Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Give it a few years with the immigrants coming in and I am sure the statistic will skyrocket so they can reinforce their pro-abortion argument.

More victims, more abortions... Win Win!!
Right wingers are soooo concerned about the fetus. When a Hispanic child is born to an impoverished single mother, they despise the woman and deny the kid access to public services. Then choose to fund prisons over healthcare and education. Show us how much you care again, retard.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
does that mean they shouldn't have access to abortion along with all other women?
I'm sorry what are you asking?

I think there need to be options for people who are victims of rape or incest. There is plenty of support offered for that.

I do not think monetary reasons are an excuse to terminate a life tho and the vast majority of abortions are done for that reason.

Plenty of places to buy condoms, get free birth control (iud), and people should be more careful in selecting their sexual partners. Parents also need to educate their children more about the consequences of un protected sex and sex with people you don't know on a deep personal level. Sex is a very vulnerable position for women to be in. They risk a lot.

I know I will be talking to my daughter about it.

Also, why are people so upset about possibly losing access to ending the life they conceived through their own actions?

Seems outrageously selfish.

(Obviously, I am not talking about victims of rape or incest.)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Right wingers are soooo concerned about the fetus. When a Hispanic child is born to an impoverished single mother, they despise the woman and deny the kid access to public services. Then choose to fund prisons over healthcare and education. Show us how much you care again, retard.
Clinton was the one that decided to expand the prison system and implimented the 3 strikes.

Just because some republicans do xy and z doesnt mean all republicans agree with it.

Quit applying labels to large groups of people. Everyone is their own person.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry what are you asking?

I think there need to be options for people who are victims of rape or incest. There is plenty of support offered for that.

I do not think monetary reasons are an excuse to terminate a life tho and the vast majority of abortions are done for that reason.

Plenty of places to buy condoms, get free birth control (iud), and people should be more careful in selecting their sexual partners. Parents also need to educate their children more about the consequences of un protected sex and sex with people you don't know on a deep personal level. Sex is a very vulnerable position for women to be in. They risk a lot.

I know I will be talking to my daughter about it.

Also, why are people so upset about possibly losing access to ending the life they conceived through their own actions?

Seems outrageously selfish.

(Obviously, I am not talking about victims of rape or incest.)
In summary: other women should abide by your half witted, uneducated, myopic and racist strugglville perspective. This is what defines you as a jackass.
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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Ij summary: other women should abide by your half witted, uneducated, myopic and racist strugglville perspective. This is what defines you as a jackass.
Half witted : nothing I stated was incorrect. Check the stats.

Uneducated: check yourself before you wreck yourself

Racist: Say what?

You are wiggity wiggity wack.

You're a clown and everyone sees it. Try bringing some counterpoints to the discussion instead of just hurling random insults in the hope that one might stick.

You know nothing, jon snow.


Well-Known Member
Half witted : nothing I stated was incorrect. Check the stats.

Uneducated: check yourself before you wreck yourself

Racist: Say what?

You are wiggity wiggity wack.

You're a clown and everyone sees it. Try bringing some counterpoints to the discussion instead of just hurling random insults in the hope that one might stick.

You know nothing, jon snow.
Your eloquence matches your non existent wit and jesus school education. " check myself before i wreck myself" ? Thats how you support your claim to be educated. Educated in cringe worthy rhymes? Oafish sow your stench is more penetrating thsn your words.

Your posts,are appallingly ignorant. Youre proudly embody the fears of ignorant, slavish women. Your hideous ignorance and beliefs are a blight, a fading cancer that young women have gained immunity to.


Well-Known Member
Clinton was the one that decided to expand the prison system and implimented the 3 strikes.

Just because some republicans do xy and z doesnt mean all republicans agree with it.

Quit applying labels to large groups of people. Everyone is their own person.
Missy Myopia. Three strikes is implemented in most states of this country mainly by right wingers. They love them some punitive laws that fill up private prisons and keeps the darkies down. At the federal level, it was a bipartisan bill and yes, President Clinton signed it into law. It was his most shameful action.

The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, H.R. 3355, Pub.L. 103–322 is an Act of Congress dealing with crime and law enforcement; it became law in 1994. It is the largest crime bill in the history of the United States and consisted of 356 pages that provided for 100,000 new police officers, $9.7 billion in funding for prisons and $6.1 billion in funding for prevention programs, which were designed with significant input from experienced police officers.[1] Sponsored by Representative Jack Brooks of Texas, the bill was originally written by Senator Joe Biden of Delaware and then was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.


