Is this dude gonna kill me ?

My wife speaks with a very thick accent and that's one of the words she can't say worth a fuck , I can listen to her say aluminum , spaghetti & sasquatch all day long & roll on the fucking floor laughing , after hearing bubbles she uses samsquanch now because its easier , fuck do we laugh at her about that .

I just remembered she can't say referendum either , she was splainin to me about the brexit vote the other morning when I woke up & I almost shit the bed I was laughing so hard .
For the past 2 days when ive been going to the woods to smoke there has been a paper that has a drawing of two stick figures, one with an arrow that said me, one with an arrow that said you, me is crouched down, and you is standing up and, it also reads 8 am "twmrw okey" and an arrow pointed to me that said $10 he wanted me to give him $10 to blow me lmfao. The person who wrote this was a mexican bum that i see there all the time but i always thougt he was just a crackhead chilling there so i paid no mind to him.

Anyway today i went to the woods to smoke and he had walked right past me to where i always sit at he said something but i didn't know what it was so i was standing, and felt a vibe as if someone wanted me and it occured to me that was him who wrote those notes, i left the woods and went across the creek where you could see a part of the path of the woods.

The dude was making a motion of stroking his cock towards me from across the creek waving me to come here, i cussed him out trying to make it clear im not gay, and walked away and now im home chilling, but im worried if this guy is a serial killer or something, has anyone else ever experienced something like this ?
The only strange part of your story
Is the part where you keep returning to a remote place where a man wants to fuck you..