Donald Trump

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Trump, the destroyer of value, crusher of trust, annihilator of the Republican Party. Thank you Trump.

A Republican congressman wants you to know he really doesn’t like Donald Trump

"People ask me, 'What do you think about Trump,'" Coffman says to the camera in a new ad. "Honestly, I don't care for him much. And I certainly don't trust Hillary."

Coffman's ad marks the first time in the 2016 election a Republican candidate has used a TV commercial to actively distance themselves from Trump. But it sure as heck won't be the last — especially if Trump's polling slide continues.

This is a survival move by Coffman. Polling suggest that Trump is running behind past Republican nominees in Colorado — thanks in part to his extremely poor showing among Hispanics and in part to his struggles with suburban women. (Coffman's 6th District is anchored in the western suburbs of Denver.)

Coffman has almost certainly polled the district and found that Trump's image is in disastrous shape there. Coffman's only option — considering the swing nature of his district — is to get as far away as possible from Trump or run the risk of being dragged down with him.

Coffman won't be the last. The rats are deserting the ship. They don't want to go down with it. Not that it matters much. This guy tried to use the same tactic in 2010:

"I'm not Nancy Pelosi. I'm not Barack Obama," Pomeroy says in the commercial. "I'm Earl Pomeroy."

It didn't work. Pomeroy lost by almost 10 points.

The simple fact is that the top of the ticket matters a TON in down-ballot races. If Trump loses Coffman's district by eight or 10 points in the fall, it's going to be very hard for Coffman to win — no matter what he says about The Donald in his ads.
Trump Reflects White Male Fragility


Indeed, a Monday report in The Times put it this way: “A New York Times/CBS News poll two weeks ago found that white men preferred her Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, to Mrs. Clinton almost two to one, 55 percent to 29 percent.”

@StevieBevie @NLXSK1 @SamsonsRiddle @Flaming Pie your imbecile thoughts, philosophies and holy commitments are summarized, characterized and disposed of in few sentences)

These are the voters keeping Trump’s candidacy alive.He appeals to a regressive, patriarchal American whiteness in which white men prospered, in part because racial and ethnic minorities, to say nothing of women as a whole, were undervalued and underpaid, if not excluded altogether.

There is a portion of the population that feels threatened by unrelenting change — immigration, globalization, terrorism, multiculturalism — and those people want someone to, metaphorically at least, build a wall around their cultural heritage, which they conflate in equal measure with American heritage.

In their minds, whether explicitly or implicitly, America is white, Christian, straight and male-dominated. If you support Trump, you are on some level supporting his bigotry and racism. You don’t get to have a puppy and not pick up the poop.

And acceptance of racism is an act of racism. You are convicted by your complicity.
I'm not talking about the employers being angry. My question is why isn't all of this outrage directed at the employers? Immigrants can't work jobs that aren't available.
I spoke to my mother in law about this. Apparently some employers will pay to get a fake SSN for the employees so it looks like they did everything legit on their end. They will show a payroll of minimum wage but since they are illegals, and cannot report him without incriminating themselves, he will pay them 50 dollars a week.
Trump Reflects White Male Fragility


Indeed, a Monday report in The Times put it this way: “A New York Times/CBS News poll two weeks ago found that white men preferred her Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, to Mrs. Clinton almost two to one, 55 percent to 29 percent.”

@StevieBevie @NLXSK1 @SamsonsRiddle @Flaming Pie your imbecile thoughts, philosophies and holy commitments are summarized, characterized and disposed of in few sentences)

These are the voters keeping Trump’s candidacy alive.He appeals to a regressive, patriarchal American whiteness in which white men prospered, in part because racial and ethnic minorities, to say nothing of women as a whole, were undervalued and underpaid, if not excluded altogether.

There is a portion of the population that feels threatened by unrelenting change — immigration, globalization, terrorism, multiculturalism — and those people want someone to, metaphorically at least, build a wall around their cultural heritage, which they conflate in equal measure with American heritage.

In their minds, whether explicitly or implicitly, America is white, Christian, straight and male-dominated. If you support Trump, you are on some level supporting his bigotry and racism. You don’t get to have a puppy and not pick up the poop.

And acceptance of racism is an act of racism. You are convicted by your complicity.
If you support Hillary, you are on some level supporting her bigotry and racism. You don’t get to have a puppy and not pick up the poop.

And acceptance of racism is an act of racism. You are convicted by your complicity.
If you support Hillary, you are on some level supporting her bigotry and racism. You don’t get to have a puppy and not pick up the poop.

You're too fuckng stupid and subservient to have a cogent mature response. You've been laid low over and over yet you persist with cringe worthy, toxic ignorance. The wall you desire is a defense against confrontation with reality. You said you check riu to get different links and different points of view. You're a fucking liar, shallow, fearful, full of shit and duller than fuck. Youve been sucking that cave man shit and loving it from post one, sow.
You're too fuckng stupid and subservient to have a cogent mature response. You've been laid low over and over yet you persist with cringe worthy, toxic ignorance. The wall you desire is a defense against confrontation with reality. You said you check riu to get different links and different points of view. You're a fucking liar, shallow, fearful, full of shit and duller than fuck. Youve been sucking that cave man shit and loving it from post one, sow.

