Ak47 & strawberry cough


Well-Known Member
To be honest I say fuck the fridge, maybe that is why they take so long to germinate. The longest I've kept seeds was a bit over a month in a cup board in the dark, and every single seed (15/15) germinated. I've had these AK and SC in the fridge for 2-3 weeks, 4 out of 8 SC have germinated, 5 outof 8 AK have germinated. Maybe I did something wrong who knows but I'm not using the fridge no more.

man thats good to know..i had seeds in the fridge one time before..and it took forever to germinate..and i thought i did something wrong..but i guess it happens to everyone that puts them in the fridge


Active Member
man thats good to know..i had seeds in the fridge one time before..and it took forever to germinate..and i thought i did something wrong..but i guess it happens to everyone that puts them in the fridge
I'm no expert, but if you think about about it, cannabis is an annual. Annuals drop their seeds on the ground in the autumn. These seeds sit in the snow, cold temperatures, etc all winter long. Many strains are native to Afghanistan, and the great plains of North America where winter temps are sub 0(Fahrenheit). I don't think a refrigerator will harm the seeds unless they are Moroccan, Mexican, Hawaii, or some other tropical strain.


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert, but if you think about about it, cannabis is an annual. Annuals drop their seeds on the ground in the autumn. These seeds sit in the snow, cold temperatures, etc all winter long. Many strains are native to Afghanistan, and the great plains of North America where winter temps are sub 0(Fahrenheit). I don't think a refrigerator will harm the seeds unless they are Moroccan, Mexican, Hawaii, or some other tropical strain.

Well, logically it does make sense, sinse the cold
slows down the metabolism. But unless it's for a long period of time I'd just keep it somewhere dark so they're ready to be planted.


Well-Known Member
man thats good to know..i had seeds in the fridge one time before..and it took forever to germinate..and i thought i did something wrong..but i guess it happens to everyone that puts them in the fridge

By the way, how long was it to germinate , if they did at all ? I have some still soaked havent tossed them yet, from about week ago. any chance ?


Well-Known Member
By the way, how long was it to germinate , if they did at all ? I have some still soaked havent tossed them yet, from about week ago. any chance ?

give it another week..mines took almost 2 weeks to germinate...and some didnt germinate at all..i learned my lesson about puttin in the fridge..


Well-Known Member
Temp is around 80. humidity 60. I popped some orange bud seeds thinking they'd be dead. They're growing but don't have space so i'm just going to be flowering 'em after like a week veg..
Still on plain water.


Well-Known Member
Tons of reasons? Have you seen the droopiness on em? They will start eating themselves soon. They are def. to mature to not have been introduced to nutes yet.


Well-Known Member
I need to go back to growing 101. I thought ws just watering problems that caused droopy leaves. Or too much nutes. In any case biogrow it is from now. Thanks for the heads up guys. And I envy your bubblegum... my favorite.


Well-Known Member
My Ak's are hungry little devils, I have 2 AK's, 1 Bubba Kush and one LA Confi, the Ak' developed so rapidly that I can not keep up with nutes without overnuting the Bubba. Long story short, they like to eat, at least mine do! Mine were flowered from clone at 10" tall, they are at 17 days flower now.
Yours I'm sure are going to be a lot bushier, I'm having a hard time getting them to hold on to their leafs.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
yeah man, youll be fine, just grab some nutes, and a ppm/ec meter if you cant, and youll be all set.


Well-Known Member
Is this a sign of sex ? Lights are still on 20/4 , I just noticed this two days ago.

If so, I can't be happier, she's the biggest bush.
