Wow so curious how does the Carpet break down haha i see you got everything nicely covering carpet lol does the carpet help in retaining the moisture is this natural composting adding VOCS you know toluene, benzene, formaldehyde, ethyl benzene, styrene, acetone ?? Are these benificial or poisons can your compost style by using Carpet not be 100 percent organic ??? and also curious i cannot find one plant grown by you with this contaminated compostthen it's simply repeat that until you run out of leaves and nutrients.
I know it's a blurry pic (my camera is constantly refocusing)
but you can see how much I use, it's simply a "sprinkling"
covering the moist leaves, and then repeating over and over.
I do the "heavy" nutrients near the top, because they will settle as you turn it over an over.
Heavy nutrients would be the oyster flour, fishbone meal, greensand, rock phosphates, etc.View attachment 3569487
maybe you should rethink your strategy instead of using a carpet
PS how does it break down anyway /? lol