Does more weed = a healthier life?

I feel like my lungs aught to look like my first pipe i ever owned - if i still had it and never stopped using it. I switched to coconut oil with cannabis concentrate added to it, in capsules from joe the trader's store. I just put more wax and now one pill is an effective dose. My plan is to only smoke when some super fire is in the pipe, and only special occasions. 5-7 pills a day keeps me properly medicated.
Smoking is fun and original but not profitable IMO

The body is able to reject the waste products of Cannabis smoking because they're oil soluble- unlike nicotine.

This is at least partly why, I believe, that smoking cannabis has been repeatedly shown not to cause cancer.
I ended up not doing it much. I will vape hash oil in my vape pen, that's about it.
I bought a hand held that does dry herb, oil, and wax. Been thinking of making some honey oil.

Can I use my vaccum pump for HVAC to purge it? Its a small electric one. It looks similar to the ones I've seen used.
Let your weed ripen longer before you cut. Or if you ate buying try to find someone that is not cutting early.

Early cut pot has all kinds of weird side effects.

I actually function better when I smoke.
It has allowed me a better quality of life compared to opiates.

Has nothing to do with the strain or harvest time. Sometimes your body just tells you to get it together and stop sitting around smoking weed all day. The fear of dying always goes away after reducing hit size, eating healthier and going out... for a few days or a week or so.

Has nothing to do with the strain or harvest time. Sometimes your body just tells you to get it together and stop sitting around smoking weed all day. The fear of dying always goes away after reducing hit size, eating healthier and going out... for a few days or a week or so.

Early cut and pure sativas cause paranoia and other effects.

I will say that I have put pot down and not touched it for a few years at a time.

What you are saying applies to life in general. Eat lousy and sit on your ass all the time then yes you will feel like crap and like your going to die.

Most any health problem can be fixed with a good diet and exercise.

The pot has nothing to do with that. I smoke pot and for sure as hell don't sit on my ass. I live life.

I'm just going to say that if a person feels like that they may need to take a serious look at thier life.

Early cut weed hasn't developed its full cannabinoid profile. Those cannabinoids that are produced at the end counter the negative effects of pot. I'm serious. Any panic attack or anything like that that's happened to me has been early cut pot.
Early cut weed hasn't developed its full cannabinoid profile. Those cannabinoids that are produced at the end counter the negative effects of pot. I'm serious. Any panic attack or anything like that that's happened to me has been early cut pot.

I always let my weed go to full ripeness, the same weed that makes me feel like I'm about to have a stroke can work just fine and without paranoia in other situations IF everything else is OK. I don't feel unhealthy sober, even though my lifestyle is pretty slow and passive, but exercise and vegetable based diet takes away my weed paranoia.
I work overtime, live and all that other stuff im pretty sure every other human here does as well. The only thing i smoke is good ol cannabis, and its making black shit come out in my loogies.

Maybe this is the body getting rid of the leftovers as you say, but maybe there is an abundance of it caused by my sucking it into my lungs. Black is not a color you want to find coming out of your body from within, defend it as you may, smoking is not good for human bodies. Eat it or dont call the route of administration healthy. .02
Hi All,
I am 44 and just diagnosed PARKINSON'S. My GP advised me to explore Cannibus and nothing beyond that.
So here i am as a novoice and looking for ways to regain my life.

So i appreciate any suggestion and advice regarding how to use cannibus in a most easiest and optimal way.

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I've seen the effects of prescription opiate over-prescribing and addiction. I've also seen the effects of alcohol abuse/addiction and the secondary effects(alcohol related trauma.) as far as I'm concerned, the worst off pot head is light years better than the most well-adjusted alcoholic or pill head.
Hi All,
I am 44 and just diagnosed PARKINSON'S. My GP advised me to explore Cannibus and nothing beyond that.
So here i am as a novoice and looking for ways to regain my life.

So i appreciate any suggestion and advice regarding how to use cannibus in a most easiest and optimal way.


Hi Max. I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis and I admire your resolve to be proactive. While I have no idea what strains might be effective, I'd suggest you investigate edibles, such as making capsules from cannabis infused butter, olive oil or coconut oil. Or just making brownies.

I'm not sure smoking would get enough of the right cannabinoids into your system for the proper effect. If you find you like to smoke as well, of course that's fine too, no need to do strictly one or the other.
Hi Max. I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis and I admire your resolve to be proactive. While I have no idea what strains might be effective, I'd suggest you investigate edibles, such as making capsules from cannabis infused butter, olive oil or coconut oil. Or just making brownies.

I'm not sure smoking would get enough of the right cannabinoids into your system for the proper effect. If you find you like to smoke as well, of course that's fine too, no need to do strictly one or the other.
Thanks for the reply....
I'll appreciate if u provide me some links that how to add into food e.g
should i add leaves into the food after drying and grinding
Should I plant my own cannibus
Or bùý from market and what to buy leaves or what ?

Thanks for the reply....
I'll appreciate if u provide me some links that how to add into food e.g
should i add leaves into the food after drying and grinding
Should I plant my own cannibus
Or bùý from market and what to buy leaves or what ?


A far as growing your own vs buying it, that's a personal decision based on your health and local laws and conditions.

You needn't eat the whole plant. The essential oils are on the leaves and buds and thus can be extracted with oil. There's a cooking with cannabis section here on the forums, lots of good info there!
The psychedelia,like music tripping you out or dodging objects on your tv, even just some effects like spinning when you close your eyes, loosing balance etc
only occurs in new users. Some you can still get especially when combined with other substances say alcohol or dxm and to a degree...
I get this every night, from the same strain, been smokin it for over 3 years, same amount, every night, same high. I keep tryin to tell folks but most simply don't wanna listen