Grow Journal, AK48


Well-Known Member

So two days ago I germinated my seeds and today at 4:20AM the lights went on, Maybe for 4:20 I will have good luck but watch this time I have a male or a hermie.

I am hoping these will sprout by Tuesday or Wednesday, I am using the 18/6 Light cycle and I am using FoxFarm soil but will not start nutes until I get 3 nodes.


Well-Known Member

So two days ago I germinated my seeds and today at 4:20AM the lights went on, Maybe for 4:20 I will have good luck but watch this time I have a male or a hermie.

I am hoping these will sprout by Tuesday or Wednesday, I am using the 16/8 Light cycle and I am using FoxFarm soil but will not start nutes until I get 3 nodes.
Really? 16/8 or did you mean 18/6. Sounds good can't wait to see the pics.


Well-Known Member
Also this is a PC Grow box, If anybody tells you they are bad they are not, This one is fucking tall and wide for good yield.

I am running 400W CFL's in this with fans and it stays at 70-79 degrees.


Well-Known Member
2 things..

1) Good luck on your grow man !! May the 4:20 Force be with you !!! lol

2) Long Live Dimebag !!!! RIP

I`ll be watching this one !


Well-Known Member
holy shitgiggles.
400w cfls in a pc. thats fuggin badass.
let me see this set up :]


Well-Known Member
2 things..

1) Good luck on your grow man !! May the 4:20 Force be with you !!! lol

2) Long Live Dimebag !!!! RIP

I`ll be watching this one !
1. Thanks, Maybe by the luck of 4:20 we might have some luck.
2. Yeah, I just bought a Dean Bass and it is pretty fucking sweet, I am much better on a bass than a electric because I have somewhat big fingers and electric if pretty hard but when you have big fingers bass is a ton easier because of how there is only 4 strings however the strings are much thicker.


Well-Known Member
holy shitgiggles.
400w cfls in a pc. thats fuggin badass.
let me see this set up :]

I will take a few pictures later, It does not effect it because I am using certain bulbs for Veg and certain for flowering, They are both 100W but the vegging lights are not as bright as the flowering lights.


Well-Known Member
oh ok. i thought you meant you had about 10x 42 watters in apcs case. im going to start a pc grow soon to :D so ill deffinetly stay around and watch. i want to do a single 100w envirolite in there but i dont have much cash atm..
good luck with the grow and lets see some sprouts soon :D


Well-Known Member
why ak-48 and not ak-47? 47 imo is definately a more potent herb then 48. ive tried 48 before(grown through hydro system) and it wasnt too good. coulda been a bad grow though.


Well-Known Member
48 isnt bad bud certainly just 47 is more potent. ill stick along for the ride though! ima subscriber!

good luck!


Well-Known Member
Alright well I removed 2 out of the 4 CFL's so they will sprout with 200W CFL's or should I go back to using 400W CFL's which means I will be using 400 Watts?