Anyone ever flush with ice water?


Well-Known Member
Do the opposite like @RM3 boil your roots.

It mimics a flood in a nature, causing alcohol fermentation in the plant, forcing the plant to uptake carbs and sugars and produce more resin/finish quicker.


Well-Known Member
What would the hope be of using boiling water to flush?

Alcohol Fermentation in plants. I hate to sound like a fan boy but apparently @RM3 does it and he's easily on of the top growers who uses this site frequently. Check out some of his threads you can learn a lot of neat stuff from them that the casual growing sites don't tell you. It all comes from a deeper understanding of plant biology itself.
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Well-Known Member
So you literally pour boiling water on root zone?!

I'm not sayin it doesn't work
It just sounds wild...
Might have to try it out


Well-Known Member
I see your point in wanting to experiment with stressing your plant a little for different reactions ....which there's great stress techniques for veg and flower ....but IMO ice water down the pants is jumping off the deep end ...try one plant if you really have to and see ....either way just makes my package shrivel thinking about it ....good luck

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
What's up buddy
Speak up on the subject

I know we had our difrences in the past...

But people sayin you got the juice

So let's hear what your exprinces\method\results are?
Lmao! This is too funny... Now you want to ask for his knowledge after you called him an idiot?

Looks like I don't have to troll you at all. You're doing fine all by yourself.

Plus I heard you have a tiny penis and it's unsatisfying to women.


Well-Known Member
To me pouring ice water just seems retarded. Ya kinda want it at room temp so your not shocking the plants.

Actually the whole flushing thing is retarded.

And some people mention cool colours, well that's not actually a good thing, just your plant going awol. It happens with low temps, so if you want that, just lower the temps and don't worry about the fact your plant is no longer growing properly.