DNC Email Leak

All things fair, I don't think he would have lost

Now we have actual evidence that it wasn't fair, that the DNC was working with the Clinton camp and against the Sanders camp when the rules of the party say they have to remain neutral

Why are you OK with this?

He wouldn't have lost. He had so much more obvious support. They rigged the votes too. He shouldn't have lost period even with the rigged media. No one likes Hillary Clinton except those who have no issue with her complete sociopathy.

It used to be, before the vote was completely rigged, that things like number of signs up relative to other candidates was in fact a pretty decent indicator of popularity. As well as the numbers that showed up to speaking events etc. This is no longer the case... all that stuff, exit poll numbers too - it was tossed after the election debacles earlier in the millenium. Now it's ignored, even though it's still true.

Bernie had by far more support. It was clear and obvious.
I love how the media is covering this completely ignoring the fact they were complicit. Focusing instead on the DNC as if they were the problem. The problem was the media was willing to play ball. Of course the DNC is going to do everything it can to get the candidate it actually wants (regardless of the people) - this is what political parties do.
Look at the hoops Bush had to jump through to cover his ass about this;

Now we know there is direct media collusion between publicly elected officials in government and major media outlets and Clinton supporters don't seem to care at all
I love how the media is covering this completely ignoring the fact they were complicit. Focusing instead on the DNC as if they were the problem. The problem was the media was willing to play ball. Of course the DNC is going to do everything it can to get the candidate it actually wants (regardless of the people) - this is what political parties do.

No, this is what Communist led Countries do.
He wouldn't have lost. He had so much more obvious support. They rigged the votes too. He shouldn't have lost period even with the rigged media. No one likes Hillary Clinton except those who have no issue with her complete sociopathy.

It used to be, before the vote was completely rigged, that things like number of signs up relative to other candidates was in fact a pretty decent indicator of popularity. As well as the numbers that showed up to speaking events etc. This is no longer the case... all that stuff, exit poll numbers too - it was tossed after the election debacles earlier in the millenium. Now it's ignored, even though it's still true.

Bernie had by far more support. It was clear and obvious.
The empty can rattles the loudest.
That does not prove he is racist.

so trump has been sued, and had to settle lawsuits because he refused to rent to black tenants.

he has said laziness is a trait in black people and that he does not want to see black people handling his money.

he is supported by the KKK and routinely kicks black people who are not even protesting out of his (klan) rallies.

he had a clear and unambiguous chance to condemn the KKK and did not do so.

he picked white nationalists to be his delegates.

what will it take for you to to realize that he is racist?
Do your recognize Trump's statements or the GOP's platform in most of these categories?

Law Enforcement
Restricted immigration
Greater Allegiance to the flag
Back to the Constitution
Better Government
Militant Protestantism
Freedom from dissension
Clean Politics
Uh... no. He does not support militant protestantism or freedom from dissension because those go against the constitution.

What is wrong with law enforcement and going back to the constitution tho? Or ensuring big money doesn't get into politics?
Uh... no. He does not support militant protestantism or freedom from dissension because those go against the constitution.

What is wrong with law enforcement and going back to the constitution tho? Or ensuring big money doesn't get into politics?

what part of the constitution does his "total and complete shutdown on muslim immigration" fall under?
Look at the hoops Bush had to jump through to cover his ass about this;

Now we know there is direct media collusion between publicly elected officials in government and major media outlets and Clinton supporters don't seem to care at all
Bush and Clinton. Two peas in a pod.
First off, I asked you to explain why you thought my comment that the kkk and Trump are the same thing was absurd and you went off on some tangent about how Trump isn't racist. The kkk says they aren't racist too, so you didn't really answer.

But I went with your diversion. The question I asked pertains exactly to my original question. So, I'll ask again. A simple yes or no will suffice.

Do your recognize Trump's statements or the GOP's platform in most of these categories?

Law Enforcement
Restricted immigration
Greater Allegiance to the flag
Back to the Constitution
Better Government
Militant Protestantism
Freedom from dissension
Clean Politics

Back to the constitution? Better government? These are slogans...

I dont recognize them as platforms.
you are a retarded person. hence why you love trump.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
The constitution only applies to the citizens of the USA. Also trump said stop immigration not stop practicing islam in america.

"Stop immigration" equals constitutional.

"Stop practicing Islam" equals unconstitutional.
First off, I asked you to explain why you thought my comment that the kkk and Trump are the same thing was absurd and you went off on some tangent about how Trump isn't racist. The kkk says they aren't racist too, so you didn't really answer.

But I went with your diversion. The question I asked pertains exactly to my original question. So, I'll ask again. A simple yes or no will suffice.

Do your recognize Trump's statements or the GOP's platform in most of these categories?

Law Enforcement
Restricted immigration
Greater Allegiance to the flag
Back to the Constitution
Better Government
Militant Protestantism
Freedom from dissension
Clean Politics

You say you are not racist either so you must be racist... right?
Do your recognize Trump's statements or the GOP's platform in most of these categories?

Law Enforcement
Restricted immigration
Greater Allegiance to the flag
Back to the Constitution
Better Government
Militant Protestantism
Freedom from dissension
Clean Politics

Trump has African American women holding high executive positions in his companies. Show me how many African American members of the KKK there are...

Once you are finished trying to do that, explain how they are the same again... DOH!!
Bring on your friends, I went to college and took political science (yes there is such a thing). You're branded as tumor on rollitup and I doubt you know a fraction of what I know about politics.

He proved your statement was completely inaccurate. And you immediately went into butthurt mode trying to prove how large your penis is and start name calling.

You are silly, and thusly nobody takes you seriously.
That's a fail post if I ever seen one.
You really should improve your reading comprehension. Clearly you missed the entire point of the post. Moreover, you offered nothing in the way of a supportive statement in your claim that the referenced comment was a fail.

You are silly, and thusly nobody takes you seriously.
Illegal immigrants are shitty for any country, not wanting them here isn't a Trump policy, it's a sane policy.
Why are they shitty for any country?

I'm not going to pay taxes to a government spending $.50 of every dollar on defense with an insecure border, that's just illogical.
Ok, so you're in favor of a bigger government then?

Nor will I elect a candidate sponsored by banks that demand constant taxpayer bailouts to continue their felonious lending practices.
Banks have needed 1 taxpayer bailout which they paid back. Banks don't "endorse" or "sponsor" candidates. Hillary received speaking money from banks, sort of how Trump received huge kickbacks from institutional investment banks for loaning and building overly lavish dwellings, for which about 10% of the time, fail.

If you're voting for Clinton, you're dangerously stupid.
How so?
The constitution only applies to the citizens of the USA. Also trump said stop immigration not stop practicing islam in america.

"Stop immigration" equals constitutional.

"Stop practicing Islam" equals unconstitutional.

so barring muslims is not prohibiting the free exercise thereof?

go be stupid elsewhere.