I feel like growing really good chronic makes you a professional photographer by default. I don't think there's any better subject to shoot than bud, and that's actually from a technical standpoint. I always try to get the focus just right where individual trichome stocks are visible, and buds look really cool.
Also, shocker, I don't actually smoke weed

. I'm bipolar and weed gives me insane tremors and paranoia. Growing is my medicine. I almost feel like a really big mycorrhiza or something, I never leave my house and pretty much tend to plants 24/7, hence my perpetual garden. Sorry in advance for no smoke reports.
May I ask what your typical GPW is with your 1000w 4x8' grow rooms
Hard to say because I grow perpetual and usually just pull down whatever is ready. I'm averaging about 1.6Lbs every two weeks, that's only what's vendible though. I'd wager maybe 3.5 lbs per 4*8 without running monocrops, I could probably push 5lbs if I gave a shit about canopy management. I grow some stuff because it finishes really fast but doesn't yield super well (frostiest stuff I have though), I really pay more attention to variety and my intimacy with a given cultivar than yield. That said, I just brought in all this Exotic gear that I'm really liking so far. I've been really wanting to monocrop a blueberry varietal since I've never really had a good one (alien blues is completely different than a typical blueberry). My LBR45 from Exotics is looking exquisite so far, I'll probably start some monos of cuts I pull from this run, and I'm planning a big breeding run if I find a good male in the next few months. Who knows, I grow for love, but I'll go ahead and say that I make a pretty decent living with two 4*8 COB setups. Expect to see some records broken in the coming months on this thread, I'm extremely capable and I'll start keeping tabs.
Also for anyone wondering, I use Jack's 3-2-1 hand-watered (plus topdressing of kelp/mycos/molasses powder) in pure coco with zero pesticide usage (passive or otherwise). My leaves never get wet, I'll put it that way. I've got a lot of patients that are end-of-life or immuno-compromised (chemo patients mainly), so I keep everything basically sterile in my gardens to minimize risk.