My First Grow with cfl's


Well-Known Member
Yeah the one on the left looks about an inch or so taller... but they look beautiful I cant wait to see what happens with your grow. they look like they are loving their environment and thats always the best part because they show you love back. I would definetly say 18/6 photoperiod. Because when then lights are out they rest and are searching for the light so when the light comes back on they think ' oh i gotta get the light before it goes away' and thats how you see the stretch. :)
Yeah your right it's grown more vertically under 18/6. Than it has through the entire grow.


Well-Known Member
Sorry mayne no disrespect intended.

I didn't think so !!! I guess I was just in a odd mood :cuss: that day normally that kinda shit doesn't bother me..I knew your a good person just had to clarify !!

Things are looking good Dr. Can't wait for 12/12... Are you giving them a dark period before hand ?? And if So for how long ?



Well-Known Member

So here we are Day 26 and everything is on schedule, no complaints here, 12/12 this sunday!!! I can't wait ANDDDD I stopped by the hydro store to pick up a few goodies.

Fox Farm Tiger Bloom =) !!!!

Superthrive, thanks for the idea toronto.



Well-Known Member
I didn't think so !!! I guess I was just in a odd mood :cuss: that day normally that kinda shit doesn't bother me..I knew your a good person just had to clarify !!

Things are looking good Dr. Can't wait for 12/12... Are you giving them a dark period before hand ?? And if So for how long ?

Thanks :hug: but no dark period before hand. I switched them from 24/0 to 18/6 so i could get them ready for 12/12 but that's about it.


New Member
I dipped the tip of my finger in it and then into the water jug. (I don't know where my eyedroppers got off to) . I was trying to make it one drops worth.


Active Member
well first off your using the wrong lights i mean those lights will grow your shit but wont give you the maximum bud production. You should be using high intinsity discharge light for vegitation stage and then swich to a high pressure sodium light for the budding stage. they cost a shit load of money but they are well worth it trust me! so if you got the money get them.


New Member
well first off your using the wrong lights i mean those lights will grow your shit but wont give you the maximum bud production. You should be using high intinsity discharge light for vegitation stage and then swich to a high pressure sodium light for the budding stage. they cost a shit load of money but they are well worth it trust me! so if you got the money get them.

:sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'll chime in Doc as I just watered my plants !! I've been experimenting with the superthrive with 1 or 2 drops per gallon or maybe even less ;)

So what I've noticed is that the days right after I've given my feeding including superthrive growth jumps like mad.. so I'm at 2 drops via eye dropper per gallon of water and no burn or problems, just great growth !!

I think you'll love it man, or at least I hope so !!


Well-Known Member
well first off your using the wrong lights i mean those lights will grow your shit but wont give you the maximum bud production. You should be using high intinsity discharge light for vegitation stage and then swich to a high pressure sodium light for the budding stage. they cost a shit load of money but they are well worth it trust me! so if you got the money get them.

Why waste your very first post in the CFL forum of all places.. :wall:
We know what HIDs are but choose to use CFLs..thats really ALL there is to it...



Well-Known Member
well first off your using the wrong lights i mean those lights will grow your shit but wont give you the maximum bud production. You should be using high intinsity discharge light for vegitation stage and then swich to a high pressure sodium light for the budding stage. they cost a shit load of money but they are well worth it trust me! so if you got the money get them.
Next time you think about giving us your two cents, DON'T. :finger: Fucking trolls.


Well-Known Member
its all good doc.
fuck them all
i hate people talkin shit 4 no reson
keep doing what ur doing everythiny is going great
i gotta big f u to all u haters out there