Are Rec Prices dropping nationwide?

@ rob333... hahah you remind me of the drunk in The Streets The Irony of it All (

Someone is not smoking enough weed.


I moved out of CO AND OR before they went rec legal, but I looked at prices in Oregon recently, and they are as high as ever (~$200/oz, same as medical was when I moved out ~3 years ago... same as medical is right now here in Northern CA)... medical dropped a little... basically that's the only diference I am seeing in med vs rec.... discount for med patients.

Right now you have two things happening:

A) Growers/clubs are charging as much as before, because people were perfectly content paying that price, so why lose out?

B) Supply has not actually met demand. When that actually starts to happen THEN prices will drop.

I have always considered prices outrageous considering the cost to grow, but it made more sense in a black market, where people are taking big chances... from this point out it's just gouging.

The Nation for the most part is smoking California Outdoor Weed,rumor has it that Cali weed is good for 73% of the national pot supply.

HAHAHA I didn't know weed could rumor... is it like the grapevine?

I have no numbers, but I have lived in OR and CO and HUMBOLDT (where I live now) and I'd say that's patently untrue. Tons of growers in those places, even before legalization... and proud of their own shit (CO Mile high weed... haha). I also lived in NY, MI, NV, NJ and tons of others... sure, you could find so Cali weed... or what someone said was from California, but that's because Humboldt was such a class name. Most of the stuff there was either shitty Mexican ditch weed or grown locally... with the occasional actual pound of Emerald Triangle stuff getting into the market now and then. in NYC when I was last there (2005) you could pay $80 and 1/8 for supposed CA bud... VERY few people I knew ever spent that.... most people bougth whatever was still good and cheap (well cheaper, at $50 an 1/8.
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20x28=560 an ounce? I'd rather go back to jimsen weed

HAH right? I have been smoking buds I trimmed of my currently growing crop as I've run out and cannot stomach the idea of $35 an eight at the shop... Sure I look forward to fully mature, trimmed nugs like from the shop (I believe quality will be comparable... so far so good) but at a fraction of the cost (probably not pennies at this point.. but quarters on the dollar) I'm good with something that is a bit out yet, but still smoking smooth and getting me right... maybe not lasting as long... but the way I smoke, I can't tell. I started out smoking Mexican ditch weed and hillbilly dirt crap in NYC.. literally tasted and smelled like chicken shit. Burning chicken shit. Got you high/stoned... but man it was pretty foul.

Since moving out west I have VERY rarely had bud that was not an A... mostly AA or AAA... even the year old outdoor has been solid Bs...

But damned if I won't smoke my homegrown regs all day long rather than pay up the butt.

Now if i could only get seeds for less than the usual $15 a seed (INSANE!)... I like cloning for extending my crop, or as something to do when I top or break a branch... but not as a general propagation tool. I prefer seeds... it's just how I roll. I also advocate them for keeping strong gene-stock and bio-diversity.
IMO prices on the legal recreational market here in WA are ridiculous. $12 PLUS a gram and $8 gram for some schwaggy outdoor crap
I live in San Diego and the price of marijuana has not changed in 15 years. The price for 3.5g of high quality indoor cannabis is approx $50. This is the same at medical clubs or from your local dealer (i call this our recreational). I have been smoking for 15 years and the only constant has been the price of a quality 1/8. The weed has gotten better tho.
well how good is Budweiser or miller. they will as some point boil down to a few products taking the largest market share. and as I said before, its does not have to be super ill dank. al long as they pump out a consistent product at a 9-5 price people will buy it.

the rest of it, will fall in to the micro brew type market, which is a very small market share in comparison. you can grow the dankest wall sticking flower of all time, and once the 12lbs is gone is does not stop the machine.

home brewing as had a bit of a come back, in comparison to growing, but its more then a hobby them a means of making a living. since they started tiered billing and time rate changes based on demand, electric bills are very high here in SoCal. run you lights during a heat wave, and expect to play about a .79 a kilowatt. a 3k system can be a $1800 bill x3: 5400+1500 in nuets and products a home grow with a $6900 overhead. average 1800 a lb (expect the worse hope for the best estimate) and you going to need at least 4lbs just to pay for your hobby

id say about 4lbs is the average serious home grower mean, +/- 2lbs so you have about 3900 to buy more nuets cleaning supplys: repair/replace and replace stuff like ro filters, bulbs, tubing. that's another 1k. add your payouts and IOU's and misc. so you got about $2400 left, a full time employee at Mcdonalds makes about that.

and a failed run, if you don't have money to pay the bills could mean....serious problems. spider mites could make you homeless if your are hobby(ing) on the edge. lol

some of your costs are highly inflated.
Supply and demand. Its illegal here and nothing but swag and brick here.
Fair enough. Illegal where i am too. The most i ever paid for top shelf is 240 an ounce.

Maybe it is harder to get where you are. Or maybe the BM is just greedier. They would find that if they dropped the price a bit there would be more demand. I mean... i would smoke the shit weed all day long instead of paying 300+ an ounce.

Or....i would risk going for a long drive to where prices are better.
Fair enough. Illegal where i am too. The most i ever paid for top shelf is 240 an ounce.

