I see that the only way you can "debate" with me is by changing the topic and avoiding the question. Too bad, you're a pretty smart guy and sometimes come close to identifying problems, while often fucking up what the solutions are though.
I'll overlook your unfounded accusations and ask a few more questions.
"Broken record of nonsequitur rhetorical bullshit unrelated to thread in attempt to derail its topic... How come you don't answer my dumb ass bullshit?"
You want to derail my thread? Fine, I'll just put Jill Stein propaganda everywhere.
My accusations are not unfounded. You have spent years on this forum supporting such lunacy as:
"Children can consent to sex with adults"
"I should have the right to racially discriminate"
"Civil rights are literally rape"
"Taxes are literally slavery"
I no longer find you worth answering and so you should not ever again expect to be taken seriously by me unless I see an argument from you I have not seen before. You don't deserve to be taken seriously for several reasons.
Firstly, you argue from a position that assumes the world actually exists the way you wish it would when it does not and never again will revert to despite that you're the only one who wishes it did exist such a way (feudalism).
Secondly, all of your arguments that you have posited regarding this world view have been thoroughly debunked repeatedly and such that it is clear that you're a troll and a unique case of delusional right wing extremist fervor (for several years).
Thirdly, You have not addressed in any way shape or form the very direct and concise accusations leveled against you by about half a dozen members which are indeed very well founded and based on your years of repetitively spewing the same nonsense ad nauseum (not even entertaining).
Fourthly, you know your posts are bullshit and yet you continue with it. You do so in a way that balls up multiple interconnected fallacies and assumptions such that picking it apart and answering requires a long post and you do this as an attack, so that you are either stealing one's time or taunting that they will not answer you, when in fact you have not said anything new in years but have been debunked on ALL of your played out arguments multiple times by at least half a dozen people.
Last but not least,
your memes fucking suck bro. It doesn't reflect well on this site and draws cred away from the rest of us. You may think your bullshit makes the forum better but it doesn't. We actually don't want to talk about pedos and Jim Crow anymore, we do it because you're here spreading your nonsense.
How will Jill Stein pay for her great ideas ?
Huge pentagon cuts, which is why an anarchist supports her, she is the only one who will.