Well-Known Member
Then why is every trump news story or press release or video bumped with a bunch of trolling nonsense.
No one is forcing you to vote trump but you should at least try to hear all sides of the story before jumping to conclusions.
In comparison to hillary, it is plain to see who is the greatest threat to our national security. Isn't she being investigated for that right now?
Best post I've read all day !!! Well said @ Flaming Pie

One of many things in Hillary's track record as Secretary of State that alarms me. To lie is one thing (most politicians do that, no big whoop), but to use your office to cash in, accepting convenient gifts of massive amounts of money to your Foundation "wink, wink" (can you say money laundering slush fund), or suddenly Bill gets a well timed big money speech opportunity by those seaking favors is too obvious in my opinion. Nice move HIllary, now those Terrorist, you won't call Terrorist are one step close to their dream bomb.

^^^^^^ no, it's still fresh in my mind.

^^^^ while Americans were under fire and dieing. Hillary was at home trying to sleep. Obama was sleeping in preparation for a Fundraiser the next day. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta gave clear orders for military support to be sent to Benghazi, yet no assets were sent ??? Why ???
Hillary's insisted the " Youtube video offending Islam " was the cause of the attack, while emailing her own daughter that it was a terrorist attack. But it was an election year, and they counted on all the sheep believing the lies they told reference the video. It would be too offensive, if at that time Americans knew the truth. Obama's Administration fucked up, didn't follow through, and let Americans die. Because some sleep and a Fundraiser were more important than American lives.
Read more:

^^^^ Hillary pushed, and pushed for killing Muammar Gaddafi against CIA and Military advice. Both the CIA and Military told her it would strengthen Radical Islamic Terroritst groups in that theater of operations, without a doubt. They were right, now even Obama recognizes the mistake.
^^^^ now this. Wow, now the Chief Law Enforcement Officer for the USA, Lorretta Lynch, has gone and done this.
These Elites think the sheep will believe anything.
No, American People don't worry it's all OK, the Criminal Investigation of Hillary Clinton for compromising National Security with her home brewed server, and taking in hundreds of millions of dollars, for favors in return (Corruption - the other Criminal Investigation being conducted by the FBI) will be handled honestly, fair and above board. - your friends at the Obama Administration

and the list of things, goes on and on. This is the Clinton Legacy. Vote for Trump and shut this shit down.
Hillary for Prison 2016 Insist on Justice !!!! Ignore the weak minded Haters (aka the Sheep) !!!!
Stand up for what is right, or get rolled over by Obama Lite (skinned 2.0) <- Yes, UncleBuck this one is just for you.

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