A Cannabinerd's Journey


Well-Known Member
Im probably going to stay with my single ended dinosaurs. My uncle just bought the same lamps you have. I showed him a few of your pics. I think it was your glue pics. He had a really good harvest. Ill get maybe 4-6 more DE down the line i think. There awesome shit!!!! Don't want to start anything but from what I've seen with me over here is that the buds on the single ended are way bigger. More yield on the DE because of the foot print and one can spread out and barley prune or one can cram in a bigger area with more plants. Maybe i just need to play with the DE lamp more, this was just my observation on the one DE run. But who knows i may swap out my 12 SE lamps for lets say 9 DE's. I love life!!!!! Fucking blessed is what we all are!!!!!!!!!
Me and AP have been talking allot about the bigger bud thing lately.
I sware bro, if the DE's get too close it equals smaller buds;-) especially with the cookie cuts:-(


Well-Known Member
I feel like a big piece of shit when I don't get 2lb's a light now :-D DE's are the shit(Bigger footprint)
I can't even imagine what mendo would do under de mono cropped, but im guessing damn near 4lbs running 12 per light lol. I can't wait to give it a try cuz they get about 3.5 a plant under a se bulb, gonna get enough cuts together for 2 lights for the new pad and go for the gold!


Well-Known Member
I can't even imagine what mendo would do under de mono cropped, but im guessing damn near 4lbs running 12 per light lol. I can't wait to give it a try cuz they get about 3.5 a plant under a se bulb, gonna get enough cuts together for 2 lights for the new pad and go for the gold!
4lb's? Gtfo lol

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I can't even imagine what mendo would do under de mono cropped, but im guessing damn near 4lbs running 12 per light lol. I can't wait to give it a try cuz they get about 3.5 a plant under a se bulb, gonna get enough cuts together for 2 lights for the new pad and go for the gold!
Who's running 12 per light? What type of grow system?


Well-Known Member
4lb's? Gtfo lol
I wouldn't doubt it man, I've heard people getting 4 with the right cut and I think I've heard of mendo being one of them, it's such a massive yielder, I'm guessing each mendo under the DE got 4.5zips or more each :) I wish I had more plants to fit in but I was 7 plants short for the run and 1/2 were cookies :(


Well-Known Member
Thats massive!!!!!
Fuck yeah it is, and the mendo is like Goliath compared to glue! I can't wait to set up the new room :D

These 2 mendos were vegged for 5 weeks and would probably get 7+ zips each under a de, I'd need about 8 or 9 of them under a de tho, not 12. I'd flip at 3 weeks, maybe 3.5 weeks tops for 12 plants under a de.
Then again, it's all strain dependant because these lanky bitches are about the same age and I'd Def need 12 per light

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member

More like 7weeks when i do 10 trees in a 4'x8'. But i really do take it easy on them at first. I totally know i could do it a little faster. It's all about having to top the shit out of these bomb ass strains we grow
And hardly any larf or none at all? Because thats what i found was the case. Just solid bud from top to bottom. Was unreal actually.