Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Mine never turn out chewy.

Im not a great baker though. Actually sort of hate it. Lol

How do they make them so chewy??
The texture can come from additives (chemical and/or otherwise), but is typically due to cooking time. Want 'em chewy? Undercook them.

Always pull cookies out before you think they are done.

Personally I prefer chewy/soft with crispy edges.
(licks chops)


Well-Known Member
when the wife makes them, some are chewy, some are hard, some in between...

but getting high and texting on the phone while baking will lead to that.
I cherry pick the good ones ;-)
Like big lou said that middle ground of a crunch and chew is what I love.

I will be the one who decides how good your wifes cookies are.

**Patiently waits by the mail box**


Staff member
when the wife makes them, some are chewy, some are hard, some in between...

but getting high and texting on the phone while baking will lead to that.
I cherry pick the good ones ;-)
Not as bad as the time I was making hubby garlic bread with cheese on it out on broil and forgot while I was changing Renly and set fire to the bread

Lol hahahaomg my husband had to grab the pan and throw it outside it was completely on fire omg
I've never set fire to anything it was hilarious