Gorilla glue #4 outside Michigan.


Well-Known Member
The ones in question died I only have one left. On another note I'm gonna b going out of town for a week and that one is in a pot. Would anybody happen to know a way for me to make sure it stays watered while I'm gone without having to worry about it dying?? It's my last one and I want to make sure it lives.
Water it well, if you have a saucer to set the pot in like a house plant top that up too so it can suck it up from the bottom then set in the shade and cross your fingers. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
image.jpeg image.jpeg Crystals are starting to form on the sugar leafs. Probably a week away from flower time.
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So my plant lived. Hooray! It's still really small tho. I put it in the ground and it's starting to grow crooked I was thinking about putting it back into a big pot. Should i put it in a pot or leave it in the ground?( for best results)
Greetings and Salutations! I'm here in southeast Michigan as well and have read through your post and tons of great information! I'm hoping that some will chime in with some advice (Please ).

I've recently lost my mentor (A devastating loss) and just not sure where to turn... I'm thinking that my girls here are possibly displaying a nitro deficiency (the yellowing leaves starting at the bottom). They were taken outside May 21st. All were transplanted into 20 gal pots in a super soil mix (bat guano, Peruvian sea bird, worm castings, mixed some fox farm ocean forest and some mycorrizhae...I think that's all) and have just been given ph'd 6.5 tap water that I have sit overnight before use. I also sprayed with neem oil last week as well as gave them some calmag. They were doing great until now...please help



Well-Known Member
So my plant lived. Hooray! It's still really small tho. I put it in the ground and it's starting to grow crooked I was thinking about putting it back into a big pot. Should i put it in a pot or leave it in the ground?( for best results)
Leave it alone now. It will stretch towards the sun in no time. I'm glad she survived good job.


Well-Known Member
Greetings and Salutations! I'm here in southeast Michigan as well and have read through your post and tons of great information! I'm hoping that some will chime in with some advice (Please ).

I've recently lost my mentor (A devastating loss) and just not sure where to turn... I'm thinking that my girls here are possibly displaying a nitro deficiency (the yellowing leaves starting at the bottom). They were taken outside May 21st. All were transplanted into 20 gal pots in a super soil mix (bat guano, Peruvian sea bird, worm castings, mixed some fox farm ocean forest and some mycorrizhae...I think that's all) and have just been given ph'd 6.5 tap water that I have sit overnight before use. I also sprayed with neem oil last week as well as gave them some calmag. They were doing great until now...please help
I hope someone can help you here but unfortunately I'm not the one. They look great other than that. I would say nutrient deficiency but that is just a guess. Someone will chime in I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg
Week #8 of veg. 3' tall and 3' wide. If I don't see flowers on Sunday they may get a cover for 24 hours to force them into flower. Running out of time.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure that it'll grow fast enough because I'm towards the U.P and i started it late so it's still only like 4'' tall.
I didn't realize you were in the mitten state. You missed the window for outdoor this year unfortunately. If you can bring it inside and keep it under a light and use it as a mother for clones next year that would be perfect. Even a small T5 style light and just keep chopping it and super cropping it and then you can start early for next year.
I didn't realize you were in the mitten state. You missed the window for outdoor this year unfortunately. If you can bring it inside and keep it under a light and use it as a mother for clones next year that would be perfect. Even a small T5 style light and just keep chopping it and super cropping it and then you can start early for next year.
OK, there just might be a lil problem. I got this seed out of a bag and was told it's from an auto flower, unknown strain, is that gonna b a problem bringing it indoors??( My original plan was to just let go as long as possible to get it big enough to get big buds)


Well-Known Member
OK, there just might be a lil problem. I got this seed out of a bag and was told it's from an auto flower, unknown strain, is that gonna b a problem bringing it indoors??( My original plan was to just let go as long as possible to get it big enough to get big buds)
I would just water it and just have fun watching it grow then ( half the fun if you ask me ). Then buy a good quality seed ( not auto ) for next season and start it inside in February then Memorial Day put her in the ground. That's what I'm doing because of our shorter season in MI.
If you do get a few buds this year it's just a bonus.
I would just water it and just have fun watching it grow then ( half the fun if you ask me ). Then buy a good quality seed ( not auto ) for next season and start it inside in February then Memorial Day put her in the ground. That's what I'm doing because of our shorter season in MI.
If you do get a few buds this year it's just a bonus.
OK. Imma let it grow. It'll give me more experience for next year.