1000w Citizen CLU048 1212 Garden

I'll tell you this much, I can look a 3590 @ 1400mA dead in the eye and see spots for a while, but a CLU @ 1400mA is punishment and I've always got my goggles on working under them. Seriously, 20 of those things in a mylar tent will spin your head around first thing in the morning. I don't know what it is exactly, but the CLU is characteristically much "brighter" than a CXB, I suspect it's the phosphor mixture. I'm going to post some pictures of my girls in the CLU tent when the lights come on here at 8, you're about to see some shit lads.
I'll tell you this much, I can look a 3590 @ 1400mA dead in the eye and see spots for a while, but a CLU @ 1400mA is punishment and I've always got my goggles on working under them. Seriously, 20 of those things in a mylar tent will spin your head around first thing in the morning. I don't know what it is exactly, but the CLU is characteristically much "brighter" than a CXB, I suspect it's the phosphor mixture. I'm going to post some pictures of my girls in the CLU tent when the lights come on here at 8, you're about to see some shit lads.

I hope that youre right.. Ill be watching... Nothing like a fresh idea to get the gears turning.
Supposedly the die layout is patented, forget where I read that, for optimum something or another. Boy I am useless.

That makes sense, looking at a CLU next to a 3070, the strings are perfectly parallel in series excluding the top and bottom strings on a CLU, whereas the CXBs crossover quite a bit more in the center of the chip. That must be kind of difficult to do, you'd thing 12 strings of 12 dice would be connected 12 stings of 12 dice in series parallel, but that isn't actually how a CLU is laid out. CXBs however are laid out like that, with an even number of dice in every string connected in parallel.
Alright, here they are about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks from chop. Bulking away quite nicely, should be a very substantial harvest considering these were throwaway clones and no effort was made for canopy management. Those lemon aliendawgs are pretty interesting, I think I'm culling that huge pheno in the back, it's going to yield well but I'm not crazy about the smell, while the squat pheno in front of it is pretty massive and smells like nuclear lemons. Next run is going to be a monocrop of an OTM x Indiana Bubblegum pheno that I hunted that should only go about 7 weeks and has some awesome color transitions, going to be another fun one while I get these Exotic beans crackin' (I popped 22 Blue Steel beans, 100% success rate, god bless fresh seed stock).

Sorry about the yellow, my camera doesn't have a manual white balance setting.


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None whatsoever, that's why I run naked COBs. I'm just not totally thrilled with the quality of the bud on that big girl, she's been surprising me though really packing on the density. Now that squat one in front of it, I'm all about it, that's classic lemon aliendawg all the way. I never really liked those super-cola structures, I seem to get better quality with OG phenos. It has that alien-leaning smell that's kind of rubbery, not bad but I prefer the million-lemons-a-second I'm getting from the short-stack.

I'd give the run a solid 7/10 so far, nice and dense, maybe 3lbs all said and done. This next mono's going to be off the hook, you wait.
Indeed very interesting I am also have a order for the clu48-1212 but going to run them on 700ma since one kwh is 0.23ct here.
Hey if you don't have a camera with white balance, I just downloaded OpenCamera on my phone and the white balance settings (while not manual) is way better for taking photos under COBs. Use the "incandescent" setting and it'll knock out the yellow (not that bad in my 3590 tent as I'm using 75% 4000k), it would probably do really well under HPS too. Check this before and after out.


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I feel like growing really good chronic makes you a professional photographer by default. I don't think there's any better subject to shoot than bud, and that's actually from a technical standpoint. I always try to get the focus just right where individual trichome stocks are visible, and buds look really cool.

Also, shocker, I don't actually smoke weed O_o. I'm bipolar and weed gives me insane tremors and paranoia. Growing is my medicine. I almost feel like a really big mycorrhiza or something, I never leave my house and pretty much tend to plants 24/7, hence my perpetual garden. Sorry in advance for no smoke reports.

