DNC Email Leak

The left has him convinced that trump will start a nuclear war or start evicting american muslims from the country.

Now you are being silly. I never said that. You said Hillary was going to enslave everybody. Are you standing by that statment?

Trump did say that Muslims in this country should be closely watched.

How is Trump going to find and detain those eleven million illegal immigrants in his first year of office?
@abandonconflict @Padawanbater2 and @ttystikk don't support hillary and i don't hate them.

@see4 supports gun rights and i don't hate him.

you have been disproven.

i dislike you because you are dumb and racist. end of story.
Bring on your friends, I went to college and took political science (yes there is such a thing). You're branded as tumor on rollitup and I doubt you know a fraction of what I know about politics.
Bring on your friends, I went to college and took political science (yes there is such a thing). You're branded as tumor on rollitup and I doubt you know a fraction of what I know about politics.

maybe if you reply to the same post for a third time, your inability to easily identify trump won't expose you for what a racist dumbass you are.
The left has him convinced that trump will start a nuclear war or start evicting american muslims from the country.

Trump would be a disaster

That's the problem I have. As a guy who really doesn't want to vote for Clinton, I'm not left with many other options. The way the system itself exists forces me to choose between bad and really bad and 'really bad' isn't even an option. So I'm left with 'bad'. We need to change that.

I think there's a few pretty good reasons much of the rest of the world has switched to a parliamentary system of government. This all ties into campaign finance reform, we need to abolish the two party system. All of the problems we currently face exist because a subgroup of elites hold a monopoly over the distribution of political power in this country and they will do everything they can, including invade sovereign nations, manipulate the economy, and incite racial/religious/sexist tension to hold onto it
Now you are being silly. I never said that. You said Hillary was going to enslave everybody. Are you standing by that statment?

How is Trump going to find and detain those eleven million illegal immigrants in his first year of office?
Immigration officers start enforcing the law. Simple.

Hillary is corrupt, if you aren't willing to listen to reason you will remain ignorant of this. The media purposely supporting her with the DNC obviously greasing palms to make that happen.

When the devil owns the media you are fucked. Thank god for wikileaks tho.
The media purposely supporting her with the DNC obviously greasing palms to make that happen.

goddamn you are stupid. or, as obama would more politely put it, fragile and frightful.


That's a false proposition. Do better.
You care the DNC favored Clinton over Sanders in the primary

You care the DNC colluded with members of the media

You care the DNC attempted to use Sanders' religious belief against him

Am I safe to assume you agree that the DNC broke their own Bylaws by conducting themselves in this way?
Oh now trump is going to expose me supposedly supporting him. The accusations continue.

you said that trump was not racist.

only someone who is so stupid as to not even be able to identify racism correctly would make such a retarded statement.

i make no distinction between racists and those who defend racists, even if through stupidity rather than malice. which i believe to be the case for you.
Immigration officers start enforcing the law. Simple.

Hillary is corrupt, if you aren't willing to listen to reason you will remain ignorant of this. The media purposely supporting her with the DNC obviously greasing palms to make that happen.

When the devil owns the media you are fucked. Thank god for wikileaks tho.
Uncle buck is just another try hard.
you said that trump was not racist.

only someone who is so stupid as to not even be able to identify racism correctly would make such a retarded statement.

i make no distinction between racists and those who defend racists, even if through stupidity rather than malice. which i believe to be the case for you.
I asked you to prove it, surly you have a youtube rendition or some sort of propaganda.

I care about a lot of things. It's complicated. I'm in good company too.

the first 3 1/2 minutes talks about his reasons to support Bernie but vote for Hillary if the choice is between her and Trump in the general election. He says it better than I can.

Withered Muslim apologist mumbles trite observations on not controlled opposition program Democracy Eventually. Wowee it's nothing.

Trump would be a disaster

That's the problem I have. As a guy who really doesn't want to vote for Clinton, I'm not left with many other options. The way the system itself exists forces me to choose between bad and really bad and 'really bad' isn't even an option. So I'm left with 'bad'. We need to change that.

I think there's a few pretty good reasons much of the rest of the world has switched to a parliamentary system of government. This all ties into campaign finance reform, we need to abolish the two party system. All of the problems we currently face exist because a subgroup of elites hold a monopoly over the distribution of political power in this country and they will do everything they can, including invade sovereign nations, manipulate the economy, and incite racial/religious/sexist tension to hold onto it

On literally every single policy issue, Trump is head and shoulders better than Clinton. You think antagonizing Russia and more foreign interventions in the middle-east are worth casting your ballot for to keep someone you perceive as a "jerk" out of office. Look at their donor list, and ye shall know them.

Hillary - Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Saudi Arabian Royal Family (for fuck's sake), Obama endorsement, Walmart, Big oil/mining/pharma, every shady foreign interest you can name.
Trump - Trump

Are you really going to be stupid enough to buy the "mean orange racist" line? Illegal immigrants are shitty for any country, not wanting them here isn't a Trump policy, it's a sane policy. I'm not going to pay taxes to a government spending $.50 of every dollar on defense with an insecure border, that's just illogical. Nor will I elect a candidate sponsored by banks that demand constant taxpayer bailouts to continue their felonious lending practices. If you're voting for Clinton, you're dangerously stupid.
Shouldn't this chart read 'Blue: percentage of coverage devoted to issues, Red: percentage of coverage not devoted to issues' or 'Blue: percentage of issue coverage positive in tone, Red: percentage of issue coverage negative in tone'?
He's a fucking madman and does not know what he does.
On literally every single policy issue, Trump is head and shoulders better than Clinton.
Sure, if your definition of 'better' doesn't matter
You think antagonizing Russia and more foreign interventions in the middle-east are worth casting your ballot for to keep someone you perceive as a "jerk" out of office. Look at their donor list, and ye shall know them.

Hillary - Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Saudi Arabian Royal Family (for fuck's sake), Obama endorsement, Walmart, Big oil/mining/pharma, every shady foreign interest you can name.
Trump - Trump
Yeah, that's why I'm not voting for Trump, because I think he's a jerk!...
Are you really going to be stupid enough to buy the "mean orange racist" line? Illegal immigrants are shitty for any country, not wanting them here isn't a Trump policy, it's a sane policy. I'm not going to pay taxes to a government spending $.50 of every dollar on defense with an insecure border, that's just illogical. Nor will I elect a candidate sponsored by banks that demand constant taxpayer bailouts to continue their felonious lending practices. If you're voting for Clinton, you're dangerously stupid.
If you think illegal immigration is the main problem America faces, you don't know enough about America to be qualified to make such an assumption. I would suggest you educate yourself about the things that actually matter.