Smart Approaches To Marijuana Wants Minimum Age Of 25 For Access To Cannabis

Don't most teens have some access to alcohol and most drugs?
I was a teen once. Doesn't everybody know what really goes on?
And BM can be junk.
So the age should be like alcohol. Not perfect. What can you do?
IMO, encourage moderateration.
Use $$ saved from legalization to improve conditions that lead to drug abuse.

Like "Reefer Madness" from a few politicians.
Good opportunity to use social media to control the debate.
“They’re also saying this should be a slow processs. The Canadian population is not educated on marijuana, the perception of risk is declining and so they may be well advised to take 10 years to do this,” says McColl, who believes this should be a health issue.
The world would be a saner place without Pam...

Pam Canadians are not all slow learners such as yourself. Ten years, we have had nearly 100 years since the liberals made hemp (cannabis) illegal in1923. Pam it is only you who is having so much trouble making sense of reality.
Pam maybe a vacation would be in order ? Take some time to reflect on your misguided life and contemplate changing before you drive yourself insane with your delusional thoughts of reality. Do you realize you are attacking a plant ? There are places that can help you with nice people. Guess what, they have jello and cookies, and lots of happy pills there for you. The nice people there will make sure there are no bad plants there too. You can just relax , maybe copy someone else's work and write another children's book. The important thing is that you stop worrying about a plant - it is driving you insane....
maybe Pam could go after traffic congestion instead. exhaust fumes are worse for us than any cannabis product...or tobacco for that matter
go after pharma for turning someone with a broken bone into a opiate addict
so many really useful things to go after and she's going after windmills
maybe Pam could go after traffic congestion instead. exhaust fumes are worse for us than any cannabis product...or tobacco for that matter
go after pharma for turning someone with a broken bone into a opiate addict
so many really useful things to go after and she's going after windmills
Clearly Pam isn't interested in being useful...or factual, or even sane. I don't understand why she is given any coverage in the press...maybe they're taking pity on the mentally challenged...?
Clearly Pam isn't interested in being useful...or factual, or even sane. I don't understand why she is given any coverage in the press...maybe they're taking pity on the mentally challenged...?
She is like that person that you just want to see how dumb they really are. Could she say anything stupider ? She is a modern day , one woman ( and a couple mental dwarfs), freak show.

Wow - no wonder the drug war failed....