What did you accomplish today?

sorry for the delay..
i wasnt planning on picking up some shit

i was trying to think who appreciates my posts.. i vocab isnt so eloquent, i dont.exactly paint a picture and my posts can be.... id say risque but id feel like a bitch.

anyway i got two awesome stories. though im sure ill fail to tell properly

first.. i bent my fingernail back today and thought of a lady that came in one time when i was working a small town pharmacy.

she had loooooong fingernails ..she came in and asked me what i could recommend to strengthen em.. im like idk.. id assume a multi vitamin and hydrate you know.. so she tells me she normally wears gloves to protect them.. im like thats weird but ok..
so she folds the fingernaips forward covering her fingertips and puts the glove on like that


quick wnd to the punch

ok story two...

yes i realize this isnt an accomplishment

tgis one goes out to @curious2garden

so i was out cruisin. in my old slab, havin a grand ol time..sropped at the store, ok fuck i stopped ar amys ice cream..anyway this girl, super fine ,gottl stuck lookin at my ride. nothin special. white leather bench seat, convert, candy blue thats so deep you think you can go for a swim (house of kolor all day baby) Texan wire wheels on vogues

she looks pretty sweet and innocent too.. guess she tryna feel a gangster ;)

i walk in order my green tea flavored ice cream lmao

she all eyein me.. fidgeting and shit. im pretty good at reading so i go over.. im like, you smoke?
not really (pretty sure that meant no)
blah blah, flirt flirt
what time you get off, ill pick you up we can blow one
hr and a half

short version...

so jump ahead
we at the crib im sippin lean, she wants to be cool to, so i give her a cup . i throw a random movie on idk.
and we manage to end on the couch with her sitting on me, but like her ass just off and against the arm so not really much body weight on me, legs to.my right and my arm around her back... get the pic?
how considerate of her btw
so from this position , fucking is inevitable.

butvthat woldnt be worthy of a story

were both in "dream land" i call it..opiate induced blissful haze plus good dank
she gives me them eyes, starn at me..them come fuck me eyes.
her mouth slightly open lmao obviously wanting a kiss

maybe this was wrong but i kinda was fuxkin wit her.. so i gave her a lil kiss. she tilts her head to the side pushing her neck towards me.
m like damn hahaha bitch horny as a muhfucker.
so i act like i dont notice or understand..she waits like 5min altering facial expressions like hello i have a pussy i look good wtf wrong with you
i felt kinda bad, i didnt mean like rejection it was just humorous.
eventually i softly kiss her neck. just barely lick up to her ear breath in softly

you know the drill

shes squirming at this point.

hops on top of me. shoves her tongue in my mouth like trying to strangle mine.. stands up and strips

wait where am i going with this..
oh yea me kinda fuckin with her

well the rest is pg13 and you got the general short idear

it made me laugh and we both had a good time

also picled up 200 teva 834s

my camera being shittu right now..fuck.it that was like the 4th oic20160802_002006.jpg
Well see I could... but what I meant to say before was "carve a pipe and a vape"... and unfortunately, I can't carve the vape out now... too late. But yes, I will vape thank you asking, right now...

Using a bulb... because I don't have a regular vape and because this seemed both funny and, having a burnt bulb laying around, why not check it out... not exactly great in terms of vaping in case you're curious... easy to overcook the herb. But it does work, def make nice sized hits.

I also shouldn't have said carve, since to me that's mostly by hand... I drilled out a pipe... I will carve out the shape tomorrow... and the vape... I made the circuit (battery, button, coil), now I just need to cut and drill out the base and mount it all.
Well see I could... but what I meant to say before was "carve a pipe and a vape"... and unfortunately, I can't carve the vape out now... too late. But yes, I will vape thank you asking, right now...

Using a bulb... because I don't have a regular vape and because this seemed both funny and, having a burnt bulb laying around, why not check it out... not exactly great in terms of vaping in case you're curious... easy to overcook the herb. But it does work, def make nice sized hits.

I also shouldn't have said carve, since to me that's mostly by hand... I drilled out a pipe... I will carve out the shape tomorrow... and the vape... I made the circuit (battery, button, coil), now I just need to cut and drill out the base and mount it all.
Burnt light bulbs laying around huh? Meth much? Lol ;)
Meth much? Lol ;)

HAHA never actually... and it's funny...

So I smoke buds... I mean literally I prefer to smoke my cannabis flowers... and a fw years ago I was sharing an apartment with this girl (roommates/flatmates... separate rooms). She was Scottish... odd, but nice and seemingly mostly normal. We weren't fiends but friendly.

Then one day she asks for my help... turns out she's got some online boyfriend they're meeting up he want her to buy him a meth pipe.

I'm pretty stunned. Well she doesn't know what one is and you know, I some pot so I must know about all the drugs i guess so could I go with her to the headshop and help her get something.

I didn' (still don't) smoke much hash, and never from a hash pipe. And that's when I realized that as marijuana pipes were sold as for tobacco use only, these hash ipes (which couldn't be for tobacco at all right? I mean, that's ust upfront) were just as likely being used by meth heads. I'm sure I'd seen it it movies and tv, but it never clicked.

