Well-Known Member
Yes, you did good. Most people don't have enough air flow in their gardens, always a spot here and there with slow movement.Did I luck out? I see you mentioned high heat and did you read the part about lights out being my high humidity times? During lights on my humidity is a constant 30-50% depending on what stage of growth I'm in. Even with the high humidity during lights out I prevented mold simply by keeping a good airflow for my plants.
Also keep in mind that mold needs more than a damp area but it also needs to be a still area too. Keeping a fresh circulation of air around and on your plants goes a much longer way to preventing mold than lowering the humidity will.
I'm hyper sensitive. 8 years ago I came across some indoor that blew away my quality. I haven't seen quality like that since and I've had PLENTY of outdoor from Cali and Colorado since then. Nothing even comes close to what I grow now. Would love to match it up against that other grower some day.Also going to need a citation on the best weed being grown indoors. It's anecdotal but there are people out there who would claim with the same gusto you did that outdoor organic is the best.
With this level of sensitivity, I have a completely different viewpoint of cannabis quality.
p.s. Number one reason is the outdoor is dirty, quality indoor is grown using HEPA filtered air. No dust, pollen, bear hair, dried bird feces dust, insect bits or any of that.
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