Donald Trump

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The report came from Joe Scarborough, the host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” during a segment about national security issues that featured former CIA director Michael Hayden. When Hayden said he knew of no prominent experts working with Trump, Scarborough jumped in:

I’ll have to be very careful here. Several months ago, a foreign policy expert on international level went to advise Donald Trump, and three times he asked about the use of nuclear weapons. Three times he asked, at one point, if we have them, why can’t we use them? That’s one of the reasons he just doesn’t have foreign policy experts around him. Three times, in an hour briefing, why can’t we use nuclear weapons.

It’s just one secondhand account ― and just a few hours later, Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort told interviewers on Fox News that Scarborough’s story was all wrong. “The idea that he’s trying to understand where to use nuclear weapons?” Manafort asked. “It just didn’t happen. I was in the meeting, it didn’t happen.”

But Scarborough, a former Republican congressman, is as well-connected as anybody in Washington these days. One of his show’s regular guests is Richard Haass, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, who met with Trump at least once, in August 2015.

So, because it isn't available on u tube, you refuse to believe a former Republican congressman who is about as well informed as anybody about what is happening regarding this issue. Why would he say this if it isn't true. The Trump campaign denies everything that is inconvenient, event statements made by Trump to an audience with clear video showing he said it. Who am I to believe here, you and Manafort or Scarborough? You lose.
perhaps he needs them to demolish trump tower
The whole "illegals" argument is a head scratcher to me. Broke ass "conservatives" are mad because immigrants are "stealing our jobs". Yet I can't seem to find any anger for the white people who hire them. Could there be other factors contributing to this conservative outrage? Inquiring minds wanna know.

i have been going through the comments on racially charged issues in the facebook news feed lately, looking for racist comments by people so that i could screenshot them, and send them to that person's employer in the hopes of getting them fired.

the only problem is that the people making the racist comments are 100% unemployed and unemployable losers.

kinda like EXLAX1, and flaming pile, and neuterednugs. uncanny.
How are they paying taxes without a SS number, sales tax maybe.

I've never cursed anyone in this forum.

My city holds a celebration every year for those who passed the test.
They are good citizens and I'm proud of them for respecting the laws.

In order to qualify for U.S. citizenship through naturalization, an individual must have had LPR status (a green card) for at least 5 years (or 3 years if he or she obtained the green card through a U.S.-citizen spouse or through the Violence Against Women Act, VAWA). There are other exceptions for members of the U.S. military who serve in a time of war or declared hostilities. Applicants for U.S. citizenship must be at least 18 years old, demonstrate continuous residency, demonstrate “good moral character,” pass English and U.S. history and civics exams, and pay an application fee, among other requirements.

Back before I retired in In late 2001 there was a whole industry in Corona Queens, N. Y. where SS#
Can be bought for $1000 dollars so that illegals can work. Not to mention all the incidental taxes that one pays everyday ( gas, food, purchases...etc). I can't speak for the West Coast. So yes, many illegals are paying payroll and other taxes and never receive benefits.

Some State economies would implode if all the illegals were rounded up and shipped back home.

What about the illegal immigrants that are already here, productive and contributing to the welfare of this nation? Would you support a path toward citizenship for them that isn't punitive?

Nope. They should never become citizens because they broke the law. The government has fucked up so much for so long that it would be chaos to try to send all of them back so a permanent alien status should be developed.

Of course if this is suggested before we build the wall we can expect the illegal immigrant population to double in anticipation.
Nope. They should never become citizens because they broke the law. The government has fucked up so much for so long that it would be chaos to try to send all of them back so a permanent alien status should be developed.

Of course if this is suggested before we build the wall we can expect the illegal immigrant population to double in anticipation.

Some State economies would implode if all the illegals were rounded up and shipped back home.


maybe that happening wouldn't be such a bad thing. maybe then we as a country could spend the billions we spend on educating/feeding/housing/medically treating/imprisoning illegals on something else more worth-while.
maybe that happening wouldn't be such a bad thing. maybe then we as a country could spend the billions we spend on educating/feeding/housing/medically treating/imprisoning illegals on something else more worth-while.

if you're trying to imply that you are a worthwhile cause, think again.
Nope. They should never become citizens because they broke the law. The government has fucked up so much for so long that it would be chaos to try to send all of them back so a permanent alien status should be developed.

Of course if this is suggested before we build the wall we can expect the illegal immigrant population to double in anticipation.
That wall isn't going to get built. Regardless who wins. Trump did one good act when he blathered about that wall. He encouraged people to get educated about the issue of putting a wall on the border and here is what happened:


See that sharp downward jag at the beginning of 2016? That's the Trump education effect. People, knowing that Trump wouldn't study up started learning in self defense. The result is an immediate drop in support for the fucking thing. Its going to cost 40 billion dollars and run up a recurring 40 billion dollar bill every 7 years. It won't get built. People don't support it even when Trump et. al. under-scope the project in terms of effort and cost.
They are here, they are contributing, they are doing jobs for wages that US citizens, black or white won't do for those wages. Ferreting out eleven million people, many with family members that are here legally would be costly and disruptive to industries that employ them as well as socially. The cost and harm to the US isn't worth Trump's pogrom to find and deport them. They are contributing more to this country than many of the white people who complain about them. What would satisfy you for them to be brought into the US legally?
Can I get an AMEN!

That wall isn't going to get built. Regardless who wins. Trump did one good act when he blathered about that wall. He encouraged people to get educated about the issue of putting a wall on the border and here is what happened:


See that sharp downward jag at the beginning of 2016? That's the Trump education effect. People, knowing that Trump wouldn't study up started learning in self defense. The result is an immediate drop in support for the fucking thing. Its going to cost 40 billion dollars and run up a recurring 40 billion dollar bill every 7 years. It won't get built. People don't support it even when Trump et. al. under-scope the project in terms of effort and cost.
Your wet dream realized in video. She has a brain tumor the size of a large watermelon. LOL

I really like how he's saying there is no truth to Trump's upcoming resignation. Just like Hillary doesn't have "a tumor the size of a watermelon", Trump isn't going to drop out. He makes a point with satirical analogy and it makes sense to me.

An irony is that he goes on by repeating right wingnut media organ grinder's phony stories of Hillary's crimes. Oh and psychotic personality disorder.

In the spirit of that video, I'll make this claim. Did you know that Trump raped a child? Four times. In front of people, yuck.
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