So then I was recently thinking about vaping.. I smoke too much and want to cut back and this would be a way to at least cut back on the tar... but I hate spending money (kind of) and I like to tinker... so I found different things and eventually saw the bulb vape. As any goof tinkerer I keep bits of junk around, so yeah, there's a burnt bulb I haven't tossed yet... and it wasn't until after I'd used it for a bit that it hit me again... OOOOOHHHH meth. Wow.

Th vape I'm building is a simple MFLB type... but using and actual battery housing and cables to a spring coil I made myself from steel wire, with and push on button in there. It works on 9v or a case hat holds 2xAA and has the same connectors as a 9 volt. I just got some cherry wood for the housing.
HAHA never actually... and it's funny...

So I smoke buds... I mean literally I prefer to smoke my cannabis flowers... and a fw years ago I was sharing an apartment with this girl (roommates/flatmates... separate rooms). She was Scottish... odd, but nice and seemingly mostly normal. We weren't fiends but friendly.

Then one day she asks for my help... turns out she's got some online boyfriend they're meeting up he want her to buy him a meth pipe.

I'm pretty stunned. Well she doesn't know what one is and you know, I some pot so I must know about all the drugs i guess so could I go with her to the headshop and help her get something.

I didn' (still don't) smoke much hash, and never from a hash pipe. And that's when I realized that as marijuana pipes were sold as for tobacco use only, these hash ipes (which couldn't be for tobacco at all right? I mean, that's ust upfront) were just as likely being used by meth heads. I'm sure I'd seen it it movies and tv, but it never clicked.

So then I was recently thinking about vaping.. I smoke too much and want to cut back and this would be a way to at least cut back on the tar... but I hate spending money (kind of) and I like to tinker... so I found different things and eventually saw the bulb vape. As any goof tinkerer I keep bits of junk around, so yeah, there's a burnt bulb I haven't tossed yet... and it wasn't until after I'd used it for a bit that it hit me again... OOOOOHHHH meth. Wow.

Th vape I'm building is a simple MFLB type... but using and actual battery housing and cables to a spring coil I made myself from steel wire, with and push on button in there. It works on 9v or a case hat holds 2xAA and has the same connectors as a 9 volt. I just got some cherry wood for the housing.
They're called oil burners buy head shops but the nickname given them by meth heads is a "Pealo" use to do lots back in the day unfortunately. Now I use them to smoke dabs and make DMT free base pipes

I had only heard hash pipe... and yeah meth pipe... I think also spoon? Maybe that was a slightly different thing but it worked the same way.

Makes sense as oil pipes though yeah... and yeah DMT free basing... never done it but knew that was how it worked.

Would it work for opium? I only smoked that once (got roped in by my neighbour and curiousity... coooked on tin or aluminium foil... got pretty sick. Dude was an ER nurse at the local hospital too. Already had license suspended for DUI.

Seems like a pretty logical vaporizer to me... same as the bulb, but way better... how much do these usually go for? I forgot what that chick paid for hers.
Yeah would work awesome for Opium or any oil or powder that you smoke. It works for DMT but its not that great makes the smoke very harsh and its hard to break through cuz its difficult to operate after the second hit. I usually just break the bulb off and make a freebase pipe(commonly called a crack pipe) its the cheapest to make and you can work it the easiest and take hits back to back. If you break through on an oil burner and there's still DMT inside its molten liquid that takes more that 30 seconds to solidify what a fucking mess.
I had only heard hash pipe... and yeah meth pipe... I think also spoon? Maybe that was a slightly different thing but it worked the same way.

Makes sense as oil pipes though yeah... and yeah DMT free basing... never done it but knew that was how it worked.

Would it work for opium? I only smoked that once (got roped in by my neighbour and curiousity... coooked on tin or aluminium foil... got pretty sick. Dude was an ER nurse at the local hospital too. Already had license suspended for DUI.

Seems like a pretty logical vaporizer to me... same as the bulb, but way better... how much do these usually go for? I forgot what that chick paid for hers.
Foil sucks balls and is a last resort. Oil burners go for between $2 and $10 depending on size and if its made from thin cheap glass or thick Pyrex.
Depending on the substance using a oil burner is a skill you learn. Also some substance u have to use a torch over a bic or you'll waste the substance like with dab.
I've been hearing this sob story for the last 8 months. No one can abuse you without your permission.

There's always some excuse that doesn't really make sense. You know..... Some people like being the victim and don't even realize it.

I've gone through WAY rougher stuff than losing one harvest to get outta bad situations.

Fucking Christ.
No you're quite right. I don't think it's been 8 months though. I apologise if it's got boring, it has for me too but I'm on it and shall stop whining now :peace:
Proof the talking cure doesn't work lol I've lost hundreds of dollars to my "Hobbies" before I got it right.
The thing is, I kind of see the harvest as my only way to get gone and cut ties completely, but I need to let go of that idea. I thought it'd be better once he moved out so that's what I worked at but it didn't work out that way, and he's using my attachment to the plants and my desire to be reasonable against me so I'm going to have to take some decisive action. Simple as. I have no intention of living my life as a victim and this bullshit is getting in the way of everything else I'm doing. And that's it, won't mention it again now, I promise!
A good bitch slap is in order I think. But I don't know the details. If you wanna talk about it PM me. I'm a good listener and I only give good thought out advice. ;)