 94K post troll whose greatest achievement seem to be those 94K posts?

See above and dream a little dream, Mary.

You're becoming trite and boring. If you can't see the glaring contrast between what you espouse others should do and what you yourself do then perhaps you really are the downs syndrome poster boy and pity is all I can spare ya since my ability to be charitable has been taxed away.


If you want the attention that Bucky thrives on, just do what he does in trying to weasel your way into my colon w/ your tongue in the same craven manner and you'll receive what those that quest there should expect, and deserve. ;)
This could quite possibly be the dumbest line of reasoning I've seen on RIU. Let's see if I've got this right..

You support progressive taxes
You don't pay tax on your personal grow
You're a hypocrite


I mean, there it is.. just look at it in awe.. the brilliant stupidity of it all.. Amazing.

funny thing is that i probably pay more on my straight income since i am 1099 then he does. he's a fucking drywall mudder, those guys are low skill and don't make a whole lot.
This could quite possibly be the dumbest line of reasoning I've seen on RIU. Let's see if I've got this right..

You support progressive taxes
You don't pay tax on your personal grow
You're a hypocrite


I mean, there it is.. just look at it in awe.. the brilliant stupidity of it all.. Amazing.

Paddy, when someone (Bucky in another thread) getting a rash of feces about not being able to do bubble but says he gave all his shake to get turned into BHO for $300 and then brags about making $2K, it ain't a personal grow.
The boy pretty much admitted it himself by not trying that dodge 1st (remember the1 yr of legit employment magically turning into a decade?)

You fail as a cheer leader. Please turn in your pom poms after thorough disinfection.

Do you know anything about Bucky? Did you believe what he told you when he took your virginity?

Taking one for the team does not mean being the idiocy train FOR the team.

BTW, the mirror is on that wall over there if you want to reflect in the "brilliant stupidity of it all".

Loooooooooo-ser who doesn't grow dope, but hangs on a dope growing website.
The only people stupid enough to say something like that here would be an officer or agent.
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