Greetings and Salutations! I'm here in southeast Michigan as well and have read through your post and tons of great information! I'm hoping that some will chime in with some advice (Please ).
This time of yr it's normal fo
I've recently lost my mentor (A devastating loss) and just not sure where to turn... I'm thinking that my girls here are possibly displaying a nitro deficiency (the yellowing leaves starting at the bottom). They were taken outside May 21st. All were transplanted into 20 gal pots in a super soil mix (bat guano, Peruvian sea bird, worm castings, mixed some fox farm ocean forest and some mycorrizhae...I think that's all) and have just been given ph'd 6.5 tap water that I have sit overnight before use. I also sprayed with neem oil last week as well as gave them some calmag. They were doing great until now...please help