Tell me again how this was all Bill's action.

You love to go back 20 or so years and quote history as though it were something static. How about making this relevant to today? You have The Donald who promises to bring "law and order to this country", where he said "I alone can do this" (along with, I suppose his own posse of federal officials). You support the fascist. You are backing more incarceration, into a biased judicial system. Exacerbating an already out of control condition where non-white men are six times more likely to get a prison sentence compared to white men charged with similar crimes. A byproduct of which are men deprived of the right to vote when they get out. Right wingers love them some minority suppression and you support it.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry what are you asking?

I think there need to be options for people who are victims of rape or incest. There is plenty of support offered for that.

I do not think monetary reasons are an excuse to terminate a life tho and the vast majority of abortions are done for that reason.

Plenty of places to buy condoms, get free birth control (iud), and people should be more careful in selecting their sexual partners. Parents also need to educate their children more about the consequences of un protected sex and sex with people you don't know on a deep personal level. Sex is a very vulnerable position for women to be in. They risk a lot.

I know I will be talking to my daughter about it.

Also, why are people so upset about possibly losing access to ending the life they conceived through their own actions?

Seems outrageously selfish.

(Obviously, I am not talking about victims of rape or incest.)
What's so important about the fact that 1% of women become pregnant after rape? Why is the low statistic so important to you that you repeated it? If the number were higher would you change your mind about "allowing" a raped woman access to an abortion?

But thanks for being candid about your desire to take away the right to choose to 99% of all women. IUD's aren't 100% effective, would you deny the right to choose to a woman whose device failed? Why do you concern yourself so much about the fetus yet support a party that at every turn attacks funding healthcare and education for children born to poor mothers? The Republican party doesn't care about life it cares about controlling women. You support that. So, you are scum.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
What's so important about the fact that 1% of women become pregnant after rape? Why is the low statistic so important to you that you repeated it? If the number were higher would you change your mind about "allowing" a raped woman access to an abortion?

But thanks for being candid about your desire to take away the right to choose to 99% of all women. IUD's aren't 100% effective, would you deny the right to choose to a woman whose device failed? Why do you concern yourself so much about the fetus yet support a party that at every turn attacks funding healthcare and education for children born to poor mothers? The Republican party doesn't care about life it cares about controlling women. You support that. So, you are scum.
That's not what I said. I said, of all the of abortions provided, less than 1% are due to rape/incest.

Never once did I claim only 1% of women become pregnant after rape.


Well-Known Member
What does that say about the NAACP for giving a grand cyclops a 100% rating when the man was anti voting and civil rights? The man was a racist.

Just because someone "says" sorry does not actually mean they are sorry.

Just like hillary. Appear to care about minorities once they have a voice. Get into office and screw them over. Keep them in the minority.
try to spin it any way you want, racist.

robert byrd, who you try to hang around hillary's neck like an albatross, had a 100% rating with the NAACP and denounced the klan.

meanwhile, the klan is in full throated support of the racist, fascist candidate you support and trump refused to condemn them given the chance.

you are in alliance with the KKK right now. and a whole bunch of dirt poor, trailer dwelling, racists too.

i guess misery loves company. uneducated, hateful racists like you are miserable, stupid people.


Well-Known Member
does that mean they shouldn't have access to abortion along with all other women?
mike pence didn't make any exceptions for rape or incest.

that means when mexicans like flaming pie's hubby come across the border and rape a whole bunch of white women, trump and pence will force rape victims to carry their rape babies to full term.

that's called making america great again.


Well-Known Member
I think there need to be options for people who are victims of rape or incest.
then why are you voting for the ticket that wants to ban abortion even in cases of rape or incest, and overturn roe v. wade with SCOTUS picks?

are you really this fucking stupid?


Well-Known Member
Half witted : nothing I stated was incorrect. Check the stats.

Uneducated: check yourself before you wreck yourself

Racist: Say what?

You are wiggity wiggity wack.

You're a clown and everyone sees it. Try bringing some counterpoints to the discussion instead of just hurling random insults in the hope that one might stick.

You know nothing, jon snow.
"You go girlfriend! You've earned that box of hot pockets. Hugs and fist bumps"

said her bff the refridgerator (of course the fridge is white).
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