High humidity


Well-Known Member
Did I luck out? I see you mentioned high heat and did you read the part about lights out being my high humidity times? During lights on my humidity is a constant 30-50% depending on what stage of growth I'm in. Even with the high humidity during lights out I prevented mold simply by keeping a good airflow for my plants.

Also keep in mind that mold needs more than a damp area but it also needs to be a still area too. Keeping a fresh circulation of air around and on your plants goes a much longer way to preventing mold than lowering the humidity will.
Yes, you did good. Most people don't have enough air flow in their gardens, always a spot here and there with slow movement.

Also going to need a citation on the best weed being grown indoors. It's anecdotal but there are people out there who would claim with the same gusto you did that outdoor organic is the best.
I'm hyper sensitive. 8 years ago I came across some indoor that blew away my quality. I haven't seen quality like that since and I've had PLENTY of outdoor from Cali and Colorado since then. Nothing even comes close to what I grow now. Would love to match it up against that other grower some day. ;)

With this level of sensitivity, I have a completely different viewpoint of cannabis quality.

p.s. Number one reason is the outdoor is dirty, quality indoor is grown using HEPA filtered air. No dust, pollen, bear hair, dried bird feces dust, insect bits or any of that. :D
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Well-Known Member
Yes, you did good. Most people don't have enough air flow in their gardens, always a spot here and there with slow movement.

I'm hyper sensitive. 8 years ago I came across some indoor that blew away my quality. I haven't seen quality like that since and I've had PLENTY of outdoor from Cali and Colorado since then. Nothing even comes close to what I grow now. Would love to match it up against that other grower some day. ;)

With this level of sensitivity, I have a completely different viewpoint of cannabis quality.

Yea, poor airflow does suck. Getting an inline fan rated at or high than your tent's cubic feet is one of if not the best way to ensure good air flow in a tent. I use a 440CFM inline in my tiny 2x2 using a speed controller to turn it down to about 25% but it kicks ass man.

Interesting to hear you're sensitive to the herb you smoke, I suppose this would mean that indoor is the best for you and not necessarily the best there is right?


Well-Known Member
Interesting to hear you're sensitive to the herb you smoke, I suppose this would mean that indoor is the best for you and not necessarily the best there is right?
LOL When I say 'best' I mean smoothest, most flavorful, most aromatic, most potent and enjoyable cannabis. Meaning, what I drastically prefer, over non-best.

Outdoor is non-best, by far, compared to indoor. *ahem* well done, indoor. Which is a rarity 90% of the population hasn't experienced. When you get ahold of some, you'll agree. :)


Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. Both are only a few days from being done and have started to fade. I try to keep them healthy & happy all the way through flower. Healthy leaves are the best bloom booster.


Well-Known Member
LOL When I say 'best' I mean smoothest, most flavorful, most aromatic, most potent and enjoyable cannabis. Meaning, what I drastically prefer, over non-best.

Outdoor is non-best, by far, compared to indoor. *ahem* well done, indoor. Which is a rarity 90% of the population hasn't experienced. When you get ahold of some, you'll agree. :)

You're still saying indoor is superior to outdoor based on your personal experience and nothing else.

You do realize without providing some sort of actual evidence you can't just claim one is better than the other based on personal experience nor can we judge what others have to say. What is best? Highest THC? Best Yield?

The Cannabis cup has separate awards now I believe for indoor vs outdoor but that doesn't mean one is necessarily better than the other and your personal taste certainly isn't a reason to say one is better than the other when all you can really do is tell us which one you prefer.


Well-Known Member
You're still saying indoor is superior to outdoor based on your personal experience and nothing else.
Yes, for a few reasons.

  • I'm in the top 2% as far as sensitivity to taste, smell and touch are concerned. Contaminants are much easier for me to detect, aromas and flavors are much more intense and complex to me. The majority of the smokers I've come in contact with are not very sensitive at all, unable to tell the difference between rather large differences in quality.
  • I've been a grower for 15+ years
  • 8 years ago I "Thought" I was growing awesome cannabis, just like most of the growers I've met online and in person.
  • 8 years ago I ran across stunningly superior quality cannabis, which broadened my awareness of what cannabis is truly capable of
  • I've sampled cannabis from thousands of different sources across 4 states, 2 of them medical states
  • I've spent the last 8 years researching what makes superior quality cannabis and have made significant progress

But no, I'm not anyone you should pay attention to on this subject. I really don't have any experience, so my opinion is worthless. Yep, yep, yep. :)

Growers are very lucky I'm not judging these competitions. That day will come though. LOL


Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I cringe when I think about how much money I've spent on mediocre weed over the years. Nobody talked about strains -- it was weed, and you got whatever was available.
For many growers, the "best of the best" never hits the market. I call it my "private reserve"... :weed:


Well-Known Member
I hear you, that experience 8 years ago really opened my eyes. In a big way. I literally used cannabis for over 20 years, without ever coming across anything with such awesome quality.

The downside is I also have met growers(as in multiple growers now) who have also had 15-20 years experience. Their fire has been supremely awful, amazingly so. A few have had 'passable' cannabis, only a few though. I personally don't equate years with 'awareness.' :)

Prohibition has been quite successful at squelching real info.



Well-Known Member
Yes, for a few reasons.

  • I'm in the top 2% as far as sensitivity to taste, smell and touch are concerned. Contaminants are much easier for me to detect, aromas and flavors are much more intense and complex to me. The majority of the smokers I've come in contact with are not very sensitive at all, unable to tell the difference between rather large differences in quality.
  • I've been a grower for 15+ years
  • 8 years ago I "Thought" I was growing awesome cannabis, just like most of the growers I've met online and in person.
  • 8 years ago I ran across stunningly superior quality cannabis, which broadened my awareness of what cannabis is truly capable of
  • I've sampled cannabis from thousands of different sources across 4 states, 2 of them medical states
  • I've spent the last 8 years researching what makes superior quality cannabis and have made significant progress

But no, I'm not anyone you should pay attention to on this subject. I really don't have any experience, so my opinion is worthless. Yep, yep, yep. :)

Growers are very lucky I'm not judging these competitions. That day will come though. LOL

You're committing a logical fallacy called argument from authority and you sound like a total snob. How do you even know you're in the top 2% for sensitivity? You remind me of a middle schooler claiming they have some innate ability that they can only prove through personal anecdote and not with any sort of doctor diagnosis or real evidence.

You've been a grower for fifteen years, cool. Once again argument from authority, it means nothing. People do things their entire life without actually learning about it.

Would you care to actually elaborate on what this superior quality was and how you knew it was? Sure it may have blown away your persona grow but that still doesn't make it objectively the best weed. Please share this secret with us so we too can have the best weed.

Once again sampling a lot of weed doesn't make you an expert. If that was the case my mother would be a world class wine aficionado but alas she's just a silly drunk mum.

And what research? Learning about plant biology and taking courses at accredited universities/ working with big time growers and learning different styles of growing OR loads of personal research with your own grows as well as the resources you find online? You're really ambiguous with a lot of your statements.

And yea, until your opinions are little more than handjobs to yourself they are worthless. I'm happy you're not judging any competitions I'm going to assume you're a great person but in this post you seem full of yourself.


Well-Known Member
I cringe when I think about how much money I've spent on mediocre weed over the years. Nobody talked about strains -- it was weed, and you got whatever was available.
For many growers, the "best of the best" never hits the market. I call it my "private reserve"... :weed:
Every grower is going to think their's is the best.