DNC Email Leak

I think it was worse by a long shot than before. Now, those running the show aren't even concerned about being seen to be interfering in the process.
It is pretty much what I expected from the people involved. I am not happy about our choices. I have probably said three good things about Hillary ever. Yeah, it pisses me off it was bullshit. It was petty . It was sad. But that does not come even close to what I expect from a TRUMP! Presidency.
It is pretty much what I expected from the people involved. I am not happy about our choices. I have probably said three good things about Hillary ever. Yeah, it pisses me off it was bullshit. It was petty . It was sad. But that does not come even close to what I expect from a TRUMP! Presidency.

I hear you. That said, crossing the Rubicon of usurping democracy in order to save it seems somehow to be just as dangerous.
It's possible to care and still consider it to be unimportant in the overall scheme. First off, I haven't seen anything that shows Hillary had her fingerprints on the action of the DNC. Second, and I know that this will set you off, I don't think the DNC's collusion with "the media" affected the outcome of the nomination. The difference in this election was too strongly tilted toward Hillary. If the primary had come down to one or two percent of the vote then I'd be there with you but Hillary had 31% more votes than Bernie did. Hillary beat Bernie hollow in three of the four important delegations of the Democratic party. That's the real reason Sanders lost.

Hillary hasnt condemned any of the actions and immediately hired DWS within hours of her stepping down from the DNC. She obviously did not disapprove.

The DNC broke it's own bylaws and in doing so deceived the people in the party. It is a private organization however. I am not sure anything they did was illegal. Scummy, shady, immoral, etc... But of course a bunch of lawyers would make sure it wasnt outright illegal.

I care because Hillary is crooked and it is in plain sight in her foundation. If people dont know or care by election time I will be at the end of my rope with the political system.

The game is fixed. Hopefully people wont put up for it.
I just want a fair contest. Fair enough that the candidate with the most real people supporting them wins. If that's Mrs Clinton, fine. The problem is that there's a lot of doubt, and for good reason. I'm talking about process more than candidate here. I'm not suggesting we ignore anyone, quite the opposite.

We are no longer confident the system isn't rigged and that's a pretty scary place to be for a 'democracy'.
I think there is a lot of pressure to make changes to improve voter access and the election process. Nobody in congress would be better qualified to drive changes to our system than Bernie. But it won't happen if the Democratic left stay on the sidelines. Hillary won't drive the change, of course. I don't think she would stand in its way.

At best, nothing will happen if the Republicans retain control of the two houses, however. They and the conservative Supreme Court have been on a fifty year campaign to roll back the voter rights act and have practically gutted it by this time. They don't like a diverse democracy and prefer keeping the darkies out of the vote where possible.
I don't want to talk about guns, I just want to make sure you have it available to you in case you get depressed.
Do depressed people kill themselves? Do they take drugs prescribed by drs? Another rollitup user wishes me death. Uncle buck and fog dog.
Hillary hasnt condemned any of the actions and immediately hired DWS within hours of her stepping down from the DNC. She obviously did not disapprove.

The DNC broke it's own bylaws and in doing so deceived the people in the party. It is a private organization however. I am not sure anything they did was illegal. Scummy, shady, immoral, etc... But of course a bunch of lawyers would make sure it wasnt outright illegal.

I care because Hillary is crooked and it is in plain sight in her foundation. If people dont know or care by election time I will be at the end of my rope with the political system.

The game is fixed. Hopefully people wont put up for it.
Oh gawd. The endless claim of looting the Clinton foundation. Tell me, if you have such access to information, why haven't her opponents in the Republican Congress not raked her over the coals? What crime has she been charged with?

Totally with you about scummy behavior by the DNC. Totally with you about Clinton not being above board about all this. I didn't vote for Hillary in the primary either. Totally not important in the overall election process. Hillary won with 31% more voters pulling the lever for her than for Sanders. The actions of the DNC were beyond stupid -- their actions created this scandal and it wasn't even necessary. But it didn't affect the outcome of the primary.
Do depressed people kill themselves? Do they take drugs prescribed by drs? Another rollitup user wishes me death. Uncle buck and fog dog.
Maybe you should just smoke a dube and medicate. I'm not suggesting you do yourself in. I'm just supporting your right to use your gun on yourself if you want to.
Maybe you should just smoke a dube and medicate. I'm not suggesting you do yourself in. I'm just supporting your right to use your gun on yourself if you want to.
Our forefathers created something that would protect us from themselves. You crazy people want to get rid of it??? Im sorry I shouldn't call you crazy. I'm sure you are perfectly sane.
Our forefathers created something that would protect us from themselves. You crazy people want to get rid of it??? Im sorry I shouldn't call you crazy. I'm sure you are perfectly sane.
You've had that dube I suppose. What aire you talking about? I thought we agreed that you have the right to a gun and to use it. Statistically guns are most likely to be used by the owner on himself than anyone else. So keep that bitch close.
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Not the biggest problem in America doesn't mean it isn't a big problem. Mr. Revolutionary should know that every crisis stems from an economic crisis. The economic crisis facing the world is the revolving door between predatory banks and government. The coziest relationship in this mess is Goldman Sachs and Washington DC. The wars overseas are a borrowing incentive for Goldman, militarized police is a borrowing incentive for Goldman, prisons are a borrowing incentive for Goldman, migrant crisis is a borrowing incentive for Goldman, Obamacare is a borrowing incentive for Goldman, Bailouts and manufactured market crashes are a huge borrowing incentive for Goldman, it goes on an on. You are voting for the Goldman Sachs candidate with Clinton, and anything that comes out of her mouth will be superseded by continuing to provide borrowing incentives for Goldman Sachs. Holy shit dude, don't be stupid, think about this.

you also trim a pound in three minutes.
I think there is a lot of pressure to make changes to improve voter access and the election process. Nobody in congress would be better qualified to drive changes to our system than Bernie. But it won't happen if the Democratic left stay on the sidelines. Hillary won't drive the change, of course. I don't think she would stand in its way.

At best, nothing will happen if the Republicans retain control of the two houses, however. They and the conservative Supreme Court have been on a fifty year campaign to roll back the voter rights act and have practically gutted it by this time. They don't like a diverse democracy and prefer keeping the darkies out of the vote where possible.

It was the democrats who opposed the civil rights and voting acts.
Trump would be a disaster

That's the problem I have. As a guy who really doesn't want to vote for Clinton, I'm not left with many other options. The way the system itself exists forces me to choose between bad and really bad and 'really bad' isn't even an option. So I'm left with 'bad'. We need to change that.
Hey, if I still lived in my old state there is no way I would vote for one of the two major candidates just because it would not possibly affect the outcome.

Parliamentary has its own set of problems but I would probably prefer it to what we have got.
I think there is a lot of pressure to make changes to improve voter access and the election process. Nobody in congress would be better qualified to drive changes to our system than Bernie. But it won't happen if the Democratic left stay on the sidelines. Hillary won't drive the change, of course. I don't think she would stand in its way.

At best, nothing will happen if the Republicans retain control of the two houses, however. They and the conservative Supreme Court have been on a fifty year campaign to roll back the voter rights act and have practically gutted it by this time. They don't like a diverse democracy and prefer keeping the darkies out of the vote where possible.

...and the poor, and the felons, and any other group that might vote democratic.