DNC Email Leak

"I'm not a racist, YOU are!"

"I know you are, but what am I?"

Heehee, these childish comments are really funny! I'm telling you, ya just can't make this shit up! :lol:

It's ridiculous.

I simply pointed out the comment about the kkk supporting trump had nothing to do with the conversation about the history of the kkk and how it started and I get called a racist. Lol

These idiots sit in here all day waiting for a trigger word so that they can call anyone who calls them out a racist

You can't make this shit up
And that's fine if you think all of that, but for God's sake keep your troll post in some sort order. the conversation was about the history of the kkk and then you go off on a tangent about trump. go beat off or something and release all that pent up troll anger

Comrade, you are doing good work, don't remind them that their tax dollars are building Islands in the So. Pacific.
Being anti racist is a 'disillusioned belief'?

At least you wave that KKK flag with pride.

I'll stand with the much larger crowd that says character is more important than skin color.

Of course, you wouldn't know anything about that character stuff.

some sick burns here.



i figure your local burn center will be in alabama.
I'm glad you liked it. Care to explain yourself or are you afraid?

Racism is the belief that a race of people or people's are inferior. Trump has never evidenced these thoughts. There are pictures of him kissing black babies, he has black employees in high levels of his corporation. Absolutely no evidence of racism whatsoever....

But hey, dont let that keep you from slinging meaningless insults.
Racism is the belief that a race of people or people's are inferior. Trump has never evidenced these thoughts. There are pictures of him kissing black babies, he has black employees in high levels of his corporation. Absolutely no evidence of racism whatsoever....

But hey, dont let that keep you from slinging meaningless insults.

Racism is the belief that a race of people or people's are inferior. Trump has never evidenced these thoughts. There are pictures of him kissing black babies, he has black employees in high levels of his corporation. Absolutely no evidence of racism whatsoever....

But hey, dont let that keep you from slinging meaningless insults.

Do your recognize Trump's statements or the GOP's platform in most of these categories?

Law Enforcement
Restricted immigration
Greater Allegiance to the flag
Back to the Constitution
Better Government
Militant Protestantism
Freedom from dissension
Clean Politics
Racism is the belief that a race of people or people's are inferior. Trump has never evidenced these thoughts. There are pictures of him kissing black babies, he has black employees in high levels of his corporation. Absolutely no evidence of racism whatsoever....

But hey, dont let that keep you from slinging meaningless insults.

A meaningless as what he says at every stump speech.
Do your recognize Trump's statements or the GOP's platform in most of these categories?

Law Enforcement
Restricted immigration
Greater Allegiance to the flag
Back to the Constitution
Better Government
Militant Protestantism
Freedom from dissension
Clean Politics

You asked me to explain why trump isnt a racist and when I clearly did that you changed the conversation. Congratulations, this is why I dont take you seriously....
You asked me to explain why trump isnt a racist and when I clearly did that you changed the conversation. Congratulations, this is why I dont take you seriously....
First off, I asked you to explain why you thought my comment that the kkk and Trump are the same thing was absurd and you went off on some tangent about how Trump isn't racist. The kkk says they aren't racist too, so you didn't really answer.

But I went with your diversion. The question I asked pertains exactly to my original question. So, I'll ask again. A simple yes or no will suffice.

Do your recognize Trump's statements or the GOP's platform in most of these categories?

Law Enforcement
Restricted immigration
Greater Allegiance to the flag
Back to the Constitution
Better Government
Militant Protestantism
Freedom from dissension
Clean Politics

I love how the media is covering this completely ignoring the fact they were complicit. Focusing instead on the DNC as if they were the problem. The problem was the media was willing to play ball. Of course the DNC is going to do everything it can to get the candidate it actually wants (regardless of the people) - this is what political parties do.