Well-Known Member
im ol school. jus gimme the weed. bowl, papers, or the occasional blunt. aint got time for all this extra shit
My goldfish prefers dabs, swim has a curiousity about dabs.
Hook swim up
Kinda wanna feed my fish some dabs now...
This makes me want to go swimming stoned. I've never been.
I'd probably drown in 1 foot of water.
But what a way to go..
I mean, I better fucking die stoned.
Would you prefer a sudden sober death or a stoned slow death?
Assuming the pain was tolerable.
You might as well have asked me if I would want to have the ability to control time but the catch is walnuts taste SLIGHTLY more like peanuts.
Of course I want the slow painful death.
Haha, fair point. Well put. But drowning's gotta be the best highway to go.
I want to drown in a ballpit. Just putting that out there.
Now I want to play in a ballbit stoned.
I'm 39 days clean, by the way.
You're a real bastard.
Man I haven't been clean since I was 14 and that was a whole 2 years ago haha.
It's for a good cause- it's to get a second job to save some funds to move to Washington (got family and a buddy who just moved there). Can't wait to taste that cheap, legal green.
I've heard a lot of bad stuff about the legal though. Since dispenseries constantly need product they rush their plants and don't let them cure properly.
I guess you get what you pay for though seeing as $100 can get you a zip.
I assume that's more dependent on the distributor or store though.
Besides, anything's better than $200-$300 (I live in SD) a week for an "alright" high
I spend $50 a week and stay stoned.