May I ask what your typical GPW is with your 1000w 4x8' grow rooms

Hard to say because I grow perpetual and usually just pull down whatever is ready. I'm averaging about 1.6Lbs every two weeks, that's only what's vendible though. I'd wager maybe 3.5 lbs per 4*8 without running monocrops, I could probably push 5lbs if I gave a shit about canopy management. I grow some stuff because it finishes really fast but doesn't yield super well (frostiest stuff I have though), I really pay more attention to variety and my intimacy with a given cultivar than yield. That said, I just brought in all this Exotic gear that I'm really liking so far. I've been really wanting to monocrop a blueberry varietal since I've never really had a good one (alien blues is completely different than a typical blueberry). My LBR45 from Exotics is looking exquisite so far, I'll probably start some monos of cuts I pull from this run, and I'm planning a big breeding run if I find a good male in the next few months. Who knows, I grow for love, but I'll go ahead and say that I make a pretty decent living with two 4*8 COB setups. Expect to see some records broken in the coming months on this thread, I'm extremely capable and I'll start keeping tabs.

Also for anyone wondering, I use Jack's 3-2-1 hand-watered (plus topdressing of kelp/mycos/molasses powder) in pure coco with zero pesticide usage (passive or otherwise). My leaves never get wet, I'll put it that way. I've got a lot of patients that are end-of-life or immuno-compromised (chemo patients mainly), so I keep everything basically sterile in my gardens to minimize risk.
Damn man, I hope you have a trimming machine or minions

I wet trim by hand in total silence by myself because I'm literally insane. Get some Chikamasa scissors, they're my secret. The B500 SF specifically.

It's amazing the kind of quality you can produce with controlled mania. I look at trimming like a meditative exercise. I don't chase women or cars or material in general, I have the time for excruciating detail and I consider that the ultimate luxury. I've been called a monk more than once. Through cultivation I've achieved a self-perpetuating state of robust tranquility, I wear time like a hat, trimming in silence can go on for days without issue.
Using only mundane means begets only mundane results. Try it one day, brew up a pot of tea and sit down to 12 hours of wet trimming in silence. You learn a lot. Days feel like minutes anymore. Plus now I'm absurdly fast at trimming, image Through the Fire and Flames on expert, only with a bud instead of a plastic guitar controller.

It really does matter, I'm bothered when I see dispensary buds that are hacked to shit to the point you can't distinguish strain-dependent characteristics. Wet trimming is cool because the leaves are still full of water and standing proud, so you can angle your scissors at a fixed position and corn cob those fuckers. I've found that doing a 100% trim job within minutes of removing the bud from the plant is actually the fastest and most aesthetically pleasing way to trim (most trichome retention as well). It's hard to coordinate, but what's best is what's right in my garden.

Again, Chikamasa B500-SF scissors are Japan's gift to growers. Anti-resin coating, sharp as shit, no annoying spring to wear out your thumbs; just a solid no-frills working tool. These things make all the difference if you're wet trimming, you should buy five sets right now.
Nice looking plants dude for sure. Kudos!

Do you really yield 5-6lbs per run with 1000W of COBs? Those are some wicked numbers, and if that's true I'd love to hear your secret :peace:
@Milliardo Peacecraft what is your typical plant count in the 4x8? I'm going for an epic grow and have 24 now in a 5x5 all main lined for 4 mains but don't see it going like that much longer. Need more space.
My secret is not stressing plants at all. I don't supercrop, I lollipop in veg and give them at least a week to recover. 7 gallon pure-coco fabric pots (pests won't fuck with coco, it takes half the guesswork out). I use Jack's 3-2-1 @ 1.1EC from early veg straight through flower until chop, no fancy nutrient schedule. Huge amount of light, bare cobs, mylar tents, six inch inline fan and filter. Probably the most simplistic grow I've ever seen (if you think COB lights are simplistic, I do).

See that's what people are missing. When I see these over-trained scrog setups and OCD canopy managers, I see plants that aren't allowed to do their thing. I let my plants be what they want to be. If we don't agree, that mother is culled. Simplicity is the hardest thing to achieve. My grow is underground so my temperature is constant, the blower on my furnace is constantly on and circulating air throughout the house, and I grow in high-humidity with a sustained solid VPD. I pay more attention to what my plants are doing in the dark than what's going with the lights on. The real secret is patience and listening to your plants. Let millions of years of evolution show you how dumb you are.