Maybe it is harder to get where you are. Or maybe the BM is just greedier. They would find that if they dropped the price a bit there would be more demand. I mean... i would smoke the shit weed all day long instead of paying 300+ an ounce.

Or....i would risk going for a long drive to where prices are better.
I won't pay 20 a g either. Its the reason I grow.

It drops to about $3-350 an oz if you buy it that way here.

Mids are 35-40 a quarter, swag 25 a quarter here.
What's hard to believe about $20 a gram.

I don't think anyone doesn't believe it... I lived in NYC... $20 a gram... yeah, all day long... but then it's not nearly as abundant there as it is here... and wherever it was coming from, it came a long way (upstate, out of state) and with a lot of pitfalls for the dealer in a state/city that loves to put people in jail.

Anywhere on the West Coast North of San Francisco? That's just people (consumers) being stupid and sellers being greedy. We all know how much it costs to grow... my grow is pretty much shit compared to pretty much every other on here, but it's still costing me way less than $10 a gram, much less $20. And for swag/brick too? Ugh.

And if it's outdoor? BOOM! most of the $$ cost is gone. what is that pennies on the dollar at that point? So I grow a gram for 5 cents and sell it for $20? Yeah, someone's gonna kick my ass when they figure that shit out. Or steal my business with better prices.

Like you said, you're in a seller's market, and that's awesome for you, financially (except unless you're growing then you are also over paying for weed to being with). But traditionally the market follows a scheme (it works for everyone else to make tons of money, so it's not like this is some new or untested theory, it is the norm): 100% mark up when goods change hands (ax not included ;-)).

Luxury goods and small things, like key rings or bottle openers, are the exception. You pay a lot extra for luxury, even if all you're getting is a well known name... and small things are a matter of exchange... no one minds 50 cont to a dollar for a key right, even though it was only 5 cents to make... it's a perceived value thing...

But hey, the U.S. is built on on paying a lot more than then need to for a lot less than they should expect.

When commercial growing actually takes off prices will drop... though always stay as high as people are willing to pay.

Supply and demand... how misunderstood that is... ever think how, if a few more people decided to think like me, your demand would dry up? All that supply, and no one to buy it... I bet you'd be glad to sell at $5 a gram then... but don't worry, people are (as a whole) not that smart.
I don't think anyone doesn't believe it... I lived in NYC... $20 a gram... yeah, all day long... but then it's not nearly as abundant there as it is here... and wherever it was coming from, it came a long way (upstate, out of state) and with a lot of pitfalls for the dealer in a state/city that loves to put people in jail.

Anywhere on the West Coast North of San Francisco? That's just people (consumers) being stupid and sellers being greedy. We all know how much it costs to grow... my grow is pretty much shit compared to pretty much every other on here, but it's still costing me way less than $10 a gram, much less $20. And for swag/brick too? Ugh.

And if it's outdoor? BOOM! most of the $$ cost is gone. what is that pennies on the dollar at that point? So I grow a gram for 5 cents and sell it for $20? Yeah, someone's gonna kick my ass when they figure that shit out. Or steal my business with better prices.

Like you said, you're in a seller's market, and that's awesome for you, financially (except unless you're growing then you are also over paying for weed to being with). But traditionally the market follows a scheme (it works for everyone else to make tons of money, so it's not like this is some new or untested theory, it is the norm): 100% mark up when goods change hands (ax not included ;-)).

Luxury goods and small things, like key rings or bottle openers, are the exception. You pay a lot extra for luxury, even if all you're getting is a well known name... and small things are a matter of exchange... no one minds 50 cont to a dollar for a key right, even though it was only 5 cents to make... it's a perceived value thing...

But hey, the U.S. is built on on paying a lot more than then need to for a lot less than they should expect.

When commercial growing actually takes off prices will drop... though always stay as high as people are willing to pay.

Supply and demand... how misunderstood that is... ever think how, if a few more people decided to think like me, your demand would dry up? All that supply, and no one to buy it... I bet you'd be glad to sell at $5 a gram then... but don't worry, people are (as a whole) not that smart.
I don't even sell. Just saying that in certain areas the demand is greater than the supply.

Drive a few hours west of me and I can get decent mid brick for $600 a pound.
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I don't have even sell. Just saying that in certain areas the demand is greater than the supply.

Drive a few hours west of me and I can get decent mid brick for $600 a pound.

Sorry didn't mean to imply you were a seller, or the bad guy... just you know, making the point. AND yes, totally... but in places like OR, WA and CA? It makes no sense for people to pay the prices they're charging at the shops (or even direct).
u can make $1000/lb just driving weed from Santa Cruz to San Diego. Get a friend with a tow truck and tow a car packed with weed, knew a guy used to make a living doing this.
Had a friend just come back from CO. He said guys on bicycles are selling zips of mid to good grade for $80. Is this true?
Had a friend just come back from CO. He said guys on bicycles are selling zips of mid to good grade for $80. Is this true?

and somewhere in the U.S. there's guys on bikes selling cigarettes and beer... not, you know, American Spirits and micro-brews or anything, but some good shit... for a lot cheaper than the same stuff in stores too ;-).
Well... he has be know to spew bullshit before, between dribbling bits of truth here and there so had to check...