Donald Trump

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Your husband is un-educated.....
What a bigoted statement. Why do you assume that? Is it because he is a man? Is it because he is of latin american descent?

When does a person become educated? Does a bachelors degree count or do you need a phd to be considered educated?
What a bigoted statement. Why do you assume that? Is it because he is a man? Is it because he is of latin american descent?

When does a person become educated? Does a bachelors degree count or do you need a phd to be considered educated?

You need to have voted Democrat in the last few elections to be considered educated... It is a 'special' education.
It's gonna be an amusing few months, though, kiddies....Herr Drumpf is flying off the tracks at a fast clip, heh, with new stupid comments and scandals appearing in the news nearly daily!
He obviously won't make it in, but it's gonna be a FUN meltdown to observe in real time!

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Everyone knows about police shootings. They're on the news seemingly weekly.

And if the cop is wrong they get prosecuted. Their prosecutions are on the news too!!

When was the last one you saw on the news that didnt get prosecuted because the 'Cop got away with it'....
And if the cop is wrong they get prosecuted. Their prosecutions are on the news too!!

When was the last one you saw on the news that didnt get prosecuted because the 'Cop got away with it'....
So killing unarmed citizens isn't wrong? That's interesting.
It's not Trump and Hilary (etc.) who are the problem. It is the stupidity and division in this country that allow these two idiots to be poised to represent the most powerful position of all.

What's going to happen is that Hilary will be elected and then she will be ripped to shreds by the media for everything she puts her hand to....and then Trump will be right there saying "See? I told you so!" If she manages to avoid being impeached, then by the next election, four years from now, she will have decimated the image of the Democratic party and then Trump will win. By that time, no one will care about what he says or does. They will welcome any ridiculous idea he comes up with....because we're at the end of our rope and we've had it.

America attempted to try and come up with a fairer political system back in the day.....but people are corrupt and then they corrupt the system and change it.

I think the idea is to distract the people with silly WWF-like games and "debates" (if you can call them that, anymore)....In the meantime, something much more insidious is in play.

Does anyone think that humanity is "fixable" -that the most powerful countries in the world will ever shake hands and be best buddies? Will all the "big brothers" of the world ever help their smaller, less powerful "siblings"? Or, is humanity just going to continue sliding down the shithole? What does anyone reckon can be done to unify us, not only in a societal way, but just in a basic, human way?

While the pretty, flashing lights in all our living rooms continues to flash these silly faces talking shit to each other to keep us entertained for a few minutes so we can eat a microwave tv dinner and relax, nothing is actually being accomplished in the world.

Nothing is going to save great ideas...period. We can't get along, in general. Sure, on certain small scale basis we do....but we often even fight our own brothers and sisters!

Simple question: How many of our lives have been significantly changed by ANY president you can name?

I've been around for many elections -yet I've had to work my ass off everyday for years and years -(often just to make ends meet) -no matter who was elected. Which president made my life so much better? Answer: None of them! Do I think this election will produce any different results? Nope.

That's it.

Enjoy the show!
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So killing unarmed citizens isn't wrong? That's interesting.

It's all good in his world, dude - Just pump some shots into their backs as they are fleeing for their lives or club them to death, they'll be out of 'jail' in a few months...

This fucking thing, as example, should be tortured/burned to death in full view of thousands of his 'fellow officers'....die in martyrdom, might get the message across...
It's all good in his world, dude - Just pump some shots into their backs as they are fleeing for their lives or club them to death, they'll be out of 'jail' in a few months...

This fucking thing, as example, should be tortured/burned to death in full view of thousands of his 'fellow officers'....die in martyrdom, might get the message across...

Did the cop get prosecuted? I am guessing the answer is yes....
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