DNC Email Leak

When the KKK became unfashionable the democrats looked for other means to control the black population.

The south is not all republicans. Lets not be silly. The north is not all democrats.

Being a red or blue state just means there is a majority of one or the other but not by a wide margin.
And that's fine if you think all of that, but for God's sake keep your troll post in some sort order. the conversation was about the history of the kkk and then you go off on a tangent about trump. go beat off or something and release all that pent up troll anger

Don't change the subject by trying to deflect it onto my 'moodiness'. You're an apologist for and supporter of a self acknowledged racist... which makes you a racist.

I don't like racists, especially in my politics.

That's not trolling; that's calling you out for what you are and what you're saying. It's this foreign concept known as 'accountability'. If you can't handle that, then maybe reconsider your position if you can't take the heat.

And I'm the "low setting", pal; @UncleBuck will be by shortly to turn up the heat on your putrid stew.

Go jerk off yourself- if you can find it.
When the KKK became unfashionable the democrats looked for other means to control the black population.

The south is not all republicans. Lets not be silly. The north is not all democrats.

Being a red or blue state just means there is a majority of one or the other but not by a wide margin.

All true. Racism is pervasive in the deep south and permeates attitudes on both sides of the aisle.

It's the main reason I won't live there ever again.
Don't change the subject by trying to deflect it onto my 'moodiness'. You're an apologist for and supporter of a self acknowledged racist... which makes you a racist.

I don't like racists, especially in my politics.

That's not trolling; that's calling you out for what you are and what you're saying. It's this foreign concept known as 'accountability'. If you can't handle that, then maybe reconsider your position if you can't take the heat.

And I'm the "low setting", pal; @UncleBuck will be by shortly to turn up the heat on your putrid stew.

Go jerk off yourself- if you can find it.

Carry on with your disillusioned beliefs and wait for your butt buddy to come back.
Being anti racist is a 'disillusioned belief'?

At least you wave that KKK flag with pride.

I'll stand with the much larger crowd that says character is more important than skin color.

Of course, you wouldn't know anything about that character stuff.
Classic liberal ideology

Shout down anyone who doesn't agree as a racist, bigot,homophobe,etc.. it's like a little kid plugging his ears and crying out for attention
Classic liberal ideology

Shout down anyone who doesn't agree as a racist, bigot,homophobe,etc.. it's like a little kid plugging his ears and crying out for attention

It's not a 'liberal ideology', you hack. Racism IS bad and I'm not going to tolerate your obvious defense of it.

Go cry some more, it just make you look (more) childish. Just like the sheet you wear over your head because you're ashamed of being seen in public while racist.

The modern day GOP under Trump sounds very much as if the KKK has finally achieved it's goals.

It's not a 'liberal ideology', you hack. Racism IS bad and I'm not going to tolerate your obvious defense of it.

Go cry some more, it just make you look (more) childish. Just like the sheet you wear over your head because you're ashamed of being seen in public while racist.
Cool story bro.

Keep on going through life calling everyone who disagrees with you a racist. It's people like you who actually make race relations worse.
When the KKK became unfashionable the democrats looked for other means to control the black population.

The south is not all republicans. Lets not be silly. The north is not all democrats.

Being a red or blue state just means there is a majority of one or the other but not by a wide margin.

Umm, well, the south is pretty different from other regions when it comes to interpreting the meaning of the words: civil rights. Sees nothing wrong with supporting positions advocated by the KKK either.

This would not fly in any blue state and most red states outside of the south. Its different down there.


Georgia 'Religious Freedom' Bill Could Protect KKK, Sponsor Admits

Georgia’s state senate is considering a “religious liberty” bill that would make it easier to discriminate against LGBT people by, as Americans United explains, allowing “any individual or ‘faith-based’ business, non-profit entity, or taxpayer-funded organization to ignore any law that conflicts with their religious beliefs about marriage.”

In a debate over the bill today, Jones asked its sponsor, Sen. Greg Kirk, if the Ku Klux Klan would count as a faith-based organization protected under the law.

“I guess they could,” Kirk answered, adding, “I don’t know what would stop them.”

When Jones asked Kirk if that seemed like a problem to him, Kirk responded that it did not because the bill “certainly isn’t directed” at the KKK.

Meanwhile, another Georgia GOP lawmaker, state Rep. Tommy Benton, has been under fire for claiming that the KKK “was not so much a racist thing but a vigilante thing to keep law and order.”

If you doubt accuracy because of the source cited you can access a video of this discussion at the link shown above. Spoiler Alert: Kirk was quoted accurately.
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Oh, really? Care to name which races I discriminate against?

Take your time... you'll need it.

...and of course you wisely left any comments about character out of your attempts at debate, because even my dog can tell you don't have any.
You're racist because you're constantly posting about racism and accusing others without justification. People like your who only see the world through black and white are some of the most racist people that exist
You're racist because you're constantly posting about racism and accusing others without justification. People like your who only see the world through black and white are some of the most racist people that exist

Oh, no. I only accuse people of being racist when they've opened their own mouths and provided ample justification.

Like you did, for instance;
The kkk supporting trump is totally irrelevant

So maybe it's your racism that's the problem? Just sayin'