I spoke to my mother in law about this. Apparently some employers will pay to get a fake SSN for the employees so it looks like they did everything legit on their end. They will show a payroll of minimum wage but since they are illegals, and cannot report him without incriminating themselves, he will pay them 50 dollars a week.

If you support Hillary, you are on some level supporting her bigotry and racism. You don’t get to have a puppy and not pick up the poop.

And acceptance of racism is an act of racism. You are convicted by your complicity.
You still didn't answer BK. Why are people -- mostly right wingers -- publicly bashing the Mexican illegal immigrant who's only option is to accept those jobs? Why not the people who chose profit from hiring them and not hire a legal worker?

Doesn't this sound a bit racist to you? It sounds racist to me.

Yet you dodged BK's very direct and simple question regarding the unequal treatment of desperate Hispanic employees of a rapacious employer. And so I'll throw your words back at you. An acceptance of racism is an act of racism. You are convicted by your complicity.
You still didn't answer BK. Why are people -- mostly right wingers -- publicly bashing the Mexican illegal immigrant who's only option is to accept those jobs? Why not the people who chose profit from hiring them and not hire a legal worker?

Doesn't this sound a bit racist to you? It sounds racist to me.

You work so hard to force together jigsaw pieces not made for each other to justify saying she's racist when the reality is nothing like you claim..
Yet you dodged BK's very direct and simple question regarding the unequal treatment of desperate Hispanic employee of a rapacious employer. And so I'll throw your words back at you. An acceptance of racism is an act of racism. You are convicted by your complicity.
It's not that cut and dry. You should know that.

Across the U.S., there are over 300 cities, counties, and states that are considered "sanctuary cities". These jurisdiction protect criminal aliens from deportation by refusing to comply with ICE detainers or otherwise impede open communication and information exchanges between their employees or officers and federal immigration agents.

Some required reading.
It's not that cut and dry. You should know that.

Across the U.S., there are over 300 cities, counties, and states that are considered "sanctuary cities". These jurisdiction protect criminal aliens from deportation by refusing to comply with ICE detainers or otherwise impede open communication and information exchanges between their employees or officers and federal immigration agents.

Some required reading.
The question wasn't about Sanctuary cities. It was about the behavior of people -- mostly Trump supporting right wingers -- and the biased treatment they give to illegal mexican immigrants who take the only jobs available to them while the people who had a choice aren't even mentioned. I'll ask again:

You still didn't answer BK. Why are people -- mostly right wingers -- publicly bashing the Mexican illegal immigrant who's only option is to accept those jobs? Why not the people who chose profit from hiring them and not hire a legal worker?

Doesn't this sound a bit racist to you? It sounds racist to me.

Yet you dodged BK's very direct and simple question regarding the unequal treatment of desperate Hispanic employees of a rapacious employer. And so I'll throw your words back at you. An acceptance of racism is an act of racism. You are convicted by your complicity.
WikiLeaks CONFIRMS Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS… Then Drops Another BOMBSHELL! Breaking News
What is this "source" of the e-mails? Something special, filched by hooded hackers working in the long Siberian winter darkness? Well,no:

The emails were made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the U.S. State Department as the result of a Freedom of Information Act request.

The FBI and State Department had access to these e-mails during the investigations that went on for almost a year and a half. Up to 1500 agents went through all this stuff before deciding no charges to be brought to Hillary.

Doesn't sound like a bombshell to me. Maybe a firecracker. So tell me, what has Hillary been charged with? Not your truthy sorta beliefy kinda fact but what charges have been brought forward?
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It's not that cut and dry. You should know that.

Across the U.S., there are over 300 cities, counties, and states that are considered "sanctuary cities". These jurisdiction protect criminal aliens from deportation by refusing to comply with ICE detainers or otherwise impede open communication and information exchanges between their employees or officers and federal immigration agents.

Some required reading.

your inability to stay on topic is marvelous.
WikiLeaks CONFIRMS Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS… Then Drops Another BOMBSHELL! Breaking News
Your impotence is not a story of interest

Party To Win 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
Odds as of August 3 at Bovada

Trump Reflects White Male Fragility


Indeed, a Monday report in The Times put it this way: “A New York Times/CBS News poll two weeks ago found that white men preferred her Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, to Mrs. Clinton almost two to one, 55 percent to 29 percent.”

@StevieBevie @NLXSK1 @SamsonsRiddle @Flaming Pie your imbecile thoughts, philosophies and holy commitments are summarized, characterized and disposed of in few sentences)

These are the voters keeping Trump’s candidacy alive.He appeals to a regressive, patriarchal American whiteness in which white men prospered, in part because racial and ethnic minorities, to say nothing of women as a whole, were undervalued and underpaid, if not excluded altogether.

There is a portion of the population that feels threatened by unrelenting change — immigration, globalization, terrorism, multiculturalism — and those people want someone to, metaphorically at least, build a wall around their cultural heritage, which they conflate in equal measure with American heritage.

In their minds, whether explicitly or implicitly, America is white, Christian, straight and male-dominated. If you support Trump, you are on some level supporting his bigotry and racism. You don’t get to have a puppy and not pick up the poop.

And acceptance of racism is an act of racism. You are convicted by your complicity.
That's a lot of jibber-jabber saying a whole lot of